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So I'm using Adobe Photoshop 25 in Windows 11 and when I go to start a new document, none of the basic presets are present. For example, this window under 'Film and Video' should have the presets for Standard HD, 4K screen size, and many others, but all it manages to pull up are the Adobe Stock options:
Likewise, I can't even get a standard 8.5'' x 11'' paper off the print presets menu:
I've seen other posts about this from months or even years ago, suggesting to reset the Preferences. I've done this several times (this problem has been recurring for months) and while it helps one time, the problem inevitably crops up again. Has anyone found a permanent solution?
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Hey, @Ben_Illustration . Welcome to the Photoshop Community. I'll need more specific info about this and I'll help you figure it out. Please share the system info from Photoshop Help > System info > Copy and paste into a text document > upload and attach here.
Does this happen after a specific series of steps?
Try this:
Go to Preferences > General > enable Use legacy 'New document' interface & restart Photoshop.
After relaunching once, go to New document & restart Photoshop to revert the legacy new document change.
Let me know how it goes. Thanks!
Sameer K
(Use '@mention' to tag me when you reply)
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Hey, @Ben_Ruff.
By @Sameer K
Hi Sameer,
It looks like you accidentally tagged "Ben", an account with zero posts instead of @Ben_Illustration
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Thanks for pointing out. Fixed it.
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Hey, @Ben_Illustration. Thanks for sharing the system info.
This may be related.
1—As indicated in the system info, you only have 20GB of scratch space. Please consider adding some more.
2 - Your machine's secondary GPU (Intel HD 620) has drivers from 52 months ago. This can cause some issues under the hood. Follow additional steps here:
Follow these steps to further start a fresh page with PS. Go to the location of the preference folder below and rename it to backup.
Windows 10/11: Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
You can press Press the Windows key > Enter 'Run' > Enter %APPDATA%\Adobe
Rename the Adobe Photoshop folder by adding a .old at the end. (Adobe Photoshop 2025 > Rename > Adobe Photoshop 2025. old), You can restore these preferences later if needed.(
Restart the computer.
These changes will give a fresh start to Photoshop as a fresh install. Let me know how it goes.
Sameer K
(Use '@mention' to tag me when you reply)
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@Sameer K It's embarrassing to say this, but the problem was fixed when I booted up Photoshop this morning. But it has been happening multiple times over months (twice this week already), and restarting Photoshop or my computer doesn't always work (never has before), so let's keep looking into this.
The disappearing presets don't happen after any particular series of steps; they just aren't there when I start up Photoshop and don't return despite restarting the program usually.
I did try the legacy new document interface yesterday when it wasn't working, but the drop down menu for the presets was also blank, so I switched it back. Nothing was fixed until this morning.
I've got the info you asked for in a text document, but how do I attach it? The site says it's not a supported file type.
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Yo estoy con la versión 26.0.0 en Windows 11, y hoy, al prender mi computadora me pasó lo mismo en Photoshop. Es muy incómodo tener que poner las dimensiones de los documentos de forma manual. Voy a iniciar una nueva entrada al foro para ver si consigo alguna solución. Ya realicé todos los pasos que sugieren aquí, y no se soluciona. Espero que se pueda arreglar. Saludos.
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Had the problem recur this morning. Here's what the Legacy New Document window looks like. Notice I can select "Document Type" but the drop-down menu for "Size" is just a thin, empty, white bar. Also, @Sameer K I have the system info attached. Not sure why the attachment wimdow wasn't appearing for me last week, but it's here now.
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Куда делись стандартные шаблоны создаваемых документов в фотошопе? Создать новый документ - Печать - а там хрень цветная из магазина "Бесплатно", а предустановленных стандартных А2, А4 и прочих размеров нет! В шаблонах Видео, Мобильное устройство и прочих - тоже самое - цветная хрень. Версия лицензионная с ежемесячной оплатой, ни каких доп.установок, десять лет уже работаю. Как вернуть предустановленные щаблоны?