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Hello, fans of Generator plugins, including "Image Assets". With the rise of recent "generative" features, such as "Generative Fill", we have moved the submenu for Generator plugins to avoid confusion.
File > Generate > Image Assets
is now
File > Automate > Generator Plugins > Image Assets
Image Assets menu item
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What do I do if the "generator plugin" is greyed out? I rely on this feature daily to do my job and it is very frustrating to have to track down this new method and workaround.
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Preferences > Plugins > Enable Generator
You should see the menu enabled after that is checked.
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Finally! I've searched everywhere to fix it! 🙂
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Hi Sam, I just want to tell you that this post of yours saved my weekend. We are heavily using the generator in the Company I'm working. Thank you very very much.
Kind regards,
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FYI - I had to do a full restart of my windows 11 device after checkmarking the option in Preferences > Plugins > Enable Generator. Finally the File > Automate > Generator Plugins is available and I can continue work.
Hope this helps someone.
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On MacOS 15.0.1 just closing and opening Adobe Photoshop was enough.
Hope that helps the next one. 🙂
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Generator fehlt
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Sorry @Thomas38872581fj8g we need a bit more information to be able to help, what issue are you seeing, what is the workflow you are using where this issue shows? Make sure you have the latest Ps bet:
Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.12.0 20240728.m.2716 4b9323b arm64
Cory - Photoshop Product Manager
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@Thomas38872581fj8g I merged your post with this thread. Please note the message at the top from @Sam Gannaway - Ps
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In Photoshop 2024 (25.10.0) Beta File > Generate > image assets is missing.
Where has this needed feature been moved to?
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File > Automate > Generator Plugins > Image Assets
It says "unavailable" but it still works. I guess they're working on it.
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Hi everybody, there was a change in where this lived and the post on discussions shares more info:
Also, check your preferences to see if there were reset in the move of this feature. If the generator plugin is not enabled, the menu iten will be disabled.
One note, when you tick the box for Enable Generator you will need to restart Ps beta to see it ungreyed out.
Cory - Photoshop Product Manager
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Thank you, Cory.
The last time I posted on the Adobe forum was when another feature was moved or removed without any warning. This is inconsiderate to those of us who use your software every day professionally. How would you like it if your mouse was one day missing? Then you would have to ask around the office before finding out that management had decided to unplug it and put it in a box, then put the box in another box so when you check the outer box, you don't see the mouse.
I made you suffer through my cute little analogy because your online documentation about this feature was updated on July 23, 2024, and gives wrong information.
I still get email notifications that users on your forum found my post from years ago helpful. Unfortunately, it's the same issue we are facing today.
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Preferences isn't even popping up. Did you guys move that too? Where is it?
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@James38932781tsez "Preferences" menu changed to "Settings" a few versions back.
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Another stab in the back of the professionals who use this day in and day out. Wasted 25mins of my life trying to work out where it had gone. Don't move stuff for the sake of it. Stick your gimic AI stuff in its own new folder and leave the propper functions that people use for work in the right places.... Shouldn't even need to click generate. should just auto do it when we add a file name to a layer...
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@deltaZeroWhiskeyXray to level set - this is in beta currently - not part of the public general release. The page you referenced relates to the public general release of Photoshop, not beta.
If/when it is released with the public general release there will be notes on the "whats new" page explaining the change.
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well it's public now, and that page still has the wrong information.
Got another excuse for adobe?
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You are correct. There are references on "Generate image assets from layers" that were missed. They will be updated soon.
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I agree, this was a pretty annoying change. I use this feature a lot and would prefer that it was left where it was.
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Note: this change is now present in the 25.11 normal release of Photoshop.
I find the entry at the bottom of that page to be rather lacking. I'll see if I can push to improve it.
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have updated text. There is also now a note at the top of the Image Assets page to highlight the change.
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"Generate > Image assets" is distinctly different than "Generate image". Where is "Generate Image" located other than the Contextual Task Bar? Generate image assets was moved to avoid confusion with generate image, as if they are stored next to each other. Even if so, there are multitudes of tools with similar names that use varying degrees of manual, automated and machine learning workflows to use - none of which are relocated.
Will there be a dedicated submenu for all AI components? "Generate image" would likely be under "Edit" and not "File" as it would be editing a layer or set of layers.