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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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I wanted to remove lens flare dots from a black background, but the image was underexposed so once exposure was pushed then the background showed noise grain. The noise structure wasn't used as part of the generative replacement, so there's a cleaner patch where I removed the dots. Doing Denoise first was better, but it would be good to be able to remove objects on a noisy background.
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@Terry Payman: "The noise structure wasn't used as part of the generative replacement, so there's a cleaner patch where I removed the dots. Doing Denoise first was better, but it would be good to be able to remove objects on a noisy background."
Adobe recommends doing Denoise first -- see the bottom of this article for the recommended order of operations:
But in general, Remove doesn't always do well matching the noise/grain of the surrounding area -- others have complained here about that too. See here for a way to ameliorate it:
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I hate this new AI remove tool! I just want to be able to remove something out of an image...AI just does whatever the heck it wants to do. I end up having to take the images into PS in order to totally remove objects. This needs to be corrected.
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@GlendaMadaris: "I end up having to take the images into PS in order to totally remove objects. "
When Generative Remove replaces rather than removes in LR but works quick in PS, that usually indicates you're applying Remove to an image that's been cropped by the Crop, Lens Correction, or Transform panels. LR's Remove looks at all the pixels in an image, including those that have been cropped out. Undo those settings, apply Remove, then redo them.
If that doesn't help, see this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Great AI tools in Lightroom.
But when I mark people to be removed, I definitely do not want AI-generated people to replace them 😞
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@Grohacke: "when I mark people to be removed, I definitely do not want AI-generated people to replace them"
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every one of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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In the Generative Remove tool bar, can we get one tool/option that specifically addresses stray hairs, and fly away hairs in portraits? Evato has this in their retouching suite and I keep expecting to see Adobe catch up on a similar tool. It should focus on stands on hair and have options for inside the face, outside of the head, and on the clothes. An automation would speed up the process of retouching hundreds of stray hairs, with a refinement option after the automation has run.
Currently, the tool removes some of the hairs, but for hairs that are close to the hair line, it just tries to create more hair, so its like a line of hair, with a gap of background in the middle.
I think if the tool had a little more instruction regarding stray hair removal, and some learning, it could be extremely powerful, a massive time saver for users, and solve one of the biggest issues portrait photographers face.
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For some reason, only recently, when I use the Remove tool only lately it is replacing not removing. I was trying to remove a person standing behind me in one photo and it kept replacing it with another person. I never was able to just remove it. I'm having the same problem again now. I'm trying to remove a car in the street (my attached image) and it just replaces it with another car. I've tried a bunch of times. You can see the final result is still a car.
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Generative Remove does a good, quick job of removing the car from your screenshot:
Your screenshots indicate that the photo has been cropped. That, combined with the fact I can remove the car from the screenshot, points at the problem: You're apply Remove on a cropped photo. Remove looks at all the photo and is trying to match the unselected, cropped-out photos. Undo Crop, Transform, and Lens Correction (all of which crop out pixels), apply Remove, and then redo those commands.
This is a very common cause of confusion, and LR should really warn users about existing crops or simply disable them while the Remove panel is open, as it does with Lens Blur.
See this article for more details about this and other guidelines for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every one of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Thanks so much! That fixed the problem! And thanks for that link!
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Buen día, la IA en mí en mi LrC no me está funcionando.... No se a que se debe.
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@Jose Alberto Otarola: " The AI in my LrC is not working for me"
Please describe in detail what steps you are taking and what you see (or don't see). If there's an error message, please post a full-resolution screenshot (not a phone pic).
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14.0.1 Release, Camera Raw 17.0
Build [202410161356-30922cfc]
The LR Remove tool kinda sucks honestly. I just want to replace this corner of the photo with more dark corner, but Remove keeps just giving me more versions of what is ALREADY THERE. Why is it called the "Remove" tool if it doesn't remove anything?
Photoshop is much better!
How can two products from the SAME company be so DIFFERENT in this function?
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@Thomas3198030305sb: "tly. I just want to replace this corner of the photo with more dark corner, but Remove keeps just giving me more versions of what is ALREADY THERE"
Your screenshots indicate that the photo has been cropped. That, combined with the fact I can remove the corner from the screenshot and you can remove the corner in PS, points at the problem: You're applied Remove on a cropped photo. Remove looks at all of the photo's pixels and is trying to match the unselected, cropped-out pixels. Undo Crop, Transform, and Lens Correction (all of which crop out pixels), apply Remove, and then redo those commands. (When you send the photo to PS, all those cropped-out pixels are removed and PS doesn't see them.)
