Is it possible to add indicators to the Tools section of the develop panel to indicate that spot healing, red eye tool, gradient, radial and adjustment brush etc have been applied to a photo? (Did not include crop tool because you can show that information via the info overlay but would be nice for this tool too)When going through multiple photos and using the PREVIOUS button it can get to point where you forget that for example a spot healing adjustment was made several photos back. This adjustment may not be applicable to the 7th photo in sequence that you are editing but was ok for previous ones.It is time consuming to remember to have to click on each individual tool then look for adjustment pins or click tool reset to be sure that adjustment has not be inadvertently been copied from a previous photo. (Especially if the photo editing sessions are done days apart) This is not too much of a problem if you use SYNC on multiple photos as you deselect unwanted items but when using PREVIOUS button it is copying everything and you can lose track of adjustments that may not apply to the next use of the PREVIOUS button.If there was a bright line around the tool icon or a checkmark on each individual tool in the panel then you would know that photos have those adjustments applied somewhere. Another option is to add the choice to have this info be displayed in the Loupe overlay info options. For other panels like the BASIC panel it is very quick to see that either no changes have been made as sliders are at their zero position or you see them change as you move from photo to photo. To check if a tool adjustment was made you need to click each tool to look for pins/use reset/ or search history panel and if the photo was cropped you may need to uncrop first to expose hidden pins.Bruce