‎Feb 14, 2025
03:00 AM
1 Upvote
Hello @Kevin-Monahan - the frustration is not that massive - I just thought that behaviour was a bit weird. I'll try if "Extract" does the job better, I just have to wait a few rendering hours! Thanks for the replay anyway. I believe, an answer wouldn't help just me, though I haven't found this issue anywhere else.
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‎Feb 13, 2025
07:14 AM
1 Upvote
Hey there, I'm splitting up a 10 hour video with lots of markers into 4 parts. My workflow to far: duplicate sequence 3 times to have 4 of the same select desired range with in/out make necessary cuts at the beginning/end track select forward/backward ripple delete export markers export footage This works for the first sequence only, all markers, although ripple deleted - plus Ripple sequence markers checked - stay in the csv, though the times are correct in the 1st sequence (I can just delete the rest in the CSV file). Beginning with the 2nd set of markers, the times are completely off, and the deleted markers before and after the remainder of the sequence are also present. I'm guessing I missed something vital! How can I get rid of those markers for good? Edit: I figured that all markers from the ripple deleted parts pile up on top of each other at the beginning/end of where they got deleted from. I can mark them in the markers panel and batch delete. I'm just wondering if there's no more practical solution.
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‎Dec 15, 2024
02:37 AM
I have had this issue since a while now - I'm trying to zoom into an image to edit details, sometimes, it works flawlessly, sometimes I can press Ctrl-Space till I'm blue in the face, nothing happes, the too doesn't switch, LR (not the system) appears frozen for a couple of seconds. All I can do is wait until it zooms into some arbitrary location.
Is this because full size previews have not been creted? I always used to have that on, I just looked into the catalogue settings & prefereces and couldn't find anything on fiull size previews except on how long to keep them. Edit: I just tried zooming out of the next image I clicked on (was automatically zoomed to 100% after being at 100% on the last image) and it took 5-6 seconds to react. Zooming back in took close to 3 seconds. Latest version of LR (14.1), Win 10, Quadro M5000 on Auto, 128 GB RAM, all M2 key SSDs
[moved from bugs to discussions according to the community rules - Mod.]
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‎Dec 15, 2024
12:49 AM
All right. So it comes down to using your brain and deciding when you really need to use a household's yearly energy net worth - that's what the slowness teaches you in that case. Thanks a lot, I'll experiment with the old modes for comparison to prior versions I remember. Are those still in development or is all/most future effort going into AI? Spot removal in PS, imo, worked pretty much flawless many years ago already. Now development SHOULD go into teaching people on how to consciously NOT use AI with its massive resources, so maybe a small "on board" AI should quickly analyze and then decide whether to go generative or content aware, if the user can't do it by himself. Like the current system, but "Use generative AI if necessary". I believed those calculations, like in Topaz, were carried out locally. I understand Adobe still need to train their models, but in the future, this should be a logical development - especially with "Green Claims" being held high. But I guess that's an entirely different discussion.
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‎Dec 13, 2024
11:36 PM
OK, that totally makes sense. I was happy with the old spot removal tool - albeit very slow and cumbersome in LR, as opposed to PS, but I haven't used it in years because of that, so I'll try again! The remove tool should only be used for "biggies", objects, people etc., for efficiency reasons, since also sometimes in PS a tiny speck can take a while to remove. That's why I was wondering if remove works via local engine or remote engine? In PS, at least for generative AI, you are/were able to choose. My GPU drivers are always the latest studio drivers anyway, do I need to use the "risky" ones? Thank you very much!
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‎Dec 13, 2024
12:32 AM
Remove with Gen AI selected, Detect Objects not selected. Use GPU set to auto.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
07:03 AM
What are the best ways to speed this up? Selecting the first couple of spots works, then it starts lagging massively, showing the little rotating circle until you can select the next area. Until this has finished rotating, there's no chance of doing anything. Also, the processing is significantly slower than in Photoshop. Almost twice as slow. I haven't touched it again after 10 minutes. Windows 10, 2xXeon something, 128 GB RAM, Quadro M5000, most recent version (can't check atm). This was slow before, but now it's also laggy
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‎Aug 01, 2024
12:09 AM
Quickly drag any of the scrolling clips onto the timeline. It should stop then.
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‎Jul 30, 2024
11:33 PM
1 Upvote
Sometimes, I have to go back into people masks, or sometimes I just look through images, and every time the masking tab is still active, every image is scanned for people.
It would be great, if you could batch scan an entire folder and those people would be "available" later on, maybe even with an option to pre-mask teeth, cornea, whatever's in the list, but people alone would already be very helpful. On one of my devices, scanning takes quite long, so you get my point.
