P: (GPU) Develop/Edit view & Export artifacts after 14.4.1 Update (AMD-only) (affects Cr, LrC & LrD)
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Since just now, I've been experiencing a weird bug / crash in Lightroom Classic (on a Mac), where ALL my photos suddenly are fully covered in artefacts in the Develop module.
(Screengrab from the Develop module in Lightroom Classic)
When I check the linked RAW + JPEG source files in Finder, they all seem ok (they don't look corrupted, nor show any artefacts here), meaning the issue is within Lightroom.
(Screengrab from the RAW source file in Finder)
When I export images out of Lightroom (with any setting, edited or even not edited), the artefacts are also present on the export files.
(Screengrab from the exported JPG image)
This problem started occuring soon after I applied the new AI noise reduction feature on just ONE (1) photo.
I already tried:
- Closing and re-opening Lightroom
- Shutting down (fully), and restarting the computer after 1 minute
- Switching the GPU accelrator setting in Lightroom on/off
- Lightroom Classic 13.0.1 - Build (202310121438-d2af310c)
- Macbook Pro 16" - 2019
- 2,3Ghz 8-core Intel Core i9
- AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8GB
- 32GB 2667MHz DDR4 memory
- OS Sonoma 14.4.1
Any help would be greatly appreciated, because this makes the whole software unusable....
Thank you!
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We've investigated an issue with the macOS 14.4.1 update that affects systems running AMD series GPUs.
The issue manifests as garbling of/artifacts in images in Develop/Edit views and similar artifacts in Exported images. The problem can afflict Camera Raw (16.2.1), Lightroom Classic (13.2) and Lightroom Desktop (7.2). Restarting the application should restore your Develop/Edit view and return you to the expected Export results.
The hardware manufacturer's will need to identify the cause
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Moderators, @Rikk Flohr: Photography, please merge with the existing bug:
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I hope it's fixed in 15, otherwise I doubt it will ever get fixed. The 5500M was only used on two Intel MBP models that are now 5 years old with x86 OSX support headed to the EOL heap.
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There is a known bug in the AMD video driver for Intel Macs running Sonoma 14.4 and later. Its unclear if this has been fixed in a later version of Sonoma or in Sequoia. I have seen it on a few images but not recently with a Radeon card in a 2019 MacBook Pro. You can restart the computer or turn off graphics acceleration in Lightroom if this happens.
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I've had something similar happen. The below screenshot is what Lightroom gave me when trying to use the AI denoise feature.
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@shellcreekphoto: "I've had something similar happen. The below screenshot is what Lightroom gave me when trying to use the AI denoise feature."
There are two recent reports that updating an Intel Mac with AMD GPUs to Mac OS 15 (Sequoia) fixes issues with Denoise:
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When I imported my photos, they were normal in Library Preview but when I switched to Developer Mode I got this crazy coloring on every image. It changes when I zoom it, but I can't get rid of it. How can I correct this?
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Most likely you're on an Intel Mac with an AMD Radeon 5000-series GPU. If you're not, then do the command Help > System Info and copy/paste its entire output here.
Apple released a buggy graphics driver for it in Mac OS 14.4.1. Most people report images covered with static-like noise but a few have reported problems with LR's AI commands.
Users experiencing noise and artifacts can often work around the problem by restarting their computer and/or setting Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor to Off. But for problems with AI masking caused by the buggy driver, you're out of luck: For some inexplicable reason, Adobe refuses to allow users to disable use of the GPU by LR's AI commands.
Adobe says they notified Apple months ago. There have been a few reports that updating to Mac OS 15 (Sequoia) fixes at least some of the issues. If you try Mac OS 15, please let everyone here know whether or not it works.
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Moderators, @Rikk Flohr: Photography, please merge with this bug:
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Spot on! A good old-fashioned restart seems to have corrected the artifacts, which're no longer showing. Thank you for your fast response~
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This is a known issue, there was apparently a buggy GPU driver in an Apple system update. I have seen it but not recently, and its unclear whether this has been fixed in macOS Sequoia.
