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Boycott Creative Cloud?

Advocate ,
May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

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If you haven't heard, CS6 is the last CS version. From now on, you have to rent your applications via the Creative Cloud. I don't like the new subscription model. I have bought every CS upgrade since version 1, but it looks like CS6 is the end for me, even if it means keeping an old computer around just to run CS6 applications.

Perhaps Adobe would change its mind in a few months if most everyone avoided signing up for the subscription. In any case, they've created a real opportunity for competitors.




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replies 417 Replies 417
May 29, 2013 May 29, 2013

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Pardon, but attempting to continue to help people who are unappreciative and after asking a question unwilling to accept that they might have to put in a little extra effort seems more noble than silly to me.

Caupwhiting, perhaps if you're unable to accomplish your goal because of a browser failure, it might be prudent to try another browser.  Because of the nature of the net, most folks install several different browsers, though they may have a favorite one they use for most things.





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New Here ,
May 29, 2013 May 29, 2013

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If I could only be as "Noble" as you. You da man Noel.




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May 29, 2013 May 29, 2013

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I'm not sure how to read that, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Nobody likes to see people whom they consider friends (or at least pleasant acquaintances) belittled.  Nor do they like to be insulted themselves.

Tempers in this forum have been running high lately.  With all the strategic changes Adobe has made to better separate us from our money it's not unexpected that it might get a little hot in here.

But aren't we adults?  Let's all try to get along, shall we?





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May 29, 2013 May 29, 2013

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Alan3984 wrote: …

Alan who?




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May 28, 2013 May 28, 2013

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My monthly cost for Photoshop since version 5.x, works out to less than $7, as I skipped some versions as allowed at the time and got CS6 for free—and I own a perpetual license, forever.

Some poor schΜucΚ that pays $20 a month and then loses his job, temporarily, has nothing and can't even support himself while looking for a job and preparing a portfolio tailored to new job prospectσ.  That's what's called SOL—Severely Out of Luck.

I guess you also like playing the lottery, Alan3984, as that also is for folks who are very bad at math.




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Engaged ,
May 28, 2013 May 28, 2013

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No fair!

How did you get CS6 for free?

And like I said, DxO will do the work, very well at that and if you don't want to pay their measly price for upgrade, you can still get any new module for lens or body that comes out.




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May 28, 2013 May 28, 2013

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Hudechrome wrote:

No fair!

How did you get CS6 for free?…

That was the standard offer at the end of the CS5 cycle.  Upgrade from CS4 to CS5 and get CS6 for free.




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May 28, 2013 May 28, 2013

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Hudechrome wrote:

…And like I said, DxO will do the work, very well at that…

So will CS6, thank you. 




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Engaged ,
May 28, 2013 May 28, 2013

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That was meant for general consuption as well, Ramon.




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May 28, 2013 May 28, 2013

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Hudechrome wrote:

That was meant for general consuption as well, Ramon.

I would not have presumed otherwise, my good friend. 




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New Here ,
May 29, 2013 May 29, 2013

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This is not an isolated issue. By changing to this deplorable subscription model, Adobe is setting a precedent. If we accept this move, we should also be prepared to rent every other piece of software we hope to use, and eventually our OS, whatever it may be. We need to contest this in a big way. I will NEVER rent software, as a matter of principle. The so called "cloud" is a storm cloud and our computing future is a dim one if we allow this. Yes, I do believe we should boycott & simply go on using CS6 until Adobe has no choice but to offer an in-the-box alternative.




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Engaged ,
May 29, 2013 May 29, 2013

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...or you have no choice because the new camera you just bought is not supported in CS6.

A photographers only version is to be highly desired.




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New Here ,
May 29, 2013 May 29, 2013

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Contributor ,
May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013

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Explorer ,
May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013

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Have reposted your post. thanks for the link!!

Frank Heller wrote:

Worth reading:





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New Here ,
May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013

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Dear Adobe,

I have used, promoted and yes, even loved your products over the years.  I am sorry that you are forcing our divorce.  I have not yet found my new love, and unfortunately I will probably always compare her to you,  But I can't continue my relationship with someone who has forgotten a relationship takes two.





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New Here ,
May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013

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Personally, I see two types of customers who are going to benefit from the CC. People who use an Adobe program every day and students who only need it for a few months while in school. If you did update to EVERY version of CS, then it's still going to benefit you. Even at normal rates, it's more affordable, and more attainable than ever. Like they said, "It’s less than a cup of coffee a day." As a college employee, I'm in a good spot. The thing that really sucks is that it's a monthly bank account leach.

So in conclusion, I don’t believe the CC is going to fail. I like everything it has to offer. Though for a monthly fee, I really wish the starting rate for the whole CC was $20 a month, not $40. And that Teacher/student rates where $10 a month.




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Guru ,
May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013

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...students who only need it for a few months while in school.

Actually art/design students had it much better off with the CS perpetual model. They could buy the software to install on their personal computer at an extreme discount off retail. And it had no restrictions on use (other than selling an Academic license) So, once out of school that could keep using the academically priced suite to make commercial work as long as they wanted. AND they could use their their academic license to upgrade to the next CS version. A sweet deal.

Now with CC, students after graduation will have to start paying the standard CC subscription fee.




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Explorer ,
May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013

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This is a repost-

Here is a very interesting link to a blog on tumblr about adobe boycott


I guess adobe is gambling on a certain amount of subs. in 6 months (5 now) to meet some goal that says "see? good, no?" to someone in finance-landia they need to influence. So if we can hold off for 6 months and choke that revenue stream till then. We might get them to realize who butters the the bread.

So boycott ahoy!