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‎Jul 29, 2024
06:50 AM
I've also had this happening again recently. Suddenly, the image zoomed all the way in and there was only the bottom left corner visible, no way to move it except by restarting PS. But only once, instead of several times per hour. Also, all "fixes" were applied, I just can't update my Wacom Driver anymore, because Wacom refuse to issue an updated version so I'm supposed throw a perfectly good Intuos 4 in the trash - very "inclusive", "sustainable" and "climate friendly". Works normal in all other applications.
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‎Jul 21, 2024
08:41 AM
Note also that non-human objects have been erased effectively in earlier croppings of this image By @East End Steve Rules of engagement simplified: No touching of the image prior to removal except denoising
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‎Jul 18, 2024
03:22 AM
Thanks to everybody, I'll save locally on the next job. Maybe it was the SSD cache (Sandisk Extreme Pro 2 TB, should have 26 GB) - though not only the saving, but also the entire system got slowed down massively. There's also 300+ GB free space left. After the file was saved, the system still was that slow - until I closed PS. That's why I wasn't suspecting the drive. I never had this issue before, though I - apparently stupidly - have done this since at least a year without issues.
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‎Jul 18, 2024
03:08 AM
Just trying to simplify. In case that condenses the issue, I can just reply that in the future, in case noone else is available.
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‎Jul 16, 2024
12:51 AM
The results in PS sometimes are better, but so far I haven't found a way to pick from 3 different results in PS, only for generative fill! That still needs to be introduced. The general rule seems to be pretty much: - denoise, but otherwise best don't touch the image before using AI remove. - try to get everything that belongs to the item you want to remove. Shadow, glare, blur. Otherwise it'll think you want to correct or change the item for a better fitting one, because it's "Aura" is still there. I hope that's correct, otherwise I'll remove my posting.
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‎Jul 15, 2024
05:22 AM
Hello, I'm currently experiencing the following situation: I'm editing images from an external M2 SSD drive, connected via USB 3.0. I've created an action that automatically creates items, saves the file, deletes items and saves the same file in that version in a different folder on the same drive. Everything is running super smooth for a while, then suddenly the saving process slows down tremendously (~30 minutes instead of a few seconds), the entire system comes to a crawl, but with 5% CPU usage, around 30% RAM usage and barely any disk usage. The mouse barely moves, enormous lag. I also can't cancel the saving operation most of the time, though the last this started happening, I was able to click the cancel button, whereas normally it's greyed out. On the second attempt, without reloading anything, it saved just fine. Once I shut PS down, the system is snappy as ever. Once I rebooted with PS "saving" and ater found, it had save both versions, but apparently "visually wasn't there yet". Specs: Win 10, 2x Xeon e5-2667 v4, 112 GB RAM, Quadro M5000, txt attached.
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‎Jul 14, 2024
10:00 AM
Definitely, but if so, only combined with a keystroke - Ctrl, Alt or something. I have to revove tons of fine hair spreading around on ears etc with a fine brush, having that auto fill might be catastrophic
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‎Jul 13, 2024
12:11 AM
What I forgot to mention: when selecting on any of my 3 machines (i7-9850H, 128 RAM, Quadro RTX 3000; 2x Xeon e5-2667, 128 RAM, Quadro M5000; AMD FX 8350, 32 RAM, GTX 980; all Win 10 x64) the selecting tool likes to stop working until I apply the edit. I can, after selecting the first are, only to a straight line or dot, with some delay, or not brush anymore period. After commiting the edit, it works again.
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‎Jul 10, 2024
12:23 AM
Thanks a lot for your input and explanations - also, very much appreciated. Still, there's the semantics between "remove" and "replace". Yes, in fact, when I remove an object, it is practically being replaced by an "empty" background. Visually, it has bee removed. And that's how I, and apparently many others, would interpret the term, on linguistic grounds. I don't want to nitpick around this any further, but that's like picking the eraser tool and instead, it paints over the erased item - you can't see it anymore, it has been erased. I have followed all those suggestions and postings thoroughly, all the input I could get. A few easy examples: I shot an event recently that had lots of messy clutter in the background. A remote control on a wall, a metal rod leaning against the wall, roughly as thick as a thumb, a water bottle lying on a chair behind a laptop, a water bottle standing in front of the projection wall, a bluetooth speaker standing in the same area, an espresso machine as well. Single brush stroke remove always worked for: both water bottles (even the one behind the laptop on the chair, which I didn't expect at all, complicated as opposed to a BT speaker on a white cabinet in front of a white wall) the remote Single brush stroke remove sometimes worked for: metal rod - it was frequently just being made thinner, skewed, tapered, a dark blotch. All those images very very similar, on some it worked on first try. Eventually, after deleting the remove event and retrying (always 1 stroke, form inside the frame to outside and all the way down), the rod disappeared Area removal never worked for the BT speaker and coffee machine. I selected an area 2-3 times the size of the item for the BT speaker and encompassing all shadows and more for the espresso machine. I always got a smaller/different BT speaker (or "some object") and the same result for the espresso machine, sometimes a colorful flower vase or some fantasy objects. The bottle, standing in exactly the same area on the same piece of furniture disappeared immediately. I repeatedly tried removing the object that just didn't want to go, thoroughly painting over 3-4 times in one stroke, not to miss a bit. Not a chance. In Photoshop, I would have the adjacent empty area, copy, paste, blend, gone. That's why I'd prefer "Remove" and "Replace" separated and unambiguous.
