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Hello. My first check would be to verify that this is really displaying the capture date
And my second check would be, for the two fisrt one that are not in the good order, to look in the metedata if there is the same fields displayed between the first two and the others
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For the responder, and perhaps I do not understand.
That menu you posted in your first screenshot has absolutely nothing to do with sorting.
By sorting, I assume the author is referring to the sort order in grid view and filmstrip, correct? Not what info is in a cell.
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Looks like LrC is having an issue dealing with U.S. date structure vs not U.S date structure.
Using today as an example
Today being the 10th of November.
11/10/2023 vs 10/11/2023
Is LrC having a language issue?
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It doesn't help much to upload a screenshot and then black all the revelent information out.
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[This post contains formatting and embedded images that don't appear in email. View the post in your Web browser.]
When the apparent ordering by date of thumbnails in Grid view seems out of order when doing View > Sort > Capture Time, as in your screenshot, that usually indicates you're tripping over a longstanding bug with how LR handles photos that are missing capture date in their file metadata (e.g. scans or downloads from web services).
To see if that's affecting you, select one of the thumbnails that looks out of order and look in the EXIF tagset of the Metadata panel:
If the Date Time Original field is blank, that means the photo is missing capture date in its file metadata, and you're tripping over the bug.
The workaround:
1. Find all the photos with blank Date Original using the Date column in the Library Filter bar's Metadata browser:
2. Select all the photos.
3. Do the menu command Metadata > Edit Capture Time and immediately click Change All.
This does not, repeat not, REPEAT NOT, change all the photos to the same date/time displayed in the Corrected Time field. Rather, it sets each photo's Date Time Original field to have the same date/time as displayed under its thumbnail.
Adobe tried and failed to fix this (and related bugs) a couple times many years ago.
I've given up on trying to get it fixed.
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! Hello,
In fact, I quickly found the answer by chance in the window "Modify the capture time" and choose "Replaced by the date of creation", then validation.
Thank you for your answers
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Right, as described above, the Edit Capture Time command will store a date/time into the EXIF Date Time Original field, avoiding the bug with sorting.