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Adjustment layer mask not aligning correctly despite being linked.

Engaged ,
Mar 07, 2023 Mar 07, 2023

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Two issues, maybe related.


First: I had two layers I linked, and when I nudged one, the other didn't move. However, this issue was gone after I restarted Photoshop, so I couldn't screencast it.

The second issue remained:


I first ran into it when I drag/ dropped a few masked adjustment layers from one image to the next. They didn't line up nicely since the images had slightly different dimensions. So I wanted to align them to the center (seemed easiest, since one of the adjsutments was a curve for adding vignette).


This also aligned all other masks to the center, which it should *not* have.


I made an example screencast of the issue using a simple document:

I first move the linked layers and the masks are moving along as they should, then I align to center and it goes to pot (I think this is a bug and both masks should end up in the same position, as they were before).




PS 24.1.1 on Mac OSX 12.6.1, MacStudio.





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Mar 10, 2023 Mar 10, 2023

I beleive this is working correctly. The Adjustment layer has 'infinite' bounds so it centers the mask as it is the only content on the curves layer. The green layer has outer edge bounds that are just shifted slightly off the bottom and right edges. Photoshop aligns the outer edge of the green pixels to the canvas, and that shifts its mask up and to the left when that layer is centered. The masks shouldn't stay aligned in this example.


Adobe Employee ,
Mar 07, 2023 Mar 07, 2023

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Hi @ReneDamkot thank you for the post... curious if updating to 24.2 would solve this?




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Engaged ,
Mar 08, 2023 Mar 08, 2023

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Updated to 24.2.

Didn't solve it.


before alignexpand imagealignexpand imageafter alignexpand image




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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 10, 2023 Mar 10, 2023

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I beleive this is working correctly. The Adjustment layer has 'infinite' bounds so it centers the mask as it is the only content on the curves layer. The green layer has outer edge bounds that are just shifted slightly off the bottom and right edges. Photoshop aligns the outer edge of the green pixels to the canvas, and that shifts its mask up and to the left when that layer is centered. The masks shouldn't stay aligned in this example.




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Engaged ,
Mar 11, 2023 Mar 11, 2023

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Ah, yes. I see what you're saying.

I think I remember text layers also all ending up in the center regardless of their position relative to each other before aligning, or the layer 'selected for aligning'.


I'd have expexted PS to align *only* the selected (highlighted, not 'marching ants') layer, and to just 'drag along everyting that's linked to it'. So If I were to select all layers, thén align to center, the bahaviour would be logical (to me)


Hmm. I see what it's doing now. Can't believe I never noticed before. Kinda makes aligning useless (to me) in most cases, but good to be aware of nevertheless.




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