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I've been having an export error in the program for a few weeks now.
Lightroom exports the selection twice and the progress bar in the dock disappears while it keeps exporting. The first export is fast and when the progress bar disappears in the dock, not in the interface, it starts overwriting the images and the new export is very slow.
I have the latest update and it happens to me since the previous one.
Has this happened to any of you? Thanks!
Versión de Lightroom Classic: 13.0.1 [ 202310121438-d2af310c ]
Licencia: Creative Cloud
Configuración de idioma: es-ES
Sistema operativo: Mac OS 12
Versión: 12.7.1 [21G920]
Arquitectura de la aplicación: x64
Cantidad de procesadores lógicos: 4
Velocidad del procesador: 1,8GHz
Versión de SqLite: 3.36.0
Memoria incorporada: 8192,0 MB
Memoria real disponible para Lightroom: 8192,0 MB
Memoria real usada por Lightroom: 1095,0 MB (13,3%)
Memoria virtual usada por Lightroom: 40.288,1 MB
Tamaño de memoria de caché: 43,1MB
Versión interna de Camera Raw: 16.0 [ 1677 ]
Número máximo de subprocesos que usa Camera Raw: 3
Optimización de SIMD de Raw de cámara: SSE2,AVX,AVX2
Memoria virtual de Camera Raw: 3303MB / 4095MB (80%)
Memoria real de Camera Raw: 3562MB / 8192MB (43%)
Tamaño de previsualización estándar: 1440 pÃxeles
Pantallas: 1) 1440x900
Información de procesador gráfico:
Metal: Intel(R) Iris(TM) Graphics 6000
Estado inicial: GPU para la visualización compatible de forma predeterminada
Preferencia del usuario: Automático
Carpeta de la aplicación: /Applications/Adobe Lightroom Classic
Ruta de la biblioteca: /Volumes/3TB/00_Work/01_Corporativo/20231121 | EC Valdemarin/lr_ec/lr_ec.lrcat
Carpeta de ajustes: /Users/marinapalacios/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom
Plugins instalados:
1) Plug-in de conexión al equipo de Nikon
2) Adobe Stock
3) Flickr
4) JPEGmini
5) Plugin importador de Aperture/iPhoto
Indicadores config.lua: None
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As a first troubleshooting step, try resetting LR's preferences:
LR sometimes soils its preferences file, and resetting it can fix all sorts of wonky behavior. That article explains how to restore the old preferences if resetting doesn't help.
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Done buy doesn't solve it...
Attached video of the problem!
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Step 1:
Show us a complete view of your Export Dialog. without that - the video is not very helpful.
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It looks like you have two presets selected in the LH Column. That will make two files.
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But it doesn't make two files, it exports once and then remove those files and export again (as in the video).
Could it be a bug in the JPEG Mini plugin? Because if I export without inserting it it only makes one export.
I've been using the plugin for years and until the last update that has never happened...
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"Could it be a bug in the JPEG Mini plugin? Because if I export without inserting it it only makes one export."
Does the problem occur when you export with just one preset selected (not two)?
And with just one preset selected, does the problem go away when you don't insert the JPEG Mini plugin as a post-processing action?
If the answer to both questions is yes, then you may be tripping over a LR 13 bug that affects plugins that provide post-processing actions:
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I wrote the JPEG Mini support and this is his words:
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"The Publish workflow stopped working."
This is the same bug that affects other post-process-action plugins, as linked above:
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"The Export workflow performance has decreased. This is especially noticeable when exporting a significant number of images (1000 or so). This is because LrC changed the way it activates the JPEGmini plugin. In the previous versions, it started the JPEGmini optimization in parallel with exporting images. In version 13, on the contrary, it exports all the images first, then it proceeds to the optimization post-processing step. This results in significantly lower CPU loads and hence much longer export operations."
This change occurred at least as far back as 2019 -- see this post:
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Is it possible you have ticked the 'Batch Export' boxes on two Export Presets?
Like this? This could indeed do two exports of each image..
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