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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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@Gary_Robles8438: "I do have an issue if the object I want to remove is on the top edge of the image."
Objects on the edge require a little extra care, due to LR's non-destructive editing:
1. Uncheck Detect Objects, which doesn't work well with objects on the edge.
2. Undo the commands that can crop pixels -- Crop, Transform, Lens Correction. Apply Remove and then redo those commands. Remove tries to match the unselected, cropped-out pixels. (This is described in the article.)
If this doesn't help, then attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), and most likely we'll be able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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This simply does not work. I highlight the area I want removed and nothing happens, regardless if it's AI, clone or remove. I am using LR classic v13.4
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Hi there, The generative remove works for me in simpler cases but leaves a hard edge around the removal area when the sorrounding area is fairly blank. See the screenshot below where I removed the tree and it leaves the edge and doesn't blend correctly. I am using the latest light room version: 14.0.1
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@Akshay Harshe Photography: "generative remove ... leaves a hard edge around the removal area when the surrounding area is fairly blank."
One cause of this is applying Remove on top of an AI mask, e.g. a Sky mask. Looking at your screenshot, I don't think you did that in this case, but if you did, do Settings > Update AI Settings to recompute the mask.
But in general, Generative Remove (in both LR and PS) sometimes doesn't match the tone of the replacements very well with the original. That looks like the case here. You can ameliorate the problem by using the Heal tool on top of the Remove replacement, using smaller individual irregularly shaped heal strokes along the hard edge:
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Hi John,
Thanks for your reply. I don't have any other AI masks around here. But yes, I used a healing brush on top of the edge to fix that issue. It would be nice to have a Feather setting for the Generative Remove stuff, but this could be by design. In that case, softer blending or an option to feather after will be nice to have.
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@Akshay Harshe Photography: "It would be nice to have a Feather setting for the Generative Remove"
I agree, if Adobe can't get Generative Remove to match the tone of uniform backgrounds. There are a number of examples in the forum of mismatches, and others have asked for feathering too.
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Please...for the love of god!!!!! stop putting random objects back in when we use the remove tool. It is not.....the replace object tool. it is the remove tool.
Stop putting objects back in.....remove the what we are trying to remove, rebuild the background to match and stop!!!!!
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Also see:
These two posts will aid you in using the tool to get better results.
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fix your tool!!!!
there are 652 posts here most of which telling you the same thing. Idk what Victoria Bampton wants everone to do.
fix ths blessed thing!!!! Remove what we need.
tell your g d ai system to NEVER EVER replace what we highligted. Always remove it.
make a secondary tool called the REPLACE object tool if u must but as it exists rn in LR....its beyond frustrating to use and always for the same reason. Stop dancing around the problem several hundred people told you is the problem and just fix it!!!!!
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@photobrad: "Idk what Victoria Bampton wants everyone to do."
That's likely the reason you're not getting good results. Take a few minutes to read that article to learn how to use LR Generative Remove. As it says, "Like any tool, you need to know how to use it properly to get the best results."
"It adds another object like 70% of the time in LR!! maybe 15% in PS"
Generative Remove in LR and PS use the same algorithm, but because LR has non-destructive editing, you have to spend 30 seconds to learn how to handle cropping with LR's Remove. (That isn't an issue with PS, which destructively removes cropped-out pixels.)
But if the article doesn't help, then you must have plenty of examples where LR does poorly compared to PS. Show everyone that we're blind idiots by attaching here full-resolution JPEGs exported from the unmodified original photos (not screenshots).
"there are 652 posts here most of which telling you the same thing"
There are far fewer than 652 posts of people complaining that Remove "replaces" rather than "removes". A large number of the posts concern a catalog upgrade bug with Update AI Settings in LR 14.0, which was quickly fixed by LR 14.0.1 two days later, and there are a fair number of posts about connectivity/firewall problems and outdated graphics drivers.
As of 11/5, 34 people had provided problem photos where they had trouble removing objects. With all of these, we were able to show how to remove the objects easily using the simple techniques described in the article. Since then, there have been some more problem photos posted, with the same results. See here for a listing of all those posts:
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I was revisiting an image that I had previously worked on. I used the LrC Remove tool in several places. When I revisited the image, I updated a mask and added a new Ai mask (Sky, I believe). After that the Remove icon had a red dot under it so I opened Remove and clicked Update All. It totally redid one of the Remove spots I had previously done, with a very different result. I had followed the recommendations in LR Queen's post and had successfully removed an item. When I clcked Update All, it apparently totally redid the Remove and added in something totally new. I had to undo and just ignore the red dot under the Remove icon.
Alan Hunt
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What you report should not be happening.
