Windows 10/11
Photoshop Ver. 26.1 or later
Illustrator Ver. 24 (confirmed as 24.3)
When Illustrator Ver. 24 is started with these combinations, an unknown error [CANT] is displayed in Illustrator, and then operations such as creating a new file cannot be performed.
Also, a crash report will be displayed when exiting Illustrator.
This problem does not occur in Photoshop Ver. 26.0 or lower.
The same error does not occur at startup in other versions of Illustrator (Ver. 16 to 29).
This problem seems to be caused by Photoshop.
Although Illustrator is an unsupported version, it is still a problem when an application that should have nothing to do with Photoshop stops working properly.
Original text (Japanese):
Windows 10/11
Photoshop Ver.26.1以降
Illustrator Ver.24(確認は24.3)
これらの組み合わせでIllustrator Ver.24を起動した場合、Illustratorで不明なエラー[CANT]が表示され、その後、ファイルの新規作成などの動作が行えなくなります。
Photoshop Ver.26.0以下では発生しません。
Illustrator のその他のバージョン(Ver.16~29)においては起動時の同様エラーは起きません。