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Advocate ,
May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013

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"If you did update to EVERY version of CS, then it's still going to

benefit you. Even at normal rates, it's more affordable, and more

attainable than ever."

More affordable than ever? $600 rent/yr. (for the design suite) is 50%

more than I've been paying for perpetual license upgrades (~$600/18





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New Here ,
May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013

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Just wanted to add, again, that were not dealing strictly with Adobe products here - if we allow this,
we will (almost no doubt) see many other companies follow Adobe's lead. Imagine that you have to
rent your OS & if you can't pay that your entire computer could be of no use until you pay-up again,
then tell me what a great deal this is. This is a major issue & we'd better resist rental software at every
opportunity! It's a frightening proposition, and this move by Adobe could very well be the beginning of such
a future. We are dealing with a precedent - it's a serious matter.




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Community Beginner ,
May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013

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And here is the new overwhelming great solution from MS: Winidoofs most creative cloud.

Nothing changed, but you´ll get 1 gb of online store and a few other useless gimmicks (....and we can name it "cloud" that way).

And all that for a little monthly fee of $50!!!

No longer great barrier to use winidoofs and your PC!

Always get automatic updates like Pissta or winidoofs 8 (without the possibility to aware!)

It´s so absolutely great. So sugar glossy (BS)!

The small print:

Winidoofs will connect to your bank account and when there is enough money it will start up. Else not.

Yes, we have access to all your cloud files and can do what we like with them. Even we can cut the access. But we will not do... may be... trust us...

You will never lose full editable access to your files (as long as you pay)

No, there are not so many Apps (in most cases none) that can read and FULLY edit your creations. We tried to not tell you this. Xuse, that we don´t pointed out better.

No, we are not longer motivated to do updates (we never were a lot), as you will have to pay anyway.

And yes, we will not longer sell other packaged OS, as we indirectly promised a few month ago when we said, that our latest OS will be the last upgradeable.

Yes, you will always have to upgrade your hardware if we decide, it´s necessary. Elswise you can use our provided old version (we will not give our non subscribing long time users) but you have to pay for the latest. Sorry for that.

Ehm, and, yes, you are a kind of Beta-Tester in future. Ehm, and we don´t give any warranty for anything. Ehm, good luck (May be our new updates - if they ever come to table - will not break any workflow like in the past. And if: Now you can be sure it hurts all users not only that, who installed first).

No, YOU don´t have to decide if it´s good for you or not. So it´s not an option any longer. It´s a must you must like.

Yes, it´s right, we bought also the competitor with the hooked fruit and all the others, so we are a monopolist right now. But you have enough choices to go to. So take it or not.

No, we are not listening to any concerns.

And we even don´t care about you.




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Contributor ,
May 31, 2013 May 31, 2013

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It's all been said before, but in case you missed it:

>   If you did update to EVERY version of CS, then it's still going to benefit you.

  They removed your choice. Before you had both options, now you have one. That doesn't sound like progress (for the customer) to me.

  The "rental only" model terms are great for Adobe, and not so great for many customers.

  If you enjoy or need 'renting", then you might be happy. But,   you have to continue to pay or leave. If you leave you have nothing when you're done.

  Now you're basically captive. If they decide to jack up the price, you're choices are limited. And they don't have as much of an incentive to improve things if they think they have a dominant market  position (which Adobe currently has).

  Like renting, that may make sense for some, but for many (especially those who've had a long-term relationship with Adobe) it's not a good thing.

>  Like they said, "It’s less than a cup of coffee a day."

  That's salesman talk for "Don't pay attention to how much you're paying in total or on an absolute scale. Only pay attention to how small it sounds".

  That type of thinking can be disastrous for your wallet if you're, say buying or leasing a car .  And in the case of Photoshop, we're not even talking about purchase as much as "renting".

  If I was paying $50.00 a month for toothpaste, would it be prudent to say "It's great because its only $1.60 a day..."? On an absolute scale, it's probably $48.00 a month you could be spending on something else (or saving for a rainy day).

> The thing that really sucks is that it's a monthly bank account leach.

  Which you can count on to go on forever... And will likely increase over time... until you decide to leave.




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New Here ,
May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013

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I do aggree but who exactly would the competitors be? I have not found anything that eorks as well as Photoshop. So sad.





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Explorer ,
May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013

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Who indeed, Paul. The future looks bright for open source development if the big corps keep playing us so. Ubuntu and gimp are not as well developed as, say, OSX or adobe for the simple reason that more people use OSX and adobe. If ubuntu and gimp had more users, albeit casual ones at first, and therefore, more developers, there would be more development in those areas and that would be open source development, not corporate. It should not be a question of what is available "now". If we stay with that thinking we will be shortchanging our tech environment's futures. I will say it again; Marx was right when he said the worker must own the means of producion to flourish creatively (paraphrase). All else is fuedalism. The age of corporate capitol is past it's peak. This desperate act of total control of those means of production only proves that. Developments are ALWAYS happening in all directions, not only with adobe (whose most recent "Upgrades" don't impress me anyway and are available via 3rd party plugins and other apps that open PSDs, tiffs and other formats and shake is adressed with new stabalizing lenses). There are already apps that do a much better job on some tasks than adobe. I only know about ps related tasks so, in farness, I can't say that across the whole suite. Anyway. It is important to keep this dialog going and getting as many as will out from under these fatalistic, depressive and victimized feelings and into a more positive and inventive mood so that, no matter what adbe (sic) does or not, creatives and casuals WILL OWN highly developed and awesome tools that assist them in making brillaint and breathtaking works of wonder. This is the moment to inovate, not capitulate! Worker rule is NOT dead!

#$paul123 wrote:

I do aggree but who exactly would the competitors be? I have not found anything that eorks as well as Photoshop. So sad.





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