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‎Jul 09, 2024
06:44 AM
I was trying to be ironic. Apparently, according to a previous posting, all this comes down to protecting children. Which is understandable, but badly executed. In Photoshop, I didn't experience problems - I just tried, downloading a half n4ked man & bikini woman and saw no issues, so maybe this is a temporary thing in LR?
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‎Jul 09, 2024
06:26 AM
He could be a very mature looking child, I'm guessing... Have you tried to paint over the person and then replace the layer?
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‎Jul 09, 2024
03:33 AM
Thanks for the links! I've also exhausted various YouTube content that didn't work for much simpler assignments, thus looked and sounded to me like influencer marketing, using specific images that in fact do work. I'm not complaining about outsiders like you doing Adobe's job, just about the fact this is even necessary. Without said outsiders, users would be lost. If at least Adobe themselves would link to content that does have correct information! I have, in fact, literally wasted years on blogs and YT (and also paid learning resources, as well as during my studies...) learning retouching technique that was simply BS all along, so I'm always wary. Adobe Help alone is full of deprecated or imprecise info.
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‎Jul 09, 2024
02:43 AM
Since it's called remove and not replace, remove should be the only thing it does. It's nice we get to drive traffic on the Lightroomqueen Blog, why are there no Adobe resources with clear instructions? They should know best....
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‎Jul 08, 2024
02:57 AM
Judging by today's apparent standards, it's absolutely, totally s3x1st and exploiting people who reluctantly took on a job they hate. Yes, I was being ironic. But take into account the bias AI has in general and each and everyone being pushed into either using it or perishing on the cemetary of yonder. Kids at school using Chat GPT to maximise their leisure time will automatically "write" biased content, thus unwanted opinions or "information" are being "rephrased" properly. And since your image may or may not display a child in a wig and lots of makeup, like in Bad Grandpa, it can automatically be filtered out under said pretense. That is exactly why it is still very important to have good Photoshop skills - or not even. Generative fill in places is a mere joke that can be surpassed even by average skills. As I alluded to before - have you tried a temporary paintover on the "child"?
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‎Jul 07, 2024
05:38 AM
My words. Remove and Replace should semantically be different!
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‎Jul 07, 2024
05:37 AM
The workaround seems to be to quickly drag one of those wildly scrolling clips onto the timeline. That stops it for the current session.
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‎Jul 07, 2024
05:34 AM
Just an idea - have you guys, if you really, REALLY need those nudes removed for the great background, thought about quickly painting over the nude to make it unrecognizable, then try again? If it's just a shape with black splotches all over, it should work - imo. Haven't tried nudes so far.
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‎Jul 07, 2024
04:02 AM
"Solution"! Also latest PP, Win 10, 128 GB Ram, Quadro RTX 3000 yadayadayada. This needs to go away quickly!
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‎Jul 07, 2024
03:57 AM
I'm using a 3Dconnexion Cadmouse, same problem! Windows 10
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‎Jul 07, 2024
01:30 AM
What I don't understand is the semantics of the tool. There should be a "Remove" and a "Replace" tool then. Sometimes, I have to go through the 3 output variations just to find a perfectly removed item on Nr.3. "Remove" should be unambiguous to the AI. Other than that, it's coming along nicely. As opposed to "Generative Expand" in PS, which is a waste of time & resources most of the time, but that's another topic!
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‎May 01, 2024
07:42 AM
Also here - a whole series of images with very similar edits. One image works great. next one: manual overpaint required on the entire automatical edit. I guess pulling up the good old healing brush will cost less time in total. Edit: in case it's not well visible - there is flyaway hair over a quite homogenous, blurred background. Remove tool leaves reddish streakss.
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