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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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When I use the Generative AI Remove I can't see what its done in cases of small areas because you need to 'remove' the symbols superimposed on the image by the app.
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@hughl22802502: "When I use the Generative AI Remove I can't see what its done in cases of small areas because you need to 'remove' the symbols superimposed on the image by the app. "
In the Remove panel, set Tool Overlay to Auto and move the mouse out of the image. Alternatively, set Tool Overlay to Never. Use the keyboard shortcut H to cycle overlay modes.
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Hi, the problem I have is removing a darker object against a lighter background. LRC removes the object but leaves a light shadow which it will not get rid of.. example attached. I have tried keeping the first try and then trying again but to no avail.
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@JeffP3456: "LRC removes the object but leaves a light shadow which it will not get rid of."
I was able to quickly remove the branch from your screenshot:
You've likely applied Remove on top of an AI mask (e.g. Background). Do Settings > Update AI Settings to recompute the mask.
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Just sharing my 2 cents, as Gen Remove was driving me crazy on a few pictures.
I was selecting only the people on the beach, thought I was including enough of the background.
It kept giving me... very weird things.
Almost looks like there's no shadow or reflection given the weather but... actually, there's a diffuse "reflection" just below the people, in the stagnant water in the sand.
Once I included this reflection in the selection, remove worked perfectly!
I found a few other examples of extremely overcast days, where a shadow is really difficult to see, but you still need to include the tiny one existing, for the remove to work properly.
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@AlexJz, "Once I included this reflection in the selection, remove worked perfectly!"
Yeah, Generative Remove is very clever at matching shadows and reflections.
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Indeed. I just wanted to include some food for thought, as I'm seeing a lot of people in this thread saying it doesn't work.
For a few second after the update, I myself thought maybe it was the new version.
But after a few seconds I found the bug, me 🙂
I only struggled to remove half of an engraving on metal; but I mean, this is completely to be expected, given how such an AI works.
Only "disappointing" thing I found so far: you pretty much have to do this as the very first step in the process.
I tried doing gen remove after having applied some develop settings, and the removed zone wouldn't match the color correction that were made.
In Photoshop terms, it would be great if it were applied on the "base" layer of the photos, without taking into account the adjustments layers on top.
But that's extremely minor.
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@AlexJz: "you pretty much have to do this as the very first step in the process."
That's how Adobe designed it, though it doesn't match many people's natural workflow. Often, you don't know which objects you should bother removing until you've cropped and applied basic editing. Adobe's recommended order of operations, along with more details about shadows and reflections, are detailed in this article:
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In ACR it is possible to see the uncropped image when applying Remove.
That option solves the problem with cropped images.
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@C.Cella: "In ACR it is possible to see the uncropped image when applying Remove."
That's good. LR 14 disables Lens Blur while Remove is open but not Crop (or Transform or Lens Corrections), even though Crop is used much more often than Lens Blur. There's a feature request for LR to do that:
Hopefully LR will soon follow ACR.
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Hi! I'm noticing that after using the generative ai remove feature, the feature stops working. The removals don't make sense or do a transparent removal. All images are of the same subject.
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Did you apply any basic edits before using remove?
It should be the very first step on the image, before any other edits.
I think I remember it doing something like this when applied after.
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i used to find the AI remove tool really good but it seems to have deteriorated recently. I am not sure if it is since i updated to latest version but sometimes it does nothing, other times it just makes it a more opaque version of what was there and they are not hard removals to do so i dont understand why it is struggling
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Yes!!! It was working great for about an hour or two and now all of a sudden the removals aren't opaque and are essentially useless.
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@lizannec24357135: "I am not sure if it is since i updated to latest version but sometimes it does nothing, other times it just makes it a more opaque version of what was there and they are not hard removals to do so i dont understand why it is struggling"
@daneg47269868: "Yes!!! It was working great for about an hour or two and now all of a sudden the removals aren't opaque and are essentially useless."
1. Uncheck Detetct Objects (on by default in LR 14) -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos.
2. After clicking Remove, check that the Opacity slider is 100 -- LR infrequently changes it to something else.
3. See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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It does a pretty good job but it's a little disappointing that it can't recreate grain at all. End up with really nice removals that look painfully obvious because its entirely smoothed over.
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Forgot to mention this is about Lightroom though I think Photoshop might do the same thing when it comes to gain.
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ho bisogno di un aiuto. nin funziona e se mando un immagine non vi mostro il problema perchè la rimozione non fa assolutamente nulla.
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Verify your GPU preferences are correct and you have Full GPU acceleration or at least have "Use GPU for image processing" enabled.
LrC often regresses GPU option and doens't tell you.
Also as @johnrellis said in the thread try disabling your firewall as it might prevents Generative Fill to work.
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And if C.Cella's suggestions don't help, see this previous reply:
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The system needs to be trained on some simple things like blurred / out-of-focus chain link fences. Can spend a bit of time selecting out of focus chain link fencing (in hopes of cleaning up the background in some zoo photos) and Generative Remove replaces it with.... more blurred chain link fencing. Like, come on.
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@Soulflare007: "Can spend a bit of time selecting out of focus chain link fencing (in hopes of cleaning up the background in some zoo photos) and Generative Remove replaces it with.... more blurred chain link fencing."
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Abbiamo bisogno che lo strumento rimozione con AI elimini quello che selezioniamo, non che lo sostuisca con facce deformate, oggetti inventati, e così via. Come è strutturato al momento purtroppo fa perdere tantissimo tempo
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@NoemiCoen: "We need the AI ​​removal tool to delete what we select, not replace it with deformed faces, invented objects, and so on."
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.