‎Mar 05, 2025
05:53 AM
Using this thread to ask a question, since there's quite a bit of knowledge: I tried this week end using Gen remove on an image I wanted to export a HDR version as well. If I do the remove while HDR is on, going back to SDR mode, the replaced portions are almost complete dark. Reverse happens if I do the remove on the SDR version, switching to HDR yields pure white. My first reflex was to kill any AI masks; none were impacted in any case by the Gen remove, and it didn't change anyway. Am I missing something or is it not possible to do that?
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‎Feb 23, 2025
01:17 PM
@Charlie.D Today, I have tried various selections of photos when exporting my latest photos. Number of photos exported doesn't matter; method neither (save on device/export as). But there's a few specific photos, that trigger a complete freeze of the export. I started subdividing the selection into small chunks, until I managed to isolate a few photos that blocked. For those photos, there's absolutely no way of exporting them using the batch export (long press on the photo, to get the contextual bar on the bottom), even if they're the only one selected. I can however export them without any issue when I have it in "edit" mode/full screen. Issue is.. I cannot find anything that would differentiate them from the rest: - all seem synchronized on the cloud already - they have pretty much the same masks; I actually used one of them to copy/paste settings on the others - same camera
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‎Feb 04, 2025
01:18 PM
@Charlie.D iPad M4 13", iPad OS 18.3 public release (22D63) on the Lr version mentioned above. In every single case, the photos were imported on the device from a SD card. The album where they were imported into are always set to "Store Locally". iPad has plenty of space left (about 150GB). Camera are either Leica Q2 or SL2, DNG files. They don't support content credential. I can double check, but I never changed this setting, so it should be the one by default. It's never a specific file: if I force restart the app, then the exact same batch export works. And once it works, the batch of images can always be exported. I often have AI Masks on my photos, though not always: it's either Subject or Sky. Plus some classic masks like brush, linear/radial gradient. Never any background blur like mentioned above. Subject/sky/linear were used this time. Batches are never that big, around 15 to 30 photos I would say. While I'm not 100% certain, I have a hunch that it always/often happens when the photos have just been imported. i.e. photos imported, edited, and exported without the app being exited/restarted/background suspended by iPad OS. It was definately the case this time, and at least 2 other times. I will try to make some tests as soon as I can, to test this hypothesis. Not sure I will manage before Friday though.
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‎Feb 02, 2025
01:41 PM
@Charlie.D you didn't fix anything... It's been stuck like this for 10min. I have no words. At this point, this is seriously disrespectful. Version 10.1.1 588528/177
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‎Dec 29, 2024
06:33 AM
29th of December and still no update... I have a batch export, that gens stuck everytime now. This is seriously frustrating
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‎Dec 04, 2024
10:26 AM
@valcoholic I could somewhat get behind your argument on HDR: camera today have a vastly superior dynamic range than before, so you could manage to get the same range of colours as the old "HDR". However... the "photo-merge HDR" has NOTHING to do with actual HDR, which is a completely different colour space. The panorama argument is completely ridiculous though... Market/user needs have mainly nothing to do with why Adobe doesn't update the iPad app; at least not the pro/enthensiast marker. For god sake, it's still not even possible to set a custom crop ratio. Or have stacks of photo. There's dozen of very basic features, that have been requested here for the last 7 years. They are doing strictly the bare minimum to update the app with meaningful things, and only integrating something that would do the buzz, and can be used by any influencers on their phones. If they want to make Lightroom something only used by superficial Instagramers, then please let us know now. It shows across not just Lightroom, but also Photoshop or Premiere Rush.. both app being really pathetic, while the competition have simply ported their apps, with all features
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‎Nov 22, 2024
07:51 AM
Did you made the export on a collection which was available offline? (Or you were sure all images were downloaded already?). AI masks on the pictures? I've had this bug only once, I've been trying quite a few things to replicate to provide more info, but I can't figure out how to get it again.
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‎Nov 20, 2024
02:22 AM
Did you apply any basic edits before using remove? It should be the very first step on the image, before any other edits. I think I remember it doing something like this when applied after.
