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Frequently when using LR in Library module, grid view, the position indicator on the scroll bar disappears. Sometimes I can bring it back by reducing thumbnail size but not always. Sometimes shutting LR down and restarting restores it at normal thumbnail size but sometimes restarting doesn't do a thing. I hope there is a fix for this because it's a giant pain.
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Hi there,
Sorry that the Lightroom scroll bar in the Library module gets disappeared unexpectedly.
Which version of Lightroom Classic are you using? To verify the version you're using, choose Help> System info from Lightroom Classic menu bar.
Would you mind restoring Lightroom Classic app preferences to default and let us know if the issue still persists? Please refer this article for step by step instructions:
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I am on the photography plan so am using the latest version 9.2.1. Resetting preferences would be inconclusive simply because of the erratic nature of the performance. Here's what I mean. Sometimes simply shutting LR down and restarting will restore the scroll bar. Other times shutting down and restarting does nothing. So if I'd delete preferences and restart and scroll bar returned, there's no way to know if the preference deletion did it or if it was one of those times when a simple restart did it! I will do it simply because you asked but don't hold your breath that it will make any difference.
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Any further help? I'm being asked via email to mark any reply as correct and neither of the whopping two replies is correct. Resetting preferences does nothing to address this problem.
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Please Consider including the following in your question:
Adobe product and version number
Operating system and version number
The full text of any error message (s)
What you were doing when the problem occurred
Screenshots of the problem
Computer hardware, such as CPU; GPU; the amount of RAM; etc
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 9.2..1 release
Windows 10 Pro 64bit version 1909
No error message, the scroll bar indicator simply disappears
Doing normal sorting and editing in the Library module grid view
Can't see how to attach screenshot to this reply
AMD Ryzen 9 CPU
4095mb NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 super (msi)
32gb RAM
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Show us a screen capture of you Lightroom Classic screen when this problem happens. Use the "Insert Photos" icon.
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Show us the example where the scroll bar disappears. And please, show us the entire Library module screen, not selected portions of it.
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There was an example of this issue on Wednesday
The absence of the scroll bar is shown in the screenshots provided by the OP.
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It's not that the scroll bar disappears, it's that the indicator you can drag up or down disappears. Here is a photo of the entire screen with the indicator missing from just this morning.
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I see this issue also, even now, so I assume it has not been addresses. This seems to only happen when 'All Photographs' in the catalog section is selected and the thumbnails are made 'larger' than a particular size, this varies whether you have the side panels showing or not. This does not happen in any of the other folders or collections that I have found.
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This still seems to be a 'feature' but it only happens when you are on the 'All Photographs' and your thumbnails are 'large' Make the thumbnails smaller and the bar will show. This does not happen when you are in other folders.
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This only works on the grid view. The film strip still seems to not display.