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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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Uso a IA dentro do Lightroom para remover pequenos objetos com o objetivo de "limpar" as imagens. Achei a ferramenta fácil de ajustar e com excelente resultado na grande maioria das vezes; poucas são as situações, no meu tipo de edição, que tenho que levar para o Photoshop depois do "remove" com IA dentro do Lightroom. Este recurso reduz o tempo de edição consideravelmente, pois agora a edição da maioria das imagens é todo feita no Lightroom, sem necessidade ir ao Photoshop e voltar.. . Meu fluxo de trabalho melhorou consideravelmente. IA para remoção de detalhes e elementos indesejados na edição das imagens está fantástico! Aprovadissímo!!
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Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping.
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@Rikk Flohr: Photography: "Update (Dec 2024): With the new release, it is no longer necessary to perform Generative Remove Operations prior to Cropping."
...or Transform or Lens Corrections. And it's no longer necessary to do heroic brushing to remove objects along the edges of photos where LR / Camera Raw has applied the can't-be-disabled hidden cropping performed on many cameras.
This will avoid a lot of the confusion reported in this thread!
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The changes done in the current release DO NOT change the problematic situation with Remove.
Yes we can now apply remove even if the image is cropped BUT it doesn't work well.
Starting point.
I paint the Gen Remove
All works till now, I painted on the uncropped image.
I then Crop the image AND refresh the Gen Remove.
All seems good now as well...
Look at the hidden reality:
When the full uncropped image is revealed I can see the Gen Remove left an horrible blob on the tree outside the crop, something that didn't happen when I painted on the uncropped image BUT because we can't do "Show Uncropped Image" I can't see the poor result of the refresh so I am led to believe all was ok (but it was not the case)
• The reality is that at all times we must always see AND paint the remove on the entire image otherwise we leave out parts necessary for the Remove to be usable in all we need the option "Show Uncropped Image" in LrC like in ACR to properly paint usable remove AND judge its quality when we refresh.
Needless to say that painting a partial remove when the image is cropped delivers horrible partial results as the moment one changes the crop the remove must be redone/refined/completed.
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In my LR generative remove is not working at all. is this server issue? or experienced by anyone else too?
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@AkhileshS20: "my LR generative remove is not working at all."
Sometimes firewalls and anti-malware / anti-virus utilities incorrectly block some network requests from LR. Try these troubleshooting steps:
- Temporarily disable all the firewall / anti-malware on your computer. If that solves the problem, then add a specific exclusion for LR to the firewall's rules.
- Connect to another network, preferably one serviced by a different ISP. E.g. a Wifi connection of a neighbor, a coffee shop, work, or your phone's hotspot. Sometimes the routers in these networks block LR's requests, especially in authoritarian countries like China.
- On Mac, try relaunching the Finder -- start Finder, click the Finder menu, and do Quit Finder. Someone reported that this solved this problem for him.
To help others, please let us know which of these work and which don't.
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What are the best ways to speed this up? Selecting the first couple of spots works, then it starts lagging massively, showing the little rotating circle until you can select the next area. Until this has finished rotating, there's no chance of doing anything. Also, the processing is significantly slower than in Photoshop. Almost twice as slow. I haven't touched it again after 10 minutes.
Windows 10, 2xXeon something, 128 GB RAM, Quadro M5000, most recent version (can't check atm). This was slow before, but now it's also laggy
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@Corniger: "What are the best ways to speed this up?"
Which mode of the Remove tool are you using? Clone, Heal, Remove without Generative Remove selected (Content Aware), or Remove with Generative Remove selected?
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Remove with Gen AI selected, Detect Objects not selected. Use GPU set to auto.
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@Corniger: "Selecting the first couple of spots works, then it starts lagging massively..Remove with Gen AI selected, Detect Objects not selected. Use GPU set to auto."
Note that LR's AI commands ignore the setting of Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor (they always use it). Two thoughts:
1. Adobe recommends using the Heal, Clone, and Content-Aware modes for small spots, e.g. sensor dust, small acne, etc. They are much, much faster and usually work well for those things. That won't address the cause of the slowdown, but it could help you get your work done.
