💡 Lightroom Newsletter - November 2021
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Welcome to the November edition of the Lightroom Newsletter! Its been over a month since MAX where the Lightroom Ecosystem received a number of new features and bug fixes. This month was a quiet month but we have a number of great tutorials, bugs and ideas for to vote for! You'll get a chance to meet one of our Lightroom Adobe Community Professionals, Celeste! Lets dive right in!
ACP Highlight
Celeste Guidice became an ACP in 2016 after starting the Nashua Adobe User Group in 2012, attending and TA'ing MAX sessions since 2016.
"It's a great day when I've been able to help someone in the community solve a problem they're having so they can get on with having fun and creating."
Celeste started her photography career in earnest when she apprenticed as a commercial photographer while going to the New England School of Photography in Boston, Massachusetts.
She now runs her own commercial photography studio in Nashua, NH, has published three books, and has been teaching Lightroom, Photoshop (and other Adobe apps) to individuals via in-person and online for the past several years.
Her new favorite gig, though, is geographic and travel photography workshops. Her most recent photo safari was to Iceland this past August. Covering more than 2500 kilometers while circumnavigating the island by SUV, a highlight of the trip was a heli-flight over the erupting Fagradalsfjall volcano.
Follow her on Twitter, Instagram, Behance, and check out her website!
Community News
Here are a few active bugs and idea to check out. If any of these resonate with you add your vote!
Bugs that have been reported in the community and marked as started.
- P: Previews won’t load in Lightroom for iPad Pro
- P: (Android) Masking of Subject or Sky Error Message "Something wrong"
- P: (Windows Only) Masking with Select Subject or Sky Error Message "Something went wrong"
Here are some of the Top Ideas in the community:
Inspiration and Tutorials
Edit a Holiday Self Portrait with Idara Ekpoh
How to create macro food photography that leaves you wanting more
How is machine learning transforming modern photography?
Breaking into the professional creative industry
Skyscapes, vertoramas, and drones — make these night photography trends your own
Helpful Links
User Guide | What's New | Known Issues | Fixed Issues | System Requirments | Adobe Lightroom Newsletter home page |
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