Please provide the ability to save "Mobile Downloads.lrdata" file to another location. On a Mac, it is always saved in the boot drive regardless of where the catalog file is moved to.
In LR Mobile, I create a new collection and add the jpeg files from my iPhone photos app. LR Mobile then sends the name of the collection to LR Desktop and creates a folder on the desktop with the same name.
When I get home I can then simply add the raw / jpeg files (but not duplicates) and everything then updates itself and I "carry on editing" in a seamless way?
I moved some photos and videos inside Lightroom from the mobile downloads (e.g. iPad/ IPhone volumes) to the drive where I store all of my photos, but the mobile Downloads.lrdata was not shrinking in size. Even the files are not in the package content anymore. Any ideas?
How did you move them? Did you do it inside Lightroom? (the way your post is worded it could go either way)
If you did it inside Lightroom, then it sounds like you found a bug. If you moved it outside of lightroom...then that could be the problem. You'd have to move them back where Lightroom knows where they are and then move them from inside Lightroom..or have Lightroom locate them
No, I did it all inside of Lightroom. And it's not only in the newest version. I also tried it on my Macbook Pro that still has LR CC 2015.1.1 MobileDownloads.lrdata was 4,8GB. I opend LR and moved all the stuff inside iPhone6/imported photos to a folder on my photos drive. Lightroom moved it there, the iPhones6 folder in LR is empty, but the size of mobildownloads.lrdata is still 4,8GB. Even after closing LR and rebooting the Mac.
That is definitely no good. I'll have to try this. I've had problems with those cache files filling up my system before, but I haven't checked to see if it is still growing....
one thing, have you tried telling lightroom to clear the previews
Now it's getting even more strange. Wanted to purge the caches, but when I click preferences in Lightroom it crashes. So I updated to 2015.2.1 on my Macbook Pro. Same issue. I deinstalled LR und deleted LR Prefs. Reinstalled LR and when I started it for the first time I could reach preferences. Quit LR and opened it again, crash on opening preferences.
After some trial and error I found out, when I hold the Option key on start up and choose the same catalog from there, opening preferences won't crash. What's going on here?
Forget about using LR 2015.2 aka LR 6.2 or 6.2.1. It is nothing but problems form the interface change to compatibility with the new Mac OS 10.11 El Capitan.
Simply roll back to the previous version 2015.1 aka 6.1 and keep getting meaningful work done, and stop being Adobe's Guinea Pigs.
Ok, now that I deinstalled the whole Creative Cloud and removed everything like presets, preferences and installed CC again it's working fine and the size of the MobileDownloads.lrdata is decreasing when I move photos to another drive, as it should be. I think it was a problem with my two machine system where I syncrd my catalog and previews over a network drive and my presets and prefs over Dropbox. Both Macs where connected to LR mobile. I think that was the confusing part where something went wrong. It's sad that the catalog is not working on network drives.
I guess I have to rethink my workflow and use only one computer to do my post work.
I also have problems with this. I wonder if storing in the Creative Cloud would work better than Dropbox or Google Drive...
I know this is unrelated, but what I really want is to use a fast Lightroom that had storage for all my photos and settings in a secure cloud. Not to mention, better collaboration tools. I find sharing those albums with someone else using Lightroom to be practically useless...ok, off my soapbox (before it starts getting too bloated)
LR CC 2015.4 / 6.4 implements this: "Customers can now set the location of where photos are stored when downloaded from Lightroom mobile or Lightroom web in the preference panel or contextually in the folder panel".
So we can now place imported ipad/iphone photos in whatever directory we want. This is great.
Is there a workflow reason not to just have them dropped in whatever your default storage folder is for photos? It also seems that since we can sequester them based upon date that this change removes the necessity of ever syncing your ipad/iphone directly to your computer for offload and storage of images, which is nice.
Though I did notice that when new pics are brought in, they're accompanied by an "info" file that tells you what device took the image.
I'm extremely pleased that Adobe has implemented this capability. I had stopped using Lr Mobile to send my iPhone photos to Lr because I didn't want my boot drive filling up, and moving them manually was too much of a hassle. Very happy to dump my interim solution and fully us Lr Mobile. Of course, I now discover that it only syncs while the app is running and phone unlocked - no background syncing. Arrrggghh!
Michael - I can't see any reason not to have photos from Lr Mobile go into your default photo folder. I use a simple structure of YYYY/MM for my photos. (Yes, I know folder structure shouldn't matter in Lr - use keywords, collections, etc....which I do; however, I don't want a single "photo" folder to grow to 100k files one day - that's unwieldy for many reasons.) Anyway, I'm now saving my Lr Mobile photos to photos/year/month and it seems to be working just fine. I auto add them to a collection on my phone called "Charles iPhone" and I use that collection on my desktop to do my culling, tagging, and moving to other collections. This has basically covered the two parts of the normal import process that I need: moving the photos into my folder structure (automatic with Lr Mobile) and putting my new photos in a collection to review . Of course, this all very new, but seems to be working well so far.
In an earlier post I asked about moving a file, I identified the wrong one by mistake. I meant to ask can you move 'Pictures/Lightroom/Mobile Downloads.lrdata' to an external disk?