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Transparent gradient Fill no longer functions reliably in masks

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Sep 19, 2022 Sep 19, 2022

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The old "Foreground to Transparent" gradient fill used to be just that: it would use the foreground color, then fade to transparent. If you're working in a mask, however,  (seemingly only in mask view) as you have that gradient fill selected and you change background/foreground colors, or switch them, the 'new' gradient fill tool will then not just fade to transparent, but also seemingly introduce a value in the gradient that is not the current foreground color, and does not appear to be related to the background or foreground color. This happens even if your background color is the same as your foreground color, and happens the same way any time you change the background or foreground color, and seemingly unrelated to the actual color swatches themselves. This happens with any value you choose too, not just black or white.

The vertical streaks you see are the errant values being created in the middle of a transparent gradient on the same color as the foreground swatch.

The only fix for this I can find is to reselect the transparent gradient fill. The other solution is to remove the color value from the right side and make a new preset. Is the inclusion of a color value on the right-hand side of the transparent gradient fill an oversight? Or is this a bug?

Screen Shot 2022-09-19 at 12.06.15 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-09-19 at 12.06.57 PM.png

Screen Shot 2022-09-19 at 12.05.56 PM.png





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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 21, 2022 Sep 21, 2022

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Hey @Stephen Newport,


Thanks for the report and sorry for the trouble with transparent gradients. I haven't been able to reproduce this on my system just yet running 24.0 or maybe I don't understand the steps to reproduce. The videos are very helpful by the way, thank you! Are you using 24.0 or another version?


Curious if a clean preference reset makes a difference here for you?

If that doesn't solve it, you can quit Photoshop and put the Settings folder back.


Let me know!







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Contributor ,
Sep 23, 2022 Sep 23, 2022

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Thanks for the reply. Oddly enough I can't recreate it now either, though it has happened more than once over multiple open/close sessions. I was and still am running 24.0. It was also happening in the public release build as well (I tested it at the same time)

Steps to recreate:

1.Create layer mask

2. Enter mask view
3. Select 'Foreground to Transparent' built in mask preset, linear (both left and right color stops will display foreground color)

4. Drag mask (normal)
5. Change background color
6. Drag mask (abnormal) 
7. Enter gradient editor, bottom right color stop will now show color data different than the left color stop/foreground color (abnormal)
8. Reselecting the default gradient preset solves the error, but changing the background color again returns it.

Again, I can't recreate it now, but hope this helps locate an issue. In general though, I'm curious why the preset has two color stops and two opacity stops, when it only needs one color stop and two opacity stops?


Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 4.16.32 PM.png


Screen Shot 2022-09-23 at 4.17.04 PM.png




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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 26, 2022 Sep 26, 2022

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Thanks @Stephen Newport,


Let us know if this crops up for you again, possibly restarting Photoshop did the trick?


Regarding Design, I think the preset adjusts settings in the gradient editor and a gradient consists of two (or more) colors, so the second color is just part of the typical UI design.







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Contributor ,
Sep 27, 2022 Sep 27, 2022

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Restarting wasn't the solve. I closed down and opened up both the beta and public build and it continued to happen. Restarting the computer may have? But as I said, it happened before then as well in separate open/close sessions. I'll reply back if it happens again!

Thanks for the replies!




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Contributor ,
Oct 14, 2022 Oct 14, 2022

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Hi Pete, this happened again on a fresh start, fresh install of the newest beta, this time without modifying the background color. It just happened out of the gate. Can't get it to reproduce after a correction though




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