"Initial indexing of your photos may take some time. The ‘No People Found Yet’ message is displayed when Lightroom is still analyzing all your photos to find people or when there aren't any people in your photos. On a side note, this analysis takes place on Adobe’s servers and not on your local computer. You can use your computer and close Lightroom CC without extending the time to complete the analysis. Thank you for your patience.“
After a week Adobe does not have an expected ETA to share: it seems they have a really strong planning capability - or a really bad planned date for completion.
Now my people tag has finally started to be populated! I have 87363 photos so I understand it took some time, would have loved to hear a "This function should be working within a week" or something similar. Nice to have the facerecognition, seems to be better than the old lightroom classic version.
Marco, I need some information from you. If you click the cloud icon in the upper right of the Lightroom CC for desktop interface, what is the size of your Cloud storage?
Only problem that I can imagine is that I did some face recognition on my LR Classic several month ago and now I have those faces in CC (a migration of data from Classic, as they are all named and only about 2k photos out of a total of 48k). No new recognition from Sensei.
Faces were detected on Day 1, but I suspect that it was a result of the files already being tagged from Lightroom Classic. No other updates. Any idea how long this indexing process is supposed to take?
Marco, the account associated with the Adobe ID with which you posted to this forum shows a trial status and has very little data. Is it possible you have another Adobe ID where your main information resides? If so, can you email me that Adobe ID
So reaching out to Adobe support on twitter here was the official response. I have 39K photos and 800GB out of 1TB.
“Hi Tony, thanks for the info. You have above 200 GB storage on Lightroom CC cloud and the indexing are still going on Lightroom server.
Customer's with 200 GB or more used cloud storage will have to wait a little more as the photo indexing is still going on the Lightroom Server. “
So if we have above 200 GB, we’re pretty much SoL. Essentially if we’re using the Creative Cloud to it’s full abilities, this new feature is something we won’t get for a long time. Only folks who don’t use it as much get this feature, which is a shame because as we are paying a higher monthly fee and not getting the same benefits.
We are asking some info in their support forum for days and now we find out that their problem is related to the size of our DB from twitter... really good communication skills. The same dB in Google Photos took only a day to index my faces.