When selecting a layer and dragging a corner handle with the shift (or alt-shift) key pressed, the resize proportion isn't constrained. This started with this most recent update.
So as of now there are ninety, count 'em, metoos tallied at the top of this page. Does anyone really think that Adobe pays any attention at all to this, not even a zygote of a blip on their radar. They simply don't care and go on collecting our monthly due. They care about one thing and one thing only. That should be readily apparent at this point.
I am a little disheartened by Adobe's lack of response for the discontent over this feature that no one wanted. If Adobe is going to change a core behavior and say it's for user experience or consistency, then why are you forcing long-time users to edit a buried preferences file and why are none of the other Adobe apps the same. At the very least, please make it an option in the Photoshop preferences. This was not a cool move for people who use Photoshop every day.
The problem is that the soon to be released Photoshop for iPad has the same underlying code as the desktop Photoshop. I think that's really what's going on.
Adobe is not going to listen to us.
I read online 'The Verge' which reported that "Bringing a program like Photoshop to the iPad is a monumental task. The project started 18 months ago when two Adobe engineers asked to carve out time to bring the Photoshop codebase to the iPad. “There was just a lot of doubt until what we call the “proof of life” moment,” says Scott Belsky, Adobe’s chief product officer. Senior director Pam Clark agrees: “We fully admit we were surprised when the engineers showed up, and it was quite powerful and smooth.” That “proof of life” product inspired the design team to start focusing on the app’s user experience, with each new build focusing on a different Photoshop workflow."
Maybe we should all go on every forum we can find and every youtube channel that teaches photoshop and lightroom and spread the word of the horrible program it has become. More and more I am using ACDSee as an alternative to both photoshop and lightroom. I still have CS6 running like a boss here and CS5 32 bit for some plugins I need.
As a Photoshop user since V3, I would venture to say Adobe's mindset started when they purchased Aldus Photostyler and thus eliminating their real competition. Monopolies always choose to do what they want as opposed to serving their loyal client base.
Adobe has no real competition so they do as they please without regard to their clients. Adobe of late has been making more changes that hurt professional users and woo novices.
Adobe, I plead with you to LEAVE THE BASIC OPERATION OF PHOTOSHOP ALONE! Make your product perform better and give us a way in the prefs to "opt out" of any major changes. Change all you want in Photoshop Elements for the novices and kids. If you want Photoshop for the iPad... call it Photoshop iPad, making it a separate application. You are in the process of screwing yourself royally and don't seem to realize it. Listen to your professional users. They pay your salaries.
Take what I say with a grain of salt, since I only got Affinity for iPad yesterday. But when I watched a tutorial on gestures, my head started swimming. It looks like they use the same concept there—no gesture (shift) for constrain transform, gesture to unconstrain—but it also appears to be inconsistent. It looked to me like shapes (vector) were different with free transform using no gesture. They came out a long time ago, so maybe PS is copying them?
It's going to be a confusing world out there. I still want the option to constrain or not on the Options bar, so if we click on the link, it's constrained AND a sticky setting. Unlinked, unconstrained, AND a sticky setting. We can have a preference, too, but the Options bar lets us choose on the fly. As for the iPad, I'll probably click my way through it all, ignoring gestures as much as I possibly can, and hope menus and icons work as well on the iPad as they do on the desktop for apps where I don't remember all the shortcuts. It's not as if I'm using the iPad to be highly productive.
And the constrain "feature" is not consistent with all tools. I notice when I paste a new object as pixels, I actually must use the Shift key to constrain the transformation before clicking Enter to complete the execution. But if I try to size an existing object, Shift key does NOT constrain the transformation.
This happens in Adobe tools all the time, and I hate it. They turned off CSS custom formatting in Dreamweaver a few years ago when they started using a different framework to power it... a huge amount of users wanted it back and nothing happened. I gave up WYSIWYG editors completely and moved to Notepad++, and am sort of leaning the same way with this one. We'll see.
By the way, after three weeks of use, auto-select text is also a big pain in the workflow... So here it is, I'm back to 2018. Can't stand this version that drives me mad... And I don't talk about graphic issues... Check those dumb issues... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTILAITOEC4
I looked at the video and duplicated his file (or think I did). It wasn't easy to see what I might have been doing that he wasn't, but I was unable to get it to replicate like that with everything I tried. It looked like he was just using zoom and pan. Cool "feature," if somewhat awkward in real life use.
I was thinking for a moment I was seeing Illustrator's ability to draw replicating versions of a geometric shape when you hold down the option/alt key as you drag it out.<G> So I was kinda hoping I could make it happen too. '-} On a Mac with High Sierra.
If you wanted to introduce this type of behaviour it should be natively configurable (without any .txt file workarounds).
My thoughts are, you have a toolbar with all the dimensions and scale options, can't the link symbol button for proportional scaling be the link to controlling this behaviour. When pressed the default is to scale proportionally, if it is unchecked, an object is unconstrained when adjusted.
In both scenarios, the shift key acts as the modifier to switch the behaviour, so when the constrain proportions button is enabled, the shift key overrides the behaviour to one of unconstrained and vice versa. At the same time you could look into enabling the linkage of the 'Toggle reference point' button in the same toolbar, which appears to not currently be referenced when scaling.
