Make Loupe Live really Live parroting everything i do on Monitor 1 to Monitor 2 such as zooming or cropping
The 2nd monitor Loupe - Live\Normal is almost perfect for going through images with clients but for one issue or lack of, and thats when, on the 1st monitor i click to zoom, it doesn't zoom in when i zoom in monitor 2. Seems like such an easy additon and makes sense it would do that especially on the Loupe- Live feature. I mean it moves the image when i move my mouse on Monitor 1 so why woudln't it zoom in when i do?
I understand you can on monitor 2 click on it and zoom in if it's live and doing what i'm doing on monitor 1, i would like for it to actually zoom when i do as well. Or crop. But rteally just zoom is what i'm after. Helps to pixel peep with clients or just show sections when they are looking at it on the big screen and i can't easily run myn mouse over and click on monitor 2.
So, my idea is to allow the Loupe - Live (or even both Live and Loupe Normal) to support zooming from Monitor 1