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Hi all
I have many similar pictures but with different exposures and I would like to match all these photos’ exposures.
I know this is possible on Lightroom Classic (Photo>Develop Settings>Match Total Exposure).
But I'm using the new Lightroom. And I can't find any similar function. I've been looking the entire day.
Does please somebody know where this function is on the new LR? Or maybe there is another way of doing it?
Thank you so much in advance for your help!
Hi Robin,
Thanks for the heads up. As JimHess has also mentioned, match total exposure feature is not available in Lightroom desktop and I am not aware of any other way of doing the same.
I'd recommend that you share your feedback with our engineering team here: Lightroom Desktop | Photoshop Family Customer Community ​
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Hi Robin,
Lightroom desktop does not have such functionality of copying/pasting edit settings yet. Our engineers are working on this feature and this request is being monitored here: Lightroom CC: Ability to copy/sync settings/adjustments across a group of photos | Photoshop Family ...
I'd recommend that you add your vote and share your feedback in the above discussion so that our engineers can look into it.
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Hi Akash,
Thank you for your time. But this is not the same problem. I can select one picture, copy the settings (cmd+C), then select other pictureS and paste (cmd+V) the settings to these images.
What I can't do is match the exposure. If I copy/paste the settings from one picture to another, it doesn’t take into account the different exposure settings that I used when I captured the picture. I then end up with different exposures.
My goal is to have the same exposure on a set of picture. On the previous LR Classic, you can go up to Settings > Match Total Exposures.
Maybe there is another way to do that on the new Lightroom CC version 1.5?
Thank you in advance for your help,
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Lightroom CC does not have the match total exposures feature. It is not known by anyone on this forum whether or not that feature will be added in the future. It will be necessary to wait and see if it is.
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Hi Robin,
Thanks for the heads up. As JimHess has also mentioned, match total exposure feature is not available in Lightroom desktop and I am not aware of any other way of doing the same.
I'd recommend that you share your feedback with our engineering team here: Lightroom Desktop | Photoshop Family Customer Community ​
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Ok, I will share that. Thank you guys!
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Hy robinK12632900,
I am struggeling with the same issue ( match exposrue accross a number of pictures) This feature worked and is trained in videos for LR5 and 6 and now in LR CC does not work anymore. By selecting this function MATCHTING EXPOSURE simply the preset of the one first choosen picture is syncronized to the rest.
So my question : did you get a help from family costumer community or found a solution meanwhile??
Would be great to get a short feedback
Thxs and greeting:-)
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I keep giving a low rating to Adobe products because of exactly this issue - DECREASED functionality in each newer version. You take away functions that we rely on and expect it to be hunky dory.
Very upsetting.
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Why is Adobe removing functionality from Lightroom? I just purchased this Creative Cloud suite, and now I am regretting it because stuff you could do a year ago, like match total exposure accross multiple images, is no longer available. WTF??? What solutions do you propose Adobe???
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Right? I've had the Adobe suite for a while and I'll probably be jumping ship soon because with every update I lose functionality and effectiveness of many of the applications. Pretty disappointing considering I'm paying more now to have adobe than ever and I also get less for that with every passing update.
They're SERIOUSLY dropping the ball considering many of the COMPLETELY FREE third party apps available are becoming better options than this very expensive service. Pretty appalling actually. It's a shame. I've been advocating for adobe with other photogs and filmmakers for YEARS and now it looks like all of the things that others have said about them are 100% accurate.
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What kind of company removes features?!?! I wasn't a fan before but now using Adobe is out of the question for me.