Hi,Please could the recipient of a supplied Collection link be able to download full res files (if held on the server). This could be an option in Mobile and WebThanks
IdeaNo status
Chrome OS
iOS: iPhone
Not everyone can carry their laptop or external hard drive wherever they go.
Why is the feature to be able to download a full-sized image from your own Lightroom collection on the web not able to download your own images in the format they were synced as? e.g a .NEF image should be able to be downloaded as and .NEF image and not as a very small previewed .jpeg file
A feature that I feel is far more useful than the lates .ai stuff and something people have requested for years
Please do bring this feature in as soon as possible.
Lightroom Desktop and Lightroom Classic (shared collections) need the ability to upload full-resolution originals to the cloud.
That's it. That's the feature request, that's what you need to add, that's what's missing, that's what the bug is.
I don't pay for extra storage space just so you can downsize my images into "smart" previews with no originals - I pay for the space to store originals, let me upload them from my desktop... where I and the majority of other photographers actually edit our photos.
I want to share my photos in full quality in Lightroom. It is impossible, apparently. I got an answer from Adobe support that Shared Albums in Lightroom "...is mostly used by users to share the album with clients for selection/ liking or commenting of files. The final delivery of files isn't the expectation of this feature."
Sometimes the client is in a rush to get the images and it does not make sense to me that I can spend time editing the file to become as good as possible to then not beeing able to send it in a simple and professional way. The only possible outcome is jpgs with reduced quality, even if I upload tiffs.