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After updating to LRC 13, all my HEIC files turned out totally green. even importing into PS they remain green.
Till using MacIOS Sonoma 14.3, the trick was to reimport as .jpg, but after updating to 14.4 this trick doesn't work any longer.
anyone else with this issue ?
[moved from bugs to discussions according to the community rules - Mod.]
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If you open one of these files with Preview, how does it look? Are you auto-applying a profile?
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it still looks totally green and I'm not applying any profile; I tried changing the different settings but no change. besides, I have the same issue when opening with PS and only occasionally when exporting as jpg
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I have just noticed a quick time gap right after uploading of the catalogue, and only 1 second aftewards the photo turns green. I have checked once more if any preset is requested to be applied when uploading the photos but there's absolutely nothing. what really puzzles me is that uninstalling the LRD 13 to go back to latest LRC 12 , the green issue disappear...
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What camera?
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it's an iphone 14 plus, but the green issues comes out also on any old HEIC file
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I have the same issue too, where my photos shot on iPhone 14 Pro Max in HEIC format, have a total green tint when I import them into Lightroom 13, on a Mac running OS14 Sonoma.
I've tried updating to all latest software updates for the phone, Mac, and Lightroom, and I still have the same issue.
When I view the HEIC photo on the Mac Preview app, it looks normal and there is no green tint. So I export the HEIC photo in Preview to JPEG format and imported into Lightroom as JPEG and there's no green tint.
I changed the iPhone setting to shoot in "Most Compatible" JPEG format, and the total green tint is gone when I import into Lightroom. I prefer the smaller file size of the high efficiency HEIC format, but will now shoot in JPEG until there is a fix.
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Please upload a problem HEIC to Dropbox, Google Drive, or similar and post the sharing link here. We can see if the issue occurs in other LR installations and start narrowing down the conditions under which the problem occurs.
I have many HEIC files in my LR catalog, including from an Iphone 14 Pro Max, and the problem doesn't occur for me (LR 13.2, Mac OS 14.4.1).
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Here are two examples. After a second after importing they turn tolally green. Other HEICs have the same issue.
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Those two pics import correctly in my LR 14.0.1 / Mac OS 14.6.1 / Macboook Pro M2 Max. Do all three troubleshooting steps:
1. Remove them from the catalog, Set Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor to Off, and re-import them. Still turn green?
2. With Use Graphics Processor set to Auto, quickly test whether there is an incompatible or corrupted display profile assigned:
3. Do the LR menu command Help > System Info and copy/paste the entire contents here so we can see exactly which versions of hardware and software LR thinks you're running and important LR options that are set.
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Lightroom Classic-versie: 14.0.1 [ 202410161356-30922cfc ]
Licentie: Creative Cloud
Taalinstelling: en
Besturingssysteem: Mac OS 15
Versie: 15.1.1 [24B91]
Toepassingsarchitectuur: x64
Aantal logische processors: 4
Processorsnelheid: 3,5GHz
SQLite-versie: 3.36.0
Ingebouwd geheugen: 32.768,0 MB
Het toegewezen GPU-geheugen dat door Lightroom wordt gebruikt: 139,3MB / 2.048,0MB (6%)
Beschikbaar fysiek geheugen voor Lightroom: 32.768,0 MB
Fysiek geheugen gebruikt door Lightroom: 3.110,1 MB (9,4%)
Virtueel geheugen gebruikt door Lightroom: 58.355,1 MB
Cachegeheugengrootte: 690,4MB
Interne Camera Raw-versie: 17.0 [ 2043 ]
Maximumaantal door Camera Raw gebruikte threads: 3
Camera Raw SIMD-optimalisatie: SSE2,AVX,AVX2
Virtueel geheugen Camera Raw: 83MB / 16383MB (0%)
Fysiek geheugen Camera Raw: 85MB / 32768MB (0%)
NT- RAM:0,0MB, VRAM:0,0MB, Combined:0,0MB
m:690,4MB, n:0,0MB
U-main: 97,0MB
Standaardgrootte voorvertoning: 5120 pixels
Schermen: 1) 5120x2880, 2) 2560x1440
Metal: AMD Radeon R9 M290X
Beginstatus: In de aangepaste modus wordt GPU voor weergave standaard ondersteund voor beeldverwerking en exporteren
Gebruikersvoorkeur: Uit
Toepassingsmap: /Applications/Adobe Lightroom Classic
Bibliotheekpad: /Users/bertkoot/Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom Catalog.lrcat
Map Instellingen: /Users/bertkoot/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom
Geïnstalleerde plug-ins:
1) AdobeStock
2) Aperture-/iPhoto-importeerprogramma-plug-in
3) Flickr
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Excuse my Dutch ;o) Setting the Graphics Processor to Off did not make any difference. The HEICs are shown correctly after the import and turn into green after a couple of mSecs.
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And what are the results of:
2. With Use Graphics Processor set to Auto, quickly test whether there is an incompatible or corrupted display profile assigned:
If the display profile looks good, then some additional steps:
4. Are you applying a develop preset in the Import window's Apply During Import > Develop Settings? Take one of the photos into Develop and look at the History panel. If you are, there will be a history step showing it.
5. "AMD Radeon R9 M290X". That graphics processor is ten years old, and AMD stopped supporting it 2.5 years ago:
It's very possible that LR is tripping over bugs in the old graphics driver that are only triggered with HEICs but not JPEGs.
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Thanks for your help. It must be the age of my Radeon graphic card. Suggestions 2 and 4 did not make any difference.