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PlugIn Preset TK8 - Incompatible with PS Beta (24.6)

Community Beginner ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

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The latest version PS Beta (24.6) has an issue with the Plug-In "TK8". This plugIn (TK8) is not functioning correctly and if removed, cannot be re-installed . The previous version works correctly (24.5). See the attached files for error code/statements.







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Adobe Employee ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

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Hi @dougt1944 sorry to hear this.  To be sure we understand, in 25.4 beta this plugin worked but in 24.6 it is not? Does this plugin work with the release version of Ps and the issue you are seeing is only in Ps beta 24.6?


Curious if you have reached out to the maker of this third-party plugin to see what they can suggest or what they are seeing in their tests?


It may help if we could see your Photoshop System Info. Launch Photoshop, and select Help >System Info...and copy/paste the text in a reply.  






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Participant ,
Jun 04, 2023 Jun 04, 2023

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This is Tony Kuyper.  I'm the developer of the TK8 Plugin for Photoshop.


Regarding the "Incompatible" error message, this is an Adobe issue.  Starting with Ps 24.4.0 there was a major problem that appeared mostly on Macs but also occasionally on Windows. Even though users could open Ps 24.4.0 and use it, when they looked at the the Apps tab their Creative Cloud app, Ps was NOT present in the list of Installed apps. Instead, it was sitting in the “Available in your plan” section. I’ve had many customers report seeing this, and it even happened on the MacBook Air I use for testing. And it gets worse. If they now the click “Install” button for Photoshop from the “Available in your plan” section, it wipes out their preferences, including their saved Ps actions, brushes, patterns, gradients, etc. So, if everything isn’t backed up, it's lost forever. I’ve been recommending that customers back up their Ps preferences before installing Ps from the “Available in your plan” section and then reinstalling their saved preferences after Ps is properly installed again.  This link tells how to back up Ps preferences.


Regarding the second error message ('The active layer is not an appropriate "Color Grading" Curves adjustment layer!'), I'm aware of this also.  It results in a change by Adobe in the back-end code that powers color grading in the TK8 plugin.  I've updated the code in TK8 to fix this and will be releasing a free update to TK8 once Adobe's code in Ps Beta 24.6.0 is released in a product version of Photoshop. (@CoryShubert--Do you know when that will occur?)  Since this is a "beta" problem at this time, releasing an update now could mean the solution might not work once the product version of Photoshop is released.  I think it's important to not try and get too far ahead of Adobe on this.  The TK8 plugin has adapted to many changes in Photoshop over the years, and this problem is simply part of this ongoing evolution.  As Photoshop continues to change, so will TK8.   For now, TK8 color grading continues to work normally in the current product version of Photoshop (version 24.5.0), and I'd recommend users use this version to do color grading with TK8.  My blog will provide updates about this issue as it develops, so please subscribe if this is an important issue for you.  Once I test my fix in a product version of Photoshop and know that it works, I'll post an article on my blog about the new features in TK8 color grading and how current customers can receive their free update.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 09, 2023 Jun 09, 2023

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Thank you @AnthonyK for the explination and detailed breakdown of the issue from your side.  We will pass this on to the team. At this time we cannot say when a beta will move to release, but we will always update the forum when it does to alert customers.






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