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Map module to be discontinued?

Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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2018-08-20 07_54_44-Start.png

2018-08-20 07_55_30-Start.png

So, as you can see I am running Lightroom 7.4 and I get the message shown above when starting the Map Module. If I go to the web site mentioned in the message, it shows a slightly different message that applies to only Lightroom 4 and 5. So ... we have a contradiction. Can anyone explain if the map module is really going away for current subscribers who as of today use Lightroom 7.4?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

Rikk Flohr, Adobe Official Rep, posted this in the last hour:

Thank you for your patience. After additional investigation, it appears this message was appearing by mistake for some Lightroom Classic 7.4 users. 

The issue with the errant warning message should be fixed now.  You may need to relaunch Lightroom to clear it.  If it still appears after a relaunch, you may need to clear Lightroom’s preferences.


Community Beginner ,
Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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Pretty poor message on the website! "If you want to see this mage on a map, look at it on a  a map" i




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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stewartr43936066  wrote

Pretty poor message on the website!

I agree. It would be more helpful to say:

1. A change in Map calls has been made by Google.

2. To see the location of an image on a map, copy Alt/Option click the coordinates from of the GPS field in the Metadata panel located at the right side in the Map module. Then, search for these coordinates on the Internet.




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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I get the same message- what is going on?




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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My guess is that it only applies to Versions 4 and 5 as stated on the web site.  I suspect that the popup on the Map Module should only pop up on those versions but was not properly coded.




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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JoeKostoss  wrote

My guess is that it only applies to Versions 4 and 5 as stated on the web site.  I suspect that the popup on the Map Module should only pop up on those versions but was not properly coded.

Maybe, but the message is different in Lightroom 7.4 than the one shown on the web page that applied to Lightroom 4 and Lightroom 5. So different coding.




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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I've asked the relevant people for some explanation.




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New Here ,
Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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I am also seeing the message. I'm currently trialling Lightroom Classic with the view to upgrading from Lightroom 5. The main reason for upgrading is the map support so I will be interested in seeing an explanation.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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For me too, the map module is an elementary tool in Lightroom. Since I'm traveling around the world, I want to be able to reproduce the locations of the photos. If the module should drop, then I think, if I do not drop Lightroom with me and change to another product (ceaper price).




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Engaged ,
Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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Same here - I was looking for some explanation for this, and ended up here. I work with the map module every day, so I know for a fact that this message just started appearing today, at least for me.

As some other people have already stated, Map module is one of the reasons I stay with Lightroom. I'm really eager to know for sure whether they are really dropping support for it (or not).

If anyone finds out, let us know! Thanks.




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Participant ,
Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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Finally scraped up  enough money to get GPS feature on my camera. Works like a charm in Lightroom Classic. Now they are going to discontinue it in November?? I am really ticked. Anyone know what other programs have the map feature?




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/belcamp+george  wrote

Finally scraped up  enough money to get GPS feature on my camera. Works like a charm in Lightroom Classic. Now they are going to discontinue it in November?? I am really ticked. Anyone know what other programs have the map feature?

We don't really know if the Map Module is going away, or if this is an error.




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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According to a discussion on https://feedback.photoshop.com it is an error and there will be an update that fixes this soon.

-- Johan W. Elzenga




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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The statement at that link is so vague and unclear that I consider nothing to be settled.




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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dj_paige  wrote

The statement at that link is so vague and unclear that I consider nothing to be settled.

Adobe does not have to release any update at all if it plans to discontinue the map, because the message says that will happen anyway. I assume that the statement is vague because the update is still being tested and there is still plenty of time. It could mean that the next update (7.5) might not yet deal with this if the tests are unsuccessful, but then the one after that (7.6) will.

-- Johan W. Elzenga




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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JohanEl54  wrote

dj_paige   wrote

The statement at that link is so vague and unclear that I consider nothing to be settled.

Adobe does not have to release any update at all if it plans to discontinue the map, because the message says that will happen anyway. I assume that the statement is vague because the update is still being tested and there is still plenty of time. It could mean that the next update (7.5) might not yet deal with this if the tests are unsuccessful, but then the one after that (7.6) will.

The statement could be clear and not vague, right now, today, even if the code is not yet programmed, or the code is not completely tested.




