When moving any adjustment slider it would be useful to have a method of moving the slider in a more accurate or slower way. This feature would be similar to the hue "fine adjustments" toggle in the mask / colour mode. However, I imagine a more unified integration without any additional toggle. I have come up with a few ideas in which this could be achieved.
Option 1: The artist would touch the slider knob and hold still for ca. 3 seconds. Then the slider would go into accuracy mode. If the slider is moved in under 3 seconds it would simply stay in the classic slide mode.
Option 2: The artist would double tab the knob slider to activate accuracy mode.
Option 3: The accuracy mode could be linked to slider acceleration. Similar to a desktop cursor. This way the slower a user moves the less units will be adjusted.
My favourite is probably option 1 because I imagine most of the time you'd want to adjust quickly and roughly but occasionally you'd need the extra accuracy and therefore the little wait would be acceptable. Perhaps the knob could get a small clock spin to indicate the activation. Similar how it is done in many video games where delays are used.
In all 3 scenarios accuracy mode would mean that the slidable area will expand past the current slider location. I imagine this could be done invisibly since most people focus on the image while adjusting. However, a ghost slider might also be a possibility. I.e. the current menu would fade out and a single translucent slider would spread across perhaps 80% of the screen.
Perhaps some of the options reflect accessibility issues and therefore it would be ideal to have more than one option and let the use set their own preferences.
This solution would increase my productivity, improve the quality of my output and also make Lightroom more accessible. I mostly struggle to adjust the white balance since it's such a sensitive slider but there are several other values where it's hard to hit the right values. When editing many photos this usually means constant back and forth on a slider until I hit the right value. I basically press the finger down and barely move it a mm to make a crucial change. Often I resort to copying something that's "close enough" to other images but then I wouldn't do any micro adjustment because I feel that if I touch that slider it will just make it worse again. Obviously I can tidy up these issue when I am back in Lightroom Classic but It would be nice if this step could be completed in the app since I overall enjoy working in it a lot more than on my PC.