To check your Photoshop version and make sure you are up to date, please go to Help > System Info. In the top line you should see "20.0.1," which is the current version of Photoshop.
The primary cause of this issue has been addressed in the newest release of Photoshop, which is now available for download. Please open your Creative Cloud app, upgrade to Photoshop 20.0 and try your video render again. We would appreciate your feedback.
Just updated Photoshop CC through creative cloud. It's only version 19.1.6 and the video render problem persists. I've never made it past about 60%. Very frustrating, I'm doing stop motion and actually really need that function to work now.
It may be the permission issue or
memory issue. You can read this blog to clear your doubt, How to Unblock Adobe Flash Player,
they have given solutions for every issue related to Adobe. So, I am
sure you'll get what you want.
Like Shane says, it's still the same. Only last week I tried exporting a video on a friend's CC (newest version) and it's exactly the same. Export stops about half way through and stays there until you cancel.
Please confirm that you have Photoshop 20.0.x and not 19.x. I ask because there was trouble for some users getting 20.0 to download (such as for Johan a month ago).
If you indeed have 20.0, we'd like to arrange a screen share session to see what is happening.
To check your Photoshop version and make sure you are up to date, please go to Help > System Info. In the top line you should see "20.0.1," which is the current version of Photoshop.
To check your Photoshop version and make sure you are up to date, please go to Help > System Info. In the top line you should see "20.0.1," which is the current version of Photoshop.
I am completely updated on my photoshop, I have tried literally everything that I have found that have offered solutions and I still am unable to render a video or even get through the initializing process in photoshop.
The post from Hannah is directions for a Mac. I have windows 11. I thought maybe if I tried to install the 25.5 it might work since it stopped working when it updated to 26.5 or whatever the latest was. Wishful thinking because it didn't work.. So someone said I can still create a video in PS. But how do I save it so I can render it elsewhere? I spent 45 min splicing three videos together and lost all my work because when it rendered it, at the end it said ' can't render video there is a problem with media encoder. Or it will hang after 10 sec. and I have to use task manager to close PS losing all my work.
This might work if it was for windows and not a Mac. I fibally tryed to install the version before the 26.5since it worked before the last update. I got it to work one time and it has gone back to stalling after 10 seconds again. I have to close PS using Task Manager and lose all my work.