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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dj_paige  wrote

JohanEl54   wrote

dj_paige    wrote

The statement at that link is so vague and unclear that I consider nothing to be settled.

Adobe does not have to release any update at all if it plans to discontinue the map, because the message says that will happen anyway. I assume that the statement is vague because the update is still being tested and there is still plenty of time. It could mean that the next update (7.5) might not yet deal with this if the tests are unsuccessful, but then the one after that (7.6) will.

The statement could be clear and not vague, right now, today, even if the code is not yet programmed, or the code is not completely tested.

Of course, and don't blame me because I didn't issue that statement. However, I think that it's very unlikely that Rikk would have issued any statement at all if Adobe wasn't working on a fix but only planned to perhaps change the discontinuation date. I'm convinced that he made that statement in an -obviously failed- attempt to reassure us.

-- Johan W. Elzenga




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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I went to the site recommended in the popup and It was unsecured and unavailable




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Engaged ,
Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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I just noticed something - while the link (adobe.com/go/lightroom-map) only mentions LR 4 and LR 5, if you look to the right, you'll see Lightroom Classic CC is actually mentioned:


This is not looking good... Still, I really hope it's just an error...




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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Rikk Flohr, an Adobe official, wrote elsewhere that "An update for Lightroom 7.x will be release shortly that should affect this issue."




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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Which is so vague as to be meaningless.

"Affect this issue" could mean anything. You can interpret this in a lot of ways. If it is true that the map module will not be discontinued, then why not simply say "The map module will not be discontinued".

"Affect this issue" could mean Adobe is planning to change the date on which the Map Module goes away, or it could mean that it will remain with reduced functionality, or a bazillion other things.

I will not accept vagueness as an answer.




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New Here ,
Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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I have also seen this today. Very alarming, and confusing.

Maps is part o the reason I like LR... can just tag images with GPS and see exactly where I was.

The website says it will be discontinued "for LR4 and LR5", which is fair enough... very old.

But I'm paying Adobe a monthly fee for LR Classic CC, and the web page also says its "applies to LR Classic CC".

Is this another ruse to get us to move over to the cloud based LR CC?? (Which I will never do, for far too many reasons that I'm able to list here). If map view drops out of LR Classic CC it could be the final nail to make me take a serious look at one of the alternatives...

Please clarify/fix this Adobe...




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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Great news ...

I also chose Lightroom for the map module and the location of my photos.

I pay for LR Classic CC and don't see why we cannot get any support.

Has anybody been able to chat with Adobe. I find this option very user unfreindly.




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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I have no contact with Adobe whatsoever. But it seems to me that this is an issue that has come up unexpectedly, and everyone is going to have to wait until Adobe is ready to clarify it. A thread like this one can continue endlessly with all kinds of speculation. Hundreds or thousands of users had threatened to leave because this wonderful feature "could" be going away. But nobody really knows what is going to happen. The only thing anyone can do until Adobe officially clarifies what is happening is wait and see. If you want to go look for other alternatives, do it. If this is going to ruin your workflow, that's too bad. But do you really know that it's going to happen for the current version? The best thing to do, in my opinion, is just wait for an official announcement from Adobe. When that happens, then you can make your decision. Until that happens, all this speculation is simply utter nonsense.




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Aug 20, 2018 Aug 20, 2018

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Just off the phone with Adobe Customer "Care." For the first 20 minutes the rep insisted that NO future versions of LR would support Maps and that he would send me via email info and workaround suggestions. I kept explaining to him the disconnect between the versions 4 & 5 mentioned in the pop up window and the current version but he said Maps are over across the board. Then he put me on hold and 10 minutes later came back to tell me he had no info or workarounds to send me but I would have to use "other software" for geotagging from now on. I said it is inconceivable that that LR would just drop one of its modules and have no further info and that they would be be getting 1000 calls on this before we hung up. And I demanded to speak to a supervisor. After more time on hold, the same idiot came back on the line to tell me that only versions 4 & 5 were affected and it was like we weren't arguing about exactly that for 30 minutes. The rep was so completely incompetent and undertrained that I'm not sure what to believe but my guess is that the current and future versions will still have Maps.




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