Kind of hard to describe but randomly when working in photoshop all of a sudden when Im using the arrow keys to move objects, it won't move by pixel anymore but jumps to moving like 10-20 pixels at a time and then I have to resave the file in order for it to work properly again. I'm using PS2018 on windows. So let's say I'm resizing an image and then I need to move it to the left. So I'll transform it, and then using the arrow keys I'll move it left a few pixels. All of a sudden though, maybe this is after a save, it will stop being able to move pixel by pixel and instead will force me to move by 10-20 pixels at a time. Something happens to photoshop where I have to resave the file again, and when I hit control + s it goes to the save as command, not the regular save. Hopefully this gives enough detail but this happens randomly so not sure how to track it down.