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Hi all,
I'm trying to enhance some visuals by integrating them into a more attractive background. I start with an object in a white background and I create a generate fill around. The process works fine except that sometimes the object itself is modified and I would like to prevent that.
Is there something I can add into the prompt or an option to enable somewhere that could help me with this? If I take for example the picture of a bike, generative fill tends to add things that are not there like additional spokes, additional cables, ...
Any idea?
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Hi @Laurent32241942u0ae why couldn't you simply duplicate the subject layer and mask it out - leaving you with the AI results on a lower layer and your untouched object on a masked layer?
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Thanks, I tried that but if I do this, the AI doesn't understand the object anymore and the background doesn't make sense anymore. I perhaps missed something but I extracted the object from the original picture just leaving a "hole" there, I duplicated the object on a higher layer and then I applied generative ai on the original image.
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Hi @Laurent32241942u0ae duplicate the object, dont cut it out. Make a copy to a new layer, leaving the original there for the AI to work with.
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ok but if I do this, all object modifications done by the AI will be visible below the copied object. The AI tends to add things to the object or around it. If I take a bike for example, the object detection works fine as it detects the spokes in the wheel, it's very clean. When using generative fill on the original layer, AI tend to add spokes in an unatural way, it even sometimes add a kickstand. I would need to delete those elements. It's quite tedious and it would create holes in the background.
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I'm having the exact issue with the exact same scenario (object on white background still altering the perimeter of my object or adding small random details). Would love a solution.
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I have the same issue.
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I created a character in photoshop and would like to place him in different settings. everytime I do it warps all the edges of my original character making hime look weird. Not just adjusting him to fit in the setting - warping him odly. sometimes to the point of hime being unrecognized. It's a cartoon so I want to use him as the base for the AI so that it matches and looks natural.
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Exactly what you select is crucial with Generative fill, butt I have a feeling that it might not be the right tool for you. If your object has a transparent background, then just place the layer onto a new background. It might be easier to offer advise if you showed us a screen shot of what you are trying to do.
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I have the same issue. Does anyone have a solution for this?
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@Davie336789556nez dont select the object you wish to preserve.
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Hi Kevin,
How would you do that? If I don't select the object, the AI will generate a background that will not fit the object.
Here is an example of a product on a white backgroud. I select it with the object selection tool (cloud) and then invert the selection to take only the background into account. At that point the selection is ok, even spokes are taken into account. Then when I use generative AI, I clearly see it understands the shape and size of the bike on the picture but it adds stuff to the picture like what you can see here below.
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Are we getting tied up with these Ai tools? I am not sure that the bike is a good fit for Generative fill because you'd need to get a really good selection of it, and it has too much fine detail to make that work. Plus, once you have that selection, what do you need the Ai for?
None of Photoshop's tools made a completely satisfactory selection of the bike, so I had to resort to Blend If, and I try to avoid that when possible. I did try asking Gen Fill to create the reflection, but I was able to do a much better job doing it manually.
There's some irony here, in that I burned through some Gen Creds testing, and ended up not using the results.
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Hi! I scale down the object first, leaving a copy of the object hid. Then i generate the fill and unhide the original object. then minimal adjustment and voilá. Its a workaround, and only work with objects without spaces, holes or transparent.
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Best work around so far, thanks!
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I'm having the same issue. I create a perfect selection around a shot of a piece of furniture on white, make sure the selection is precise using a layer mask, invert the selection then generate a backgound. More often than not it adds (and here's a few, but by no means all) extra legs, inches to either side, creates its own carvings where there may be carvings on the furniture, weird shelves, entire additional sections of the selected furniture that should exist neither in reality nor the fevered dreams of the insane.