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‎Nov 19, 2024
05:35 AM
Indeed. I just wanted to include some food for thought, as I'm seeing a lot of people in this thread saying it doesn't work. For a few second after the update, I myself thought maybe it was the new version. But after a few seconds I found the bug, me 🙂 I only struggled to remove half of an engraving on metal; but I mean, this is completely to be expected, given how such an AI works. Only "disappointing" thing I found so far: you pretty much have to do this as the very first step in the process. I tried doing gen remove after having applied some develop settings, and the removed zone wouldn't match the color correction that were made. In Photoshop terms, it would be great if it were applied on the "base" layer of the photos, without taking into account the adjustments layers on top. But that's extremely minor.
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‎Nov 18, 2024
12:55 PM
Just sharing my 2 cents, as Gen Remove was driving me crazy on a few pictures. I was selecting only the people on the beach, thought I was including enough of the background. It kept giving me... very weird things. Almost looks like there's no shadow or reflection given the weather but... actually, there's a diffuse "reflection" just below the people, in the stagnant water in the sand. Once I included this reflection in the selection, remove worked perfectly! I found a few other examples of extremely overcast days, where a shadow is really difficult to see, but you still need to include the tiny one existing, for the remove to work properly.
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‎Nov 16, 2024
01:55 PM
I can reproduce the same issue: 1. Share > Export As 2. Settings don't seem to matter; I've tried a few, same outcome 3. Wait for the export progress modal box 4. Select Print out of the iOS share modal/menu 5. Print dialog appears but very quickly disappears By the way after you have done this, it is impossible to re-export anything again. Export settings dialog appears, but the export progress modal never appears. You have a force close Lightroom to be able to re-export again. iPad Pro M4, iPad OS 18.2 (22C5125e), Lr 10.0.1 I can try tomorrow on another iPad with the non-beta iPadOS release.
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‎Nov 16, 2024
11:59 AM
If you have the mail of the account, why don't you do a "Fortgot password" request?
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‎Nov 16, 2024
11:57 AM
Actually, I've done quite a few time this year, even on iPad. Just grab the photos and reorder on PC, need to go to a menu on iPad, and click on Custom Order
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‎Nov 16, 2024
11:49 AM
1 Upvote
That's really not much information to go on. You need to at least post example of what's happening. Could it be that you are taking the pictures in HDR, and when importing they're switched to SDR ?
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‎Nov 09, 2024
04:18 AM
@Charlie.D when it happened: - Local files. I always check "Store Locally" otherwise the app is just plain unusable - Leica Q2 or SL2 DNG files - Original files, not denoised/enhanced - Export was at 4096px JPG 80% sRGB or 90% It basically froze with this dialog: Waited a few minutes, it wasn't recovering. Restarted twice, same thing. Only after a hard restart of the application, I was able to do the export once again. It doesn't appear very often to be fair, I can't really find a set of actions that would reproduce it consistently. iPad M4 14 - since Lightroom 10.0.1
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‎Nov 08, 2024
07:33 AM
That's an issue which starts to be reported many times here and elsewhere... There's clearly a batch export issue, where Lightroom will completely freeze randomly on an image. Mentioned here as well: Funny, I received a notification of a post from an Adobe employee on the other post, to get more info.. when I clicked on the link, nowhere to be found, and when I PMed her, no response.
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‎Nov 03, 2024
08:50 AM
I saw this post a few days ago and.... I was dreading using Lightroom on my iPad. And also maybe thought that it would be the first release this year where I wouldn't have any bugs. Just tried exporting 11 photos I took over the week-end. It's always getting stuck on the 6th one, no clue why. Also don't know, could be my batch of photos on the beach but... Generative Remove no longer works. It either leaves a huge ghost of the object/person, or replaces it by another person... I'm so tired of coming here, because I literally cannot finish my edits, after every release.
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‎Oct 23, 2024
08:53 AM
I don't see an export setting where you can specify the border in pixels, unless I'm missing something. Can you post a sample of what you are getting. I don't understand what you mean by "opacity", as the border is around the picture itself, I don't see how opacity should play a role. I just updated to 10.0.1, for me it still works fine.
