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PShop Beta breaks Wacom appication presets for other versions of PShop.

Explorer ,
Sep 12, 2022 Sep 12, 2022

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Mac OS 12.5.1
Intuos PTH-860
Intous driver 6.3.46-1

PhotoShop Beta v23.5.0

Photoshop 2022 v23.5.0

Photoshop 2021 v22.5.9

Photoshop 2020 v21.2.12


I use wacom expresskey presets for photoshop 2022 (and PS 2020).

After installing photoshop Beta, Wacom uses Photoshop Beta expresskey settings for all versions of photoshop I have. Regardless of my previously saved wacom settings.

Uninstalling PS Beta has not restored wacom expresskey preset functionality for any version of photoshop I have.




1: on  a Mac machine that has never had Photoshop beta installed. (even if PS Beta has been uninstalled)

2: Launch PS 2022.

3:  (see attached screen grab) Create a wacom  Express key preset for Photoshop 2022. Change some settings and tick "Show Express View".

3: Bring PS 2022 to the foreground.

4: Lightly touch a Wacom express key.


Expected Result:

on-screen "express key view" shows the expresskeys labeled with the settings you just saved for PS 2022.


5: Close PS 2022

6: Launch PS Beta.

7: Create wacom  Express key preset for Photoshop Beta (but with different settings)

8: Close PS Beta




5: Launch PS 2022 again and bring it to the foreground.

6: Lightly touch a Wacom express key.

Expected result:
On-screen "express key view" still shows the expresskeys labeled with settings you saved for PS 2022.

Actual results:

On-screen "express key view" incorrectly shows the expresskeys labeled with the settings you saved for PS Beta. The PS 2022 preset is ignored.



7: Delete the PhotoshopBeta express keypreset.

9: Use the unistaller to remove PS Beta.

8: Launch PS 2022 and bring it back to the foreground.

9: Lightly touch a Wacom express key.

Expected result:
The on-screen "express key view" shows the keys labeled with the settings you save for PS 2022.

Actual results:

The on-screen "express key view" incorrectly shows the keys labeled with the settings for "All Other" applications. The PS 2022 preset is still ignored.





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Explorer ,
Sep 12, 2022 Sep 12, 2022

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Mac OS 12.5.1

Wacom Intuos PTH-860

Wacom Intous driver 6.3.46-1
PhotoShop Beta v23.5.0
Photoshop 2022 v23.5.0
Photoshop 2021 v22.5.9
Photoshop 2020 v21.2.12
I use wacom expresskey presets for photoshop 2022 (and PS 2020).
After installing photoshop Beta, Wacom uses Photoshop Beta expresskey settings for all versions of photoshop I have. Regardless of my previously saved wacom settings.
Uninstalling PS Beta has not restored wacom expresskey preset functionality for any version of photoshop I have.
1: on  a Mac machine that has never had Photoshop beta installed. (even if PS Beta has been uninstalled)
2: Launch PS 2022.
3:  Create a wacom  Express key preset for Photoshop 2022. (see attached screen grab)
Change some settings and tick "Show Express View".
3: Bring PS 2022 to the foreground.
4: Lightly touch a Wacom express key.
Expected Result:
on-screen "express key view" shows the expresskeys labeled with the settings you just saved for PS 2022.
5: Close PS 2022
6: Launch PS Beta.
7: Create wacom  Express key preset for Photoshop Beta (but with different settings)
8: Close PS Beta
5: Launch PS 2022 again and bring it to the foreground.
6: Lightly touch a Wacom express key.
Expected result: 
On-screen "express key view" still shows the expresskeys labeled with settings you saved for PS 2022.
Actual results: On-screen "express key view" incorrectly shows the expresskeys labeled with the settings you saved for PS Beta. The PS 2022 preset is ignored.
7: Delete the PhotoshopBeta express keypreset.
9: Use the uninstaller to remove PS Beta.
8: Launch PS 2022 and bring it back to the foreground.
9: Lightly touch a Wacom express key.
Expected result: 
The on-screen "express key view" shows the keys labeled with the settings you save for PS 2022.
Actual results: The on-screen "express key view" incorrectly shows the keys labeled with the settings for "All Other" applications. The PS 2022 preset is still ignored.




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