Please can keyword entry have an auto-complete that offers suggestions from the existing keyword list. This would be a huge enhancement to stop the problem of variations on a theme.
Just wanted to bump this a little. I've been making a conscious effort to develop a workflow for my new pictures. With the lack of multiple flags in Cloud, I'm using a keyword to mark photos during my first quick flip through an import that have potential but will need specific attention to get there. Not having that keyword autocomplete is an annoyance.
+1, even better, perhaps also have suggestions before you even start typing, and a way to see all the keywords. I hate ending up with "mountain goats," "mountain goat," "goat," and "goats" because I can't remember which keyword I've been using.
I agree - this is ridiculous that it is not included! Feels like a complete step backwards!
With fat thumbs and lots of photos to import - it is easy to mistype a keyword without autocomplete and end up with a number of variations of the same word. (flowers, floewrs, flowerd)
I posted this idea within days of CC being launched and keywords haven't been updated in any way. Nor are there smart albums to take advantage of keywords (smart collection syncing being a request that pre-dates CC by a years) . I want tags (aka keywords) and smart albums because they offer far more flexibility than hierarchical folders (although they can quite happily co-exist).
It's like Adobe's view of SaaS apps is to add features not refine the basics that would make Lightroom really usable. For me, it's like they don't know whether it's Photoshop or a digital asset manager first.
I closed my account when I realised that Apple's photos was the simpler DAM and round-tripping to an editor when needed.
I don't typically chime in for the sake of chiming in but this is truly an issue. I moved to CC because my needs are not as sophisticated as they once were and the backup originals is a nice bonus. However to not even have an autofill is just absurd in my opinion. How am I supposed to maintain consistency without autofill? Keywords in Apple Photos do come in when you import. Seriously? That is my workaround?
This is the main thing that's preventing me from switching from Apple Photos to Lightroom. I rely heavily on keywords, often the scientific names of insects, plants, etc. There's no way I'm typing out keywords like "Megachile centuncularis" all the time.
For me the most painful aspect of the metadata editing experience in Lightroom (cloud version, all platforms) is the absence of any assistance when adding keywords.
The app has access to thousands of already-keyworded images in my collection but it's my squishy human brain's job to remember what keywords I've used and their exact spelling? Not cool.
Adding keyword auto-completion and/or a list of my keywords would be welcome additions. I'm not asking for any machine-learning fanciness, just a fraction of basic keywording features Lightroom (non-cloud) has had for a decade.
This is great news. Auto-complete does indeed seem to be working for me in the desktop app (macOS 20200204-0604-bc5e360). A few small things:
- This might be macOS-specific but when the "Keywords" textfield has focus, the usual "Next Photo" & "Previous Photo" keyboard shortcuts (right arrow, left arrow) are hijacked by the textfield (to move the text cursor). This makes the keywording workflow for multiple images slower than it could be. It is possible to create additional "Next Photo" / "Previous Photo" shortcuts for lightroom using the System Preferences app (e.g. ⌘→ ⌘←) as a workaround but having a standard solution would be nice.
- Would be great to have autocomplete in Lightroom for iOS too (space is a little tight on the iPhone, but the iPad has plenty of room)
I recently constructed a catalog by importing items from a pre-existing catalog. It has thousands of photos, hundreds of keywords. But the keyword auto-complete doesn't seem to look at any keywords not entered since the catalog was created - ie not the imported keywords. A real pain. And why is the setting 'Offer suggestions from recently entered keywords'? I want it to use all keywords, most recent first perhaps, but not exclusively.