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‎Oct 16, 2024
02:01 PM
I cannot find it on the iPad. I'm guessing this is a desktop only feature then?
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‎Oct 15, 2024
12:08 PM
1 Upvote
Sure. Dozens of people, asking for just feature parity between devices/versions for 6 to 7 years, and still not having it, is "listening" but "not giving a high priority". But hey, we have so many new features in v14, that are the result of their "listening" to the community, I should not complain. Sorry.
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‎Oct 15, 2024
09:22 AM
1 Upvote
@Jill_CI'm sorry; given the number of threads open here, dating back to 2018, asking for simple features, like Denoise on iPad, I really cannot agree. There's quite a few of them, and I'm seeing posts almost every week on them, of people asking for the same thing. LrC is a pretty well rounded app, so there's less to add; but we didn't get much that a few AI features over the last years. They absolutely do not listen one bit to us in this forum, except for bugs to be fair (where they are getting resolved quicker lately).
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‎Oct 14, 2024
11:31 AM
1 Upvote
For what it's worth, I reproduced it in 5mins... Thank god I read this thread first, and exported a sample to a new catalog to try out. FYI, there's a menu to do that in batch: Photo > Develop Settings > Update AI Settings It just took 4mins for 19 photos... that's going to be fun to apply to a whole catalog
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‎Oct 11, 2024
11:10 AM
@JohanElzenga this is pretty much what you said back in 2018. When it's been 6 years and Adobe hasn't done anything to implement a basic feature, there's no need to put "yet" or "not at this time". You can pretty much replace it by "not ever will be". Not only is this quite a crucial feature that existed since very early versions of Lightroom, but it breaks the workflow if you start stackong on your computer and want to continue work on iPad
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‎Oct 04, 2024
12:35 PM
@Tyler_White7934 As you can see, your post was merged. People have been requesting this feature since... 2016. And yet Adobe VP of Photo had the audacity to say during PetaPixel interview that they keep adding new features... 8 years. Not to develop something new; just activate it on iPad.
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‎Sep 22, 2024
01:31 AM
LrC 13.5.1 I guess this is a recurring topic by now... but I haven't found anything recent on how to solve it for my case. Apologies if there's an existing topic. I'm struggling to download back collections that have been synced in Lr. All collections are 100% already on the cloud. In 12 hours, it went from "Syncinc 645" photos" to 540 photos. And it keeps stopping, so I have to keep restarting LrC to continue. No issues with the connection on the laptop, 90mbps stable; it was during the night, so clearly nothing else hogging the internet. Only downloads are in the queue right now, so no conflicts of any kind. What's the suggestion of the day to solve these issues?
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‎Sep 21, 2024
01:05 AM
1 Upvote
For each album, you need to make them available offline actually. Click on the "..." next to the album and enable "Store Locally". "Synced and backed-up" just means that new pictures were uploaded to the cloud, and that every album that was enabled to be offline has been downloaded.
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‎Sep 16, 2024
09:50 AM
Zoom out in mask mode, and auto-fit zoom not turning back on: ok, fixed on my side. Long press for before/after: still a bit longer than before, but could be just a feeling. Should probably be another thread anyway. I must applaude the fix coming out quite quickly. Thanks.
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‎Sep 16, 2024
09:41 AM
1 Upvote
Confirmed fixed. Many thanks
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‎Sep 12, 2024
06:29 AM
@lucianom33123496 what do you mean by frame? Do you mean how to export multiple photos with borders? Unless I missed something, it's not possible strangely
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‎Sep 11, 2024
07:22 AM
1 Upvote
@just eirik for the long press before/after: I have seen that the first time you do it on a photo, it's either extremely long (5 seconds), or doesn't change. But the second time you long press, then it works/faster. Have you tried this, just to check whether this is the same thing? But yeah, when you used to be direct, with no lags, the first time I pressed, I gave up thinking it doesn't work. In regards to what I posted before, photo no longer fitting automatically to screen, not sure anymore whether this is the same bug or not. I can recreate it without going to Masks; I have no clue why it happens. But it's really annoying, because I keep needing to resize manually photos after photo when editing.
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