Since said update, LR goes into "not responding" mode with CPU usage "very high" and does not come back. Killing the LR task and restarting does not help.
System: Ryzen 9 5900X, 64 GB, GeForce RTX 3060 with latest Studio Driver
The team is requesting a few logs from those of you on this thread. The logs are found at %appdata%/Adobe/CameraRaw/Logs%appdata%/Adobe/CameraRaw/Logs.
Same here! Mine crashes constantly-no matter what mundane task I'm doing. I've updated drivers, uninstalled and reinstalled, and chatted with 'help' person. NOTHING! Beyond frustrated that I, and it sounds like many others, cannot get our workload completed. Plus, I'm paying for this frustration! Arghhhhh
Hi Grohacke I had/have the same issue. Maybe you can resolve it by deactivating all the presets and if you have also Photoshop installed check the performace settings of Photoshop and optimize them. It is strange that you have to update also the Photoshop settings to optimize Lightroom Classic but the latter uses Camera Raw without having the possibility to optimize the settings of that program because it starts in the background. Next to that, I don't understand how the Develope module gets very slow because you have 100s of presets installed? You only use them in lightroom on picture level and you cannot use them on masking level but Lightroom Classic gets seriously slow.
You can rename the Settings folder to Settings.old and create a new one when you don't use Lightroom Classic. You find the folder here: C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\Settings
I have version 13.0.1 installed. I've tried with and without GPU checked. LRCC is barely usable. It's "stops responding' with anything I try to do, whether it's importing photos, editing photos, whatever. Literally every few seconds, it stops responding, and I have to wait for it to start again. Took over 30 minutes to import 400 photos. I'm running Windows 10 with NVidia 1660 Graphics card. No crash reports, it just stops responding, and I have to wait for it to start up again.
I have exactly the same problem. Ver 13.0.1 in place. Dies after a few actions, but not in any repeatedly sequence. Never a crash report, even after setting registry. Uninstalled-reinstalled, turned off graphics card. Do I need to revert to V12? Product is basically unusable now.
Are we getting closer to a fix? Do you still need logs?
Installed 13.0.2 this morning, better but I have had two crashes in the last hour. One when working with denoise the other on startup. There are still issues out there!
Hallo mein Freund, wurde der Fehler behoben ? Ich habe selbes Problem hier. Bin richtig frustriert. Habe zwei dicke Computer. Einer mit einer P4000 Quadro Grafikkarte und einen mit der RTX3050Ti. Beide Karten gelistet als Referenz. Lightroom Classic macht immer Ärger bei Einsatz einer Maske ! O.ä. Ich habe den PC neu aufgesetzt. Alle Steps die Möglich sind durchgeführt. Kompatibilätsmodus überprüft. Alles koorekt. Komischerweise laufen die 3D Games auf dem anderen PC mit Rendering einwandfrei. Keine Abstürze. 'Karte in diesen Computer gebaucht..Hier Abstürze....dann Adobe auf dem anderen System installiert, weil ich noch eine Installation frei hatte, auch da funktioniert es nicht. Bei Capture one habe ich null Probleme. Bei Photoshop spinnt er, Photopea läuft ohne Probleme.
Ich habe bis vor 3 Monaten noch auf Lightroom 6 gesetzt.
Mir jetzt das update gegönnt nach langer Überlegung, wegen der GPU Beschleunigung und alles ist unbrauchbar.