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Could not complete your request because a SOFn, DQT ...

Community Beginner ,
Aug 03, 2018 Aug 03, 2018

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Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at 12.51.24.png

This is a weird message from Photoshop, could not open an image !!?

Could not complete your request because a SOFn, DQT or DHT JPEG marker is missing before a JPEG SOS marker.

what is that mean at first place !!! ... Im using MacBook and its up to date, photoshop version is 19, and it was working perfectly, I use it everyday to edit photos and so on.

Now I have one way to avoid this message by take a screenshot of the image and open it, but this is not a solution at all !

I don't know why this message is thrown by Photoshop.

is there anyone have a solution of this error !!!!!!







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Jan 31, 2021 Jan 31, 2021

I have created a free and open-source tool to fix these issues with images. It is easy to use and fast.

Application works for Windows and MacOS as well.

Source code and binaries are available here: https://github.com/cdefgah/whatsapp-jpeg-repair

Instructions are displayed on the page link I provided above (check README.md file).



Community Expert ,
Jan 11, 2022 Jan 11, 2022

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I was going to test with a special ExifTool command that rebuilds damaged JPEG files, so if the sample images on your site are "invalid" then I can't test them as 2019 is my earliest installed version.





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Explorer ,
Oct 09, 2022 Oct 09, 2022

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I ran into this error tonight for my first time. I have a free photo viewer/editor on my hard drive called XnView and sometimes it can do things that it doesn't advertise it can do.


I had 16 images on my hard drive, recently emailed from someone, that had that error of which you speak when I tried to open them up in Photoshop. I then opened them up in XnView and, one by one, performed Save As on each, then clicked Yes on each, to override the original images on my hard drive with the resaved images from XnView.


Then, in Photoshop, I was able to open all 16 images, no error.


FWIW, I do not make any commission from XnView nor am I connected with them in anyway. 🙂





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New Here ,
Aug 01, 2023 Aug 01, 2023

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Does nobody here or anywhere else that I've been able to see even think about asking why Adobe is not fixing this issue? They know about it, that's for sure,  but they just couldn't be bothered.  And it's not a difficult fix,  if paint can do it then I'm pretty sure that Photoshop can do it too,  if only they would get off their lazy backside and really do something for a change instead of implementing useless so-called improvements.  I can never understand adobe's mentality but then again I'm not a  multibillion-dollar company and they are.  So I guess it's probably a good thing that we all have to run around like chickens without heads on trying to figure out workarounds to open lousy JPEG files.  Something even the cheapest piece of freeware can do without any problems but Adobe cannot.  And no one even think to ask why.  I am amazed.





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New Here ,
Aug 01, 2023 Aug 01, 2023

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you can do the same with MS Paint, or any other piece of crappy software. All except Photoshop. Does nobody here or anywhere else that I've been able to see even think about asking why Adobe is not fixing this issue? They know about it, that's for sure,  but they just couldn't be bothered.  And it's not a difficult fix,  if paint can do it then I'm pretty sure that Photoshop can do it too,  if only they would get off their lazy backside and really do something for a change instead of implementing useless so-called improvements.  I can never understand adobe's mentality but then again I'm not a  multibillion-dollar company and they are.  So I guess it's probably a good thing that we all have to run around like chickens without heads on trying to figure out workarounds to open lousy JPEG files.  Something even the cheapest piece of freeware can do without any problems but Adobe cannot.  And no one even think to ask why.  I am amazed.





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New Here ,
Nov 05, 2023 Nov 05, 2023

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Worked for me too. Thanks for the info. I also have to do this when opening apple's .heic files. Shame on you Adobe for not keeping up with the times.






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Contributor ,
Nov 25, 2023 Nov 25, 2023

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This is just nuts, paint can open a jpg via WhatsApp when the most expensive photo editor cannot. If Adobe were to bother to fix this FUNDAMENTAL issue rather than messa bout with tweaks we dont need, they would have it in the next version of Pshop, make us all upgrade and pay more money per month, so its hopeless waiting for Adobe to do this. I am CS6 and refuse to pay per month, I dont have the money to do so anyway, I own my possessions ! never rent anything. and have been sent images via whatsapp which refuse to open, even if called.heic or .tiff none of that works. Adobe will never back fix an issue so I will never get a fix for .CS6 even if they do ever solve this, which they wont. Why wont they,...has anyone asked them ?


Meanwhile the mspaint is the eaasiest fix. unles someone has a plugin for CS6. also could do wiuth one for .webp images, again another pain in the butt.







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Community Expert ,
Nov 25, 2023 Nov 25, 2023

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Funny thing is, I have had no issues with images saved from WhatsApp desktop app... I have not tried comparing saving from the phone.





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New Here ,
Dec 09, 2023 Dec 09, 2023

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hey there, just open the image with paint, click save it, replace the original. et voilá. worked for me





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