2. Try updating your graphics driver by going directly to the manufacturer's web site:
If that doesn't help, please copy/paste here the entire contents of the LR menu command Help > System Info -- that will let us see exactly which versions of hardware and software LR thinks you're running.
Updating the driver may not help, but having the latest driver is always the first step in troubleshooting LR's image-processing issues.
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OK, that totally makes sense. I was happy with the old spot removal tool - albeit very slow and cumbersome in LR, as opposed to PS, but I haven't used it in years because of that, so I'll try again!
The remove tool should only be used for "biggies", objects, people etc., for efficiency reasons, since also sometimes in PS a tiny speck can take a while to remove.
That's why I was wondering if remove works via local engine or remote engine? In PS, at least for generative AI, you are/were able to choose.
My GPU drivers are always the latest studio drivers anyway, do I need to use the "risky" ones?
Thank you very much!
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@Corniger: "My GPU drivers are always the latest studio drivers anyway, do I need to use the "risky" ones?"
You should try Nvidia's Game Ready drivers only if you encounter a suspected problem with the latest Studio driver. Nvidia releases Game Ready drivers more frequenty, and Studio drivers are just Game Ready drivers for which Nvidia has done extra testing with creative apps like LR and PS.
"I was wondering if remove works via local engine or remote engine? "
All the older remove tools are still present as "modes", but the naming is confusing:
You get the old Content-Aware Remove by clicking Remove mode and unchecking Use Generative AI.
All of the modes run locally in your LR Classic app except for Generative AI, which uses the Adobe Firefly servers.
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All right. So it comes down to using your brain and deciding when you really need to use a household's yearly energy net worth - that's what the slowness teaches you in that case.
Thanks a lot, I'll experiment with the old modes for comparison to prior versions I remember. Are those still in development or is all/most future effort going into AI? Spot removal in PS, imo, worked pretty much flawless many years ago already.
Now development SHOULD go into teaching people on how to consciously NOT use AI with its massive resources, so maybe a small "on board" AI should quickly analyze and then decide whether to go generative or content aware, if the user can't do it by himself. Like the current system, but "Use generative AI if necessary". I believed those calculations, like in Topaz, were carried out locally. I understand Adobe still need to train their models, but in the future, this should be a logical development - especially with "Green Claims" being held high. But I guess that's an entirely different discussion.
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Hello. I've read some of the contributions - particularly the one where the 'removal' of a human is replaced not removed. When I highlight someone to be removed, it is replaced with something that is not even human.:
How can I remove and not replace? I do not see an option. I am using Lightroom Classic release 14.1 and build 202412062302-d2b56666
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to be clear, that 'thing' is the replacement.
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Okay, I think I figured it out: I need to make a sweeping inclusion of the material around the subject to be removed. This time it worked. But you should have a health warning on this tool - I'm going to have nightmares for weeks.
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@Nikon Z8: "I need to make a sweeping inclusion of the material around the subject to be removed."
Right. If you check the option Detect Objects, it will usually include enough border around the object to avoid this. (But beware that Detect Objects doesn't work well with skinny objects and near the edges of the photo.)
See this article for more tips on how to remove objects more reliably:
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While I love the AI feature, it is wonky. When I want to remove something, I want it comletely removed and not replaced with an alien. This is okay but am waiting for the next versions. It is still more work then it needs to be.
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@jerryy20523319: "it is wonky. When I want to remove something, I want it completely removed and not replaced with an alien."
See this article for how to remove objects more reliably:
Most complaints about Remove are addressed in the article. But if it doesn't help, please attach a full-resolution JPEG exported from the unmodified original photo (not a screenshot), so we and Adobe can see the issue in detail. With nearly every one of the several dozen problem photos posted here, we've been able to show how to quickly remove the desired objects.
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@sherwood77: "Doesn't remove the lightpole and adds 'junk'.
Generative Remove quickly removed the pole in my LR 14.1. I did it in two pieces (see below).
1. Make sure to uncheck Detect Objects -- it doesn't work well, especially with skinny objects and along the edges of photos.
2. If you make a selection approximately as shown below, does it work better?