Currently in LrC Generative Remove should not be changed upon updating Ai Maks.
.What you describe sounds like the bug that LrC 14 introduced.
.Did you update to he latest version of LrC 14.1 ?
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Thats just a crap response. There are almost 700 people telling you that its a problem and here you say that?!?!?
Obviously you don’t actually use this tool. And yes i keep mine updated!!!!!!
It adds another object like 70% of the time in LR!! maybe 15% in PS. But that means i have to try and fail in lr a couple tomes. Them edit in ps…..nad them go nack to LR all of which takes time!!!!! And is pisses me noff every g d time!
Its a great tool when it works. You guys need to re generate the parameters of the ai to NOT EVER REPLACE. ALWAYS REMOVE.
MAKE ANOTHER TOOL THAT REPLACES IF U MUST. BUT STOP!!!!!!:stop_sign: replacing stuffnow!!
Thank you so much and have a great day!
Sent from my iPhone
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Yes, I updated to 14.0.1. I wasn't aware that this had been reported as a bug. Thanks for your response. I'll watch for a fix. My system info is below.
Alan Hunt
Lightroom Classic version: 14.0.1 [ 202410161356-30922cfc ]
License: Creative Cloud
Language setting: en
Operating system: Windows 11 - Home Premium Edition
Version: 11.0.22631
Application architecture: x64
System architecture: x64
Logical processor count: 20
Processor speed: 2.9GHz
SqLite Version: 3.36.0
CPU Utilisation: 0.0%
Power Source: Plugged In
Built-in memory: 65220.6 MB
Dedicated GPU memory used by Lightroom: 3302.3MB / 5996.0MB (55%)
Real memory available to Lightroom: 65220.6 MB
Real memory used by Lightroom: 3373.1 MB (5.1%)
Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 8034.5 MB
GDI objects count: 975
USER objects count: 2431
Process handles count: 2872
Memory cache size: 252.5MB
Internal Camera Raw version: 17.0 [ 2043 ]
Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 5
Camera Raw SIMD optimization: SSE2,AVX,AVX2
Camera Raw virtual memory: 612MB / 32610MB (1%)
Camera Raw real memory: -187MB / 65220MB (0%)
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When I use Generative Remove and hit the Generate Button the eraser and marks remain so I cannot see the changes underneith until I close it, also if I want to see Variations 1-3 I can't because the eraser and marks are still there until I close it.
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@Patrice8005: "the eraser and marks remain so I cannot see the changes underneath until I close it"
Set Tool Overlay to Auto, and when you move the mouse off of the photo, the brush outlines and eraser icons will disappear:
You can also use the keyboard shortcut H to cycle Tool Overlay between Always and Never.
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Thanks, I will try that.
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@defaultpk4d8i53s5q1: "I've been getting this weird outline or difference in tone. "
Generative Remove sometimes doesn't do a good job of matching the tone of uniform backgrounds. See this post for how to blend the boundary using the healing brush:
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I tried all of the suggestions in the article and remove still doesn't work. I have to move to photoshop which works perfectly then return to lightroom. Definitely a pain. Lightroom remove just replaces with another oject. Help. This is not like you guys.
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@startbov999: "I have to move to photoshop which works perfectly then return to lightroom. Definitely a pain. Lightroom remove just replaces with another object."
If the object is on the edge of the photo and PS removes it easily, that usually indicates you're applying Remove on top of cropping -- Remove tries to match the unselected, cropped-out pixels. Undo any Crop, Transform, and Lens Correction settings, apply Remove, then redo those settings.
If that doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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Tengo el problema de que al editar una fotografia y usar mascaras y IA generativa No se me guardan los ajustes. siempre manda actualizar para que vuelvan aparacer la edicion
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@Fran38403119vd93: "I have the problem that when I edit a photo and use masks and generative AI, the settings are not saved. It always sends an update so that the edit appears again."
See if this helps:
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Until a week ago, the AI-powered object removal tool was excellent. It worked flawlessly and erased everything I requested with a high degree of accuracy. However, in the past week, the tool has become completely non-functional. It is unable to remove anything, even small and simple objects. Instead, it frequently creates a strange cloud or shadow in the background of the object or blurs it without completely removing it, leaving a 'ghostly' remnant. Is there an expected timeline for fixing this issue?
Thnak you very much.
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Until a week ago, the AI-powered object removal tool was excellent. It worked flawlessly and erased everything I requested with a high degree of accuracy. However, in the past week, the tool has become completely non-functional. It is unable to remove anything, even small and simple objects. Instead, it frequently creates a strange cloud or shadow in the background of the object or blurs it without completely removing it, leaving a 'ghostly' remnant. Is there an expected timeline for fixing this issue?
Thank you very much.