If that doesn't appeal, then just give us the option in the preferences to override this behaviour, and as other suggest, make it consistent so once this is also applied to shape creation etc. the setting overrides this globally.
Have been a photoshop user since Ver 3.5 - am very frustrated with the most recent update - and not sure where to send a complaint or request - the transform tool was changed - while some features of it are good and will take time to get used to - you can no longer grab corners and move them where you want - they snap to some grid but I cannot seem to find a way around this - VERY frustrating - and why is this not still do-able??? I am a professional real estate photographer and used this tool OFTEN - now I cannot - I've wasted hours trying to work around this - not at ALL pleased and hope that adobe reinstates the ability to drag from the corners - and no - it does not work by holding shift or command - it snaps every which way but the way you need it to - How do I get this to work the way it did before this update of 2019?? I NEED this ability - this is maddening
<you can no longer grab corners and move them where you want - they snap to some grid but I cannot seem to find a way around this>
Have you looked in the View menu to see if Snap and Snap To are on? They are by default, so could have been turned back on when you updated. I'm not seeing any snapping when I transform, but it does return whenever your preferences get trashed.
This is really bad. And it doesn't make sense, since in illustrator it still is the old way.
Scaling proportionally is ok, I can deal with that, but when you are wanting to use skew in complex ways but the controls are all different it gets really confusing super fast. Really breaks my workflow. Terrible.
Please give us the option to use legacy like you did with the Undo key change.
I didn't realize people have gotten that lazy in the last 20 years. I've been using photoshop since 1998, and holding down shift to resize while maintaining proportions was NEVER an issue. This absolutely SUCKS right now. It is slowing down my work flow, and it is beyond annoying. I don't know who has issues holding down a key, but PLEASE put it back.
How about a checkbox in preferences that lets you use the legacy transform feature we've been so used to for the last 20 years? Great for new users and all that, but for people that have used the software for a long time, now we press Shift and it un-constrains proportions.
So there's a checkbox for using Legacy Undo under Keyboard shortcuts (also not a huge fan of those new changes either), why not do the same for Legacy Transform in preferences? The fact that you have to resort to notepad to sort this out is a bit stupid in my opinion.
The transform reference point in version 20 is not working like it did in previous versions. In past versions. In past versions when the reference point was moved to a new position by sliding the reference point to a new location with the mouse or by option-clicking to reposition the reference point, the transformation scaled around the point. Now, this is only available by holding the option key modifier. As an advanced user, I would prefer to go back to the older way or allow me to change the behavior of transform in Photoshop preferences.
Honestly I can't imagine how the new transform is great for new users either. I tried once more to get used to it, spending a full day with the new transform. But because smart layers and shapes are not scaling uniform - I'm getting confused of the mixed behavior. I honestly still don't know which layers scale uniform or not, groups, multiple selections, smart layers, text layers, regular layers....It's a complete mess and I can't imagine anyone prefer it this way, unless one is completely rookie in the program. I find it seriously provoking that Adobe can make such a stupid change and just keep ignore paying customers in threads like this that doesn't have a single good thing to say about the change. I have added the userpref.txt change, but it's still annoying nonetheless, because I do not understand the logic at all for doing this. And it completely contradicts their very own argument for adding multiple undos, which were to unify the experience across Adobe programs.
Also now when doing free transform, the rotation boundingbox around corners are moved a lot closer, and that also breaks the user experience for no good reason. Before you could rotate the transform box wherever you have the cursor outside the box, now you need to be up close to the corners. My list of things getting worse by each update is expanding every year.
When using image resizing or classic crop mode after drawing the crop area, resizing it will resize it locked to the initial drawn ratio. To get the correct resizing functionality you have to hold shift down. Holding shift should be what locks the ratio like it previous versions. This needs to be fixed or at least an option in the settings.
Users should not update until this basic functionality is fixed.
I feel like an idiot! Why doesn't Adobe inform? Why do they make such unnecessary changes? After I tried and sweared for half an hour, I found: New in Photoshop CC version October 2018 (Version 20.0) When converting most layer types, such as pixel layers, text layers, bitmaps, placed smart objects, simply drag a corner handle to scale these layer types proportionally. If you hold down the Shift key while dragging a corner handle during conversion, these layer types will be scaled non-proportionally.
I have never felt that the Shift/Contrain was an issue and don't understand why Adobe felt that needed to change.
Although I still would have been annoyed at having to retrain muscle memory, I would be fine with shift/constrain being reversed if it were CONSISTENT, but it's not. Now I have to think about what type of element I am trying to transform before I hit that shift key. I don't want to think, I just want to do. I use the transform function regularly and now I'm constantly hitting the undo command because I forget to check what type of element I'm transforming before I hit the shift key or not.
Which is easier to remember?
Shift = constrain
Shift = uncontrain on raster layers, text layers, and any group of elements that contain at least one raster layer or alpha mask Shift = constrain on shape layers, groups of shape layers only, and in other Adobe products