This is a very common cause of confusion, and LR should really warn users about existing crops or simply disable them while the Remove panel is open, as it does with Lens Blur.
See this article for more details about this and other guidelines for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every one of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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one feedback is making sure the quality/noise of the generative remove MATCHES the rest of the photo. When zoomed in, the selected is actually removed but afterwards, the quality of the selected area looks more blurred than the the photo quality.
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@Sean23718437xqry: "making sure the quality/noise of the generative remove MATCHES the rest of the photo."
A fair number of people have complained about this. There are a couple issues with grain and textures:
1. The replacement patch supplied by Adobe Firefly has a maximum size of 2048 x 2048 pixels. If the selected area in the photo is larger than that, then the replacement patch gets upscaled (and blurry).
2. Even when there's no upscaling of the replacement patch, Remove doesn't always match textures and grain very well.
For grain in particular, see this post for how to ameliorate the problem by adding the grain back:
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I'm so frustrated with your removal tool. I just want to remove an object and keep the same background. I have regenrated 5 times and it keeps replacing it with weird objects. I have tried just the remove tool and it does the same thing. Im using the newest version of Lightroom classic and hope not to have to use two differnet programs for this since im editing over 500 images. Any suggesstions?
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@prgal: "I have regenrated 5 times and it keeps replacing it with weird objects."
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every one of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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The generative remove will not remove powerlines for me, even if I include an excessive amount of area for it to remove.
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@riley_0222: "The generative remove will not remove powerlines for me"
1. Uncheck Detect Objects (on by default in LR 14) -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos.
2. Power lines usually go to the edges of the photo. If you've applied Crop, Lens Correction, or Transform, undo them, apply Remove, then redo them. Remove looks at all the pixels of a photo and will try to match the unselected cropped-out pixels.
3. See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every one of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Thank you for the detailed update! The new Generative Remove feature sounds like a game-changer, especially with the AI-driven object detection and the ability to circle objects for quicker selection. The batch updating support is also a great addition.
At theandroidnews , we’re always excited to see how Adobe continues to push the boundaries of photography tools. I look forward to testing these updates and sharing feedback on how they perform with complex images.
Keep up the great work!
Best regards,
The Android News
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Hopeless. Frustrating. No value for money as the tool just cannot be used meaningfully. Waste of time.
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"Hopeless. Frustrating. No value for money as the tool just cannot be used meaningfully. Waste of time."
In your previous post in this thread last month, you provided a screenshot of where you wanted to remove a cable, and I pointed out that you should uncheck Detect Objects and review a quick-read tutorial. I also said, "But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly everyone who has posted a problem photo, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects." You never responded.
Using your screenshot, I quickly removed the cables with Generative Remove:
In another thread, you wrote, "Lightroom is unable to remove this cable. I tried a few times, but end result is that the cable stays there, no change!" Again, Generative Remove did a good job of quickly removing the cable:
In another post in this thread, you complained you weren't able to remove a stick crossing front of a rodent. Someone pointed out that you should select the entire stick, not part of it. You never responded. That works well with your screenshot:
In another post in this thread, you complained about not being able to remove sticks from the background, and we pointed out you needed to apply Remove before cropping and do Update AI Settings after applying Remove on an AI mask. You never responded.
The problems you've reported are addressed by this short, five-minute article to which I've referred you before:
Have you read it? If you have, and you're still having problems, show that I'm an idiot by attaching several full-resolution problem JPEGs exported from the unmodified original photos (not a screenshot, not a modified image).
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With the new API the SDK provided in the latest Update I have been able to implement
"Merge Spots"
"Manage Spots"
"Merge Spots" allows to combine any two spots into one, the same we can do when doing "Refine" but this is doable for all type of remove so also for Clone and Heal.
Check the video.
"Manage Spots" allows to delete specific spots within a "Spots Mask"
An existing "Generative Remove" has a subtraction.
At today we can''t get rid of the subtraction Masks alone (or the add mask) ...we must trash the entire Spot.
With my code I can manage the existing Spot(s) properly and, like for masking, I can delete what I don't like selectively.
Morale: a better workflow with Remove is doable.
I will be evolving code and allow to "Extract Sub Spots" and even allow convert them to "add" or "subtract" within the same Spot (basically same conversion we can do for masking)
I shows the plug-in in action with single spots but the plug-in obviously can merge complex/entire brush strokes.