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I recently updated my 2019 MBP to Sequoia (15.0) and just processed a set of photos w/o issue. I did AI masking on a number of photos but have not run any AI Denoise yet. Fingers crossed that this bug is fixed....
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@MIkeg2: "I recently updated my 2019 MBP to Sequoia (15.0) and just processed a set of photos w/o issue. I did AI masking on a number of photos but have not run any AI Denoise yet. Fingers crossed that this bug is fixed...."
That's encouraging, thanks. Anyone else with experience (positive or negatyive) to report?
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@Frédéric26812149d245: "I have strange artefacts only in the dev mode since the last update (13.5.1) and upgrade to Sonoma 14.7. Using a Intel MBP 2019. "
See here for more details and workarouds:
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I haven't seen the problem since Sonoma 14.5 on a 2019 MacBook Pro 16" with Radeon Pro 5300M.
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My Lightroom Classic appears to be showing my raw files as corrupt and shows the images with green and red pixelated lines across the images (see attached screenshots). BUT, this only happens when I'm in  the Develop module...the lines go away when I'm in the Library module. And, when I export the image, the lines do not appear and the file looks normal. I am not able to edit anything currently because the lines appear on every image when I select it in Develop. My LRC is updated to the most current version and I am using a mac, Sonomo 14.6.1 OS and version 13.5.1 of LRC.
Please advise!
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Unfortunately there is no fix apart from getting a newer Mac! Probably why they haven't fixed it! Keep you spending ££££
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I have fixed my issue with the custom GPU settings, enable just for the preview.
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@tarynmel12: "My Lightroom Classic appears to be showing my raw files as corrupt and shows the images with green and red pixelated lines across the images"
See here for more details and workarouds:
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I'm experiencing this reoccuring problem in Lightroom Classic (version 13.5.1), where after using it for a while, the view of the selected image in Develop Mode gets highly distorted. Restarting Lightroom usually doesn't work, restarting my computer (Macbook) does, although not this time. Does anyone have any idea what is at hand and how to solve this?
Thanks so much!
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@evav36011884: "after using it for a while, the view of the selected image in Develop Mode gets highly distorted."
See here for more details and workarounds:
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I do not use Lightroom but ACR has exactly the same issue on my Intel MacBook Pro. This is logical since ACR uses the same routines as Lightroom. The good news is that after upgrading MacOS to Sequoia 15.1 the issue is gone. (At least for the pas couple of days of intensive work).
I have always had trouble with the GPU with both ACR and Photoshop, and the latter still has issues when the GPU is enabled. The new AI denoise and raw details however always use the GPU, so I am very happy that Apple seems to have addressed this.
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"after upgrading MacOS to Sequoia 15.1 the issue is gone."
Thanks for that update -- that will help others.
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I was editing my images in developer mode and completed my edits. Drag&dropped them into a Pixieset Gallery, then published them. Came back to review files after publishing was complete and all of the images look like the provided example. The uploads to Pixieset also look like the provided example. Please help ASAP!!! Client has paid for this session and i need to deliver this gallery, yesterday.
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That screenshot strongly suggests you're on an Intel Mac with an AMD Radeon 5000-series GPU. (Do the menu command Help > System Info to verify.) Apple released a buggy graphics driver in Mac OS 14.4.1 that produces these symptoms in LR. Workarounds:
1. Update to Mac OS 15, which many people report as fixing this problem.
2. Restart your computer. Many people reported that after restarting, LR would operate correctly for a while.
3. Set the option Preferences > Performance > Use Graphics Processor to Off.
If this doesn't help, do the LR menu command Help > System Info and copy/paste the entire contents here so we can see exactly which versions of hardware and software LR thinks you're running and important LR options that are set.
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Moderators, @Rikk Flohr: Photography, please merge with the FAQ thread: