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P: Lightroom Mobile: Restore full screen "Rate and Review" functionality

Explorer ,
Jan 06, 2017 Jan 06, 2017

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When in "Rate and Review" mode, I want to be able to turn off the thumbnail bar at the bottom, and have the image resize to fill top to bottom. It wastes space when I'm not using the thumbnail bar, I tap the image to make it go away, yet the blank space stays at the bottom. Images should expand to be as large as possible on the screen.

Idea No status
iOS: iPhone , iPadOS






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Explorer ,
Feb 13, 2017 Feb 13, 2017

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Here is what I am talking about. When in "Rate and Review" mode:

And when you tap to make all that garbage go away, so you can actually see your image:

And the image doesn't automatically expand to full screen. It absolutely should.





Explorer ,
Feb 13, 2017 Feb 13, 2017

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I use Lightroom Mobile (on  my iPhone SE) to rate and review images from my shoots, mirroring it to a large TV. I have incorporated this process into my workflow, but since the December 8th update, there seems to be glitches that keep me from using Lightroom Mobile this way anymore.

One big issue I'm having is that because of the thumbnail bar at the bottom of the image screen, the images can't be viewed full screen anymore. What I mean (should you want to try to duplicate this phenomenon), if I go into Lightroom Mobile, open a collection of images, tap on an image to view that single image, go into the "Rate and Review" section, and rotate my phone into "landscape mode" (horizontal), I see my image in the center, metadata info on the left, a big ugly star rating bar going through the center of my image (ugh), and a thumbnail bar on the bottom. If I tap to view JUST the image, all the other stuff goes away including the thumbnail bar, but the image does not expand to full screen. There is still an empty space on the bottom of the screen where the thumbnail bar used to be. I believe this is not just landscape mode, either. I think that space at the bottom always stays there. Shouldn't the image expand to be as full screen as possible, when all the other info goes away?? And I'm not talking about double tapping an image to viewit at 100%, either. I mean having the image expand top and bottom to the edge of the device's screen, still viewing the entire image. Just having it as big as possible. Is this a glitch now? And if so, when will it be fixed so I can continue using this app for reviewing my photos full screen?

Granted, I realize I'm using a small iPhone screen to run Lightroom Mobile. But shouldn't this app have been tested on all mobile screens before it was released? Does anyone have an iPad and can test if this same thing happens? I just want to be able to review my images the way I did before the update... full screen with nothing else blocking the image... swiping left and right to scroll through images (no need for some tiny thumbnail bar)... and swiping up to give them star ratings. It was a quick and efficient method of reviewing images prior to the December 8th update. Now, it's cumbersome and inefficient.

So when is the next update coming out to fix this previous update?





Explorer ,
Jun 04, 2019 Jun 04, 2019

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Same for me. When I rate my pictures, I want to have full screen all the time, also when I swipe to the next one.

Now I have to swipe and tap on the screen every picture, to restore the full screen.





Sep 05, 2019 Sep 05, 2019

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+1 for fullscreen "Rate and Review"!

While the problem described in this topic has been fixed (images fill the screen when tapped) it is still impossible to remove the thumbnail bar.

Tapping an image removes it but when you advance to the next one it pops up up again. The bar is super annoying (for me) as it 1) wastes space on the screen and 2) it simply too distracting. My mobile review flow is completely broken now... 

My flow (used to be): sync images to LR Mobile and "speedrun" through them in fullscreen "Rate and Review" mode rejecting the failed ones. On my first pass I barely look at the images as the really bad ones are obvious and easy to reject. On the second and third passes I take a bit more time to judge an image and might sometimes zoom in to check a detail or compare it with another image by swiping back and forth between the two. The bar is especially annoying on the latter passes as it makes judging the images a bit harder (as it wastes space and distracts) and therefore slower which effectively kills the Zen-like and laser-focused review process I had previously.

Please LR team: allow us to hide the bar. It doesn't seem like a big deal as it is already possible in the Develop and Info views. 

PS @robert Morris can you maybe update the description of this issue to reflect the fact that although images are fullscreen now the bar still can't be hidden? I hope it will draw others to like/comment on this issue and give it more exposure. 





Sep 05, 2019 Sep 05, 2019

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Yes, me too! I really don't understand why they removed this feature. At first I thought it was a bug (since the bar disappears in the other modes) that would be fixed in a next released but it's still here... argh!





Explorer ,
Sep 05, 2019 Sep 05, 2019

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This is an OLD thread. I'm so fed up with Adobe that I've switched to Capture One. VERY happy with their program!





New Here ,
Jun 25, 2023 Jun 25, 2023

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The rating and flag should be seen while editing the photo. I find that as I'm going through a shoot I will rate the image and edit at the same time. When looking at an image I might try a little editing on it, if I think it looks good to keep I have to closed the edit window, rate the shot, move back to edit window, and swipe to next shot.




