quando cerco di scaricare un modello gratuito da adobe stock mi dà questo errore... qualcuno sa come risolverlo? Ho provato a disconnettermi dall'account e riconnettermi, riavviare il mac ma non ha funzionato...
Enter name of the template in “Find more templates” in CMDN and click Go; or just click Go to go to Adobe Stocks and find the template there Download template from Adobe Stocks or Save to CC Library
If template was downloaded as .psdt file, File->Open and open it in PS
If it was saved to library, right click on it in Libraries panel > Open New document
In both cases, PS will create new document from this tem
Enter name of the template in “Find more templates” in CMDN and click Go; or just click Go to go to Adobe Stocks and find the template there Download template from Adobe Stocks or Save to CC Library
If template was downloaded as .psdt file, File->Open and open it in PS
If it was saved to library, right click on it in Libraries panel > Open New document
In both cases, PS will create new document from this template