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Hi I have experianced very annoying issue, i shoot in slog profile raw and images look fine in library when i click on develop, lightroom is changing their colour or applying some preset automaticaly, i have already reinstalled i look for answers everywhere, plese help
i shoot in slog profile raw
Camera settings, like S-log (which seems to be a setting designed for video) do not affect raw files.
But they are applied to the jpg preview embedded in the raw file. Lightroom doesn't understand camera settings, and ignores them, unless they are written in XMP, which an increasing numbers of cameras do.
My guess is that you have chosen Embedded & Sidecar under Build Previews in LR's import dialog, so you're seeing the e
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Show us an example, same photo in Library and develop. Include screen captures by using the "Insert Photos" icon. Do not attach files.
What does the History panel say in the Develop Module?
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the first picture is a screenshot from the library and the second is just by clicking develop
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I also experience this and would like to know what's going on.
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Hi, I don't know if you've found the solution to this yet, but the issue is with your camera's DRO (Dynamic Range Optimisation) setting. If you set any picture profile settings in your camera to OFF, you'll then be able to turn DRO to OFF as well, and the problem will dissapear. I've struggled with this problem for several months now and figured out the problem yesterday; there's something about how DRO interfaces with Lightroom when tethered that creates these awful contrast shifts. Something Sony and Adobe should work out between them I think!
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@defaultiyjheqqiagkv Something appears to be wrong with the preview in Loupe View in the Library module. If you look at the histograms in both modules, they are the same. Based on the histogram, the Develop version of the image looks correct to me.
What happens if in the menu bar, you go to Library -> Previews -> Build standard previews?
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nothing basically happens everything seems to be the same 😞
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1. What Profile was applied in the develop module?
2. Is your monitor profile corrupt?
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i dont think anything is wronge with monitor as yesterday I edited Log pictures without any issue 😞
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@defaultiyjheqqiagkv I spent some time researching the Sony Slog profile. From what I can tell, that profile results in a very flat image with the intention of further processing/color grading. I suspect that LrC is displaying the image correctly in Library Loupe View, and also correctly in the Develop module once a regular profile is applied.
It seems that Slog is more generally used in video than stills.
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thank you @KR Seals for your time that is correct it has flat colours to be able to enhance the way you like not the way LrC likes while in develop mode I have to bring down contrast and sautration to be able to have flat image so it is not just way of displaying as it should be flat with 0 values
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i shoot in slog profile raw
Camera settings, like S-log (which seems to be a setting designed for video) do not affect raw files.
But they are applied to the jpg preview embedded in the raw file. Lightroom doesn't understand camera settings, and ignores them, unless they are written in XMP, which an increasing numbers of cameras do.
My guess is that you have chosen Embedded & Sidecar under Build Previews in LR's import dialog, so you're seeing the embedded preview in Library. The develop module renders its own preview from the raw file.
The raw file contains all the data from the sensor, and you can edit it to look like the S-log jpg if you like.
There might also be a camera matching profile that renders the raw file the way you want.
You can see available profiles in the Profile browser in the Basic panel in Develop.
You can create a preset containing a camera matching profile to be applied automatically on import in Preferences > Presets.
Also consider setting Build Previews to any other option than Embedded & Sidecar in the Import dialog.
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Try a linear profile from here:
S-log is almost linear but not quite.
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This is the correct answer. In camera settings like S-log do not affect the raw data at all. Just the embedded jpeg preview. That is what you see in library. Develop shows you the actual raw data interpreted using the default profile. Classic does not have an s-log like profile but it does have flatter lower contrast profiles if you prefer that as a standard profile or just dial in a low contrast default. The reason it does not have an s-log profile is that s-log is really only useful for video where you can increase the dynamic range you can fit in the low bit range video files by rendering in very low contrast. You don't need to do this for raw as raw files always contain the full bit range of the sensor. So there is no point whatsoever in using it for still images shot in raw.