Now that Adobe is committing to LR Mobile, it would be great if LR had better support for comments and likes:
- Ability to filter and search in smart collections for comments and likes. The Sort: Last Comment Time is helpful but not sufficient -- it only works with collections synced with LR Cloud, and you can only sort one collection at time (huh??).
- The same support for other publish services like Flickr that also sync user comments. Why did Adobe implement Last Comment Time and comment notifications just for LR Mobile? The underlying structure is already there to implement it for the other services as well. These other services have a diversity of features that many users find valuable and that are unlikely to ever appear in LR Mobile, so asking them to switch to LR Mobile just to get the trivial ability to sort by comment time is frustrating.
- SDK access to the comments and likes, so that plugins can manipulate that metadata just like they have the ability to manipulate other metadata. Just providing SDK access would let plugin developers provide the other functionality.