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Legacy process version

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Feb 12, 2022 Feb 12, 2022

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Trying to import presets and I get the error message saying "legacy process version" few of the presets are highlighted? I don't know what to do to fix it... it's my first time having presets.

iOS: iPhone , iPadOS , macOS






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Community Expert ,
Feb 12, 2022 Feb 12, 2022

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Lightroom does not support older process versions, so it would appear that those two presets have an older process version embedded in them, so Lightroom cannot use them. I suggest you go back to the source of the presets to get them updated.





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New Here ,
Feb 22, 2023 Feb 22, 2023

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Hi Jim

Would you explain how to update them? Because Im getting same error message. Those  presets working perfectly fine in Lightroom Classic but for uknown reason they cant be imported to the Lightroom CC even they are already converted from .lrdata to .xmp file. I have newest versions of Lightrooms 2023 versions.







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Community Expert ,
Feb 22, 2023 Feb 22, 2023

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Without knowing what the preset does, I can't say how best to try to update it. You'd have to do it in LrClassic of course, and in theory you could apply it to an unedited image, then check to make sure the process version is still at the current version 5 in the Calibration panel in Develop, which I suspect it will NOT be. In which case you'd need to update the PV to the current version (which will likely change the image appearance somewhat), then you can create a new preset from that edited image. Export the new preset, then import it into the Lightroom desktop app.


A lot will depend on which legacy PV was used when that preset was originally created. PV2 updated to PV5 would probably be a very noticeable change which you might not be happy with.





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New Here ,
Feb 22, 2023 Feb 22, 2023

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Hi Jim

What is the PV?

Im wondering why Adobe didnt make full compatibility through all versions of Lightrooms and left these unlogical  limitations there. Once you convert lrdata to xmp what else should stopping the Lightroom CC to read and import them?

I think some of old presets were created in Lighrroom Classic  6, 7, 8

I also tried to export preset in Lightroom Classic and then Import manually to to Lightroom CC without any success.







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Feb 22, 2023 Feb 22, 2023

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PV = Process Version.

Lightroom Classic still supports all the previous process versions, but I would think that when building the new Lightroom app in 2017, Adobe chose not to saddle the new tool with all the legacy code associated with earlier process versions. From a quick test it does support PVs which have been introduced since the app was first created, so PVs 3 to 5 are OK and it's only the earlier PV1 and 2 that are not supported.


To be honest, I don't understand why anyone would want to be using presets built upon a PV which was introduced more than 10 years ago....but if that's what you want to do you will have to update those presets to get rid of the PV2 restriction. But because today's basic panel is completely different to that in use by PV2 you will likely see a significant shift in appearance when you try to update those presets, which might make the effort meaningless.





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New Here ,
Feb 22, 2023 Feb 22, 2023

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Hi Jim

Just wondering why is not updated already when presets  were converted from lrdata to xmp In ligtroom Classic? So the new Lightroom CC can read it and import it?

Would you explain me step  by step how to do that update of those presets please?






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New Here ,
Feb 22, 2023 Feb 22, 2023

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I forgot to mention that some of older presets were imported but not all of them





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Feb 22, 2023 Feb 22, 2023

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Updating the preset to use a different PV during that preset format change to xmp would mean messing with the artistic intent of the preset, and that simply isn't Adobe's job. So they were only converted to the new format, so that they would do exactly the same thing as they did before the conversion.


In terms of step by step instructions, I can't do any more than I posted earlier. Basically:


1. Using an unedited image, apply the preset. 

2. Then look at the Process Version (in the Calibration Panel), I would expect it to be using PV2.

3. Change the PV to the latest version and observe the image as it changes.

4. If you don't like the result, abandon the idea of trying to update the preset.

5. If you are happy with the result, or tweak the image to your liking, then create a new preset with the adjusted settings and new PV.

6. Export that new preset, then import it into Lightroom.





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New Here ,
Feb 22, 2023 Feb 22, 2023

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Ok now I understand what you was talking about. I tried your step by step process. I see there is a difference between process version 2 and process version 5 (current)

Back in a days there were in development mode a  - Recovery, Fill Light.. and now now instead of that - whites,highlights,shadows, texture,dehaze.. etc.

Question is why Lightroom Classic cannot convert all  old PV2 presets into new xmp PV5. So I will not have to do it one by one. I understand the look will be slightly different..but at least I wouldt have to do it manualy one by one and can only tweak those presets which I dont like. I had pretty good hierarchy in group folders of presets, so it would be easier to tweak existing preset rather than creative new ones.


I checked that new changes in development mode  appear in PV3. Since then is pretty much same, on PV3 is another slight jump. When I exporetd with PV3  then Lightroom CC was able to import it.  That was the time when they changed those recovery, and fill light.






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Community Expert ,
Feb 22, 2023 Feb 22, 2023

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Question is why Lightroom Classic cannot convert all  old PV2 presets into new xmp PV5. So I will not have to do it one by one. I understand the look will be slightly different..but at least I wouldt have to do it manualy one by one and can only tweak those presets which I dont like. I had pretty good hierarchy in group folders of presets, so it would be easier to tweak existing preset rather than creative new ones.


Because they would have no right to arbitrarily change a preset developed by a third party. It's someone else's intellectual property, not Adobe's.





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