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I am trying to follow a Photoshop Tutorial but everytime I use the brush tool these dots appear instead of smooth strokes, it is the same with the layer mask as pictured below. The brush mode is normal. I have no idea what the problem is so could really use some help!
Thank you!
Looks like you're using a halftone screen brush tip. Would you show your brush settings?
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Looks like you're using a halftone screen brush tip. Would you show your brush settings?
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You're exactly right, all fixed. I feel very silly now! Haha!
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you certainly are not. Sometimes you just don't see things like that
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Oh, no worries. Sometimes it's easy to miss things. 🙂
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Go to Window > Brushes to open your Brushes panel. Open the General Brushes folder and select one of the basic brushes like Soft Round or Hard Round, depending on what you need. Like Marianne-Deiters mentioned, it looks like you have one of the brushes from the halftones_and_screentones folder selected.
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Thank you!
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I'd really like to know why the hell this happened in the first place. I didn't select anything, the brush was working fine and then all of a sudden I was getting "Kyle's Screentones 38". But it wasn't obvious until I selected the General Brushes dropdown and selecting Soft Round. This is yet another example of Adobe software acting up and causing workflow delays!
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Same here, Mike, worked fine until the latest updates. Now these dots appear every time I open PS and try to mask an image. Frustrating to say the least, all these extra clicks slowing workflow. I reverted to an older version of PS (2021) that works normally and deleted the current version. It's apparent the latest generation of programmers have less capability to make improvements than to create bugs. I used to recommend PS when their prompt asks me to on a scale of 1-10, I've stopped doing that.
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Could you please post screenshots with the pertinent Panels (Toolbar, Brushes, Brush Settings, Layers, Options Bar, …) visible?
What is the position of "Kyle's Screentones 38" among your Brushes?
This is yet another example of Adobe software acting up and causing workflow delays!
Does not seem extremely likely, there are keyboard shortcuts for Brush Selection one might have hit inadvertently for example.
But I am naturally not claiming there are no bugs in Photoshop …
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I simply reset the brush tool and now it works.
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Easy fix: reset the brush tool (right click on the brush icon located left side of the tool bar) and all works normally now, no dots.
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Resetting the brush tool doesn't work for me. This is ridiculous.
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Please read this (in particular the section titled "Supply pertinent information for more timely and effective answers”):
Could you please post screenshots taken at View > 100% with the pertinent Panels (Toolbar, Layers, Brush Settings, Options Bar, …) visible?