Photoshop CC 2015: I'm not sure how to explain this articulately, but bear with me:
I always have my (L) tool set to polygonal lasso, always my (C) tool set to slice selector. I press L or C, or whatever tool shortcut, and I get my last-used tool out of that variety (e.g. C = 1. Crop Tool, 2. Perspective crop tool, 3. Slice tool, 4. Slice select tool)
Since the last update, whenever I'm using a different tool and then press L/C on my keyboard, it will select the default (first in the line of) tool, instead of the one I was last using, so L selects the freehand lasso, or C selects the crop tool, meaning I have to manually select/shift+L to get back around to the tool I wanted.
Has the latest update removed the 'last-used' functionality? Is there any way to get around this?