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I'm currently using the below script to resize a layer to fit the canvas, however I would like to adjust it so it keeps in ratio. It currently stretches the whole layer to fit the canvas which isn't quite what I'm after. I would like it to fit specifically to the width or the height of the canvas depending if the layer content is wider than it is tall or vice-versa. Unfortunately I have zero scripting skills and am at a complete loss on what to adjust. Any help would be fantastic.
var maintainAspectRatio;// set to true to keep aspect ratio
app.activeDocument.suspendHistory ('Fit Layer to Canvas', 'FitLayerToCanvas('+maintainAspectRatio+')');
function FitLayerToCanvas( keepAspect ){// keepAspect:Boolean - optional. Default to false
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var layer = doc.activeLayer;
// do nothing if layer is background or locked
if(layer.isBackgroundLayer || layer.allLocked || layer.pixelsLocked
|| layer.positionLocked || layer.transparentPixelsLocked ) return;
// do nothing if layer is not normal artLayer or Smart Object
if( layer.kind != LayerKind.NORMAL && layer.kind != LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT) return;
// store the ruler
var defaultRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
var width ='px');
var height'px');
var bounds = app.activeDocument.activeLayer.bounds;
var layerWidth = bounds[2].as('px')-bounds[0].as('px');
var layerHeight = bounds[3].as('px')-bounds[1].as('px');
// move the layer so top left corner matches canvas top left corner
layer.translate(new UnitValue(0-layer.bounds[0].as('px'),'px'), new UnitValue(0-layer.bounds[1].as('px'),'px'));
if( !keepAspect ){
// scale the layer to match canvas
layer.resize( (width/layerWidth)*100,(height/layerHeight)*100,AnchorPosition.TOPLEFT);
var layerRatio = layerWidth / layerHeight;
var newWidth = width;
var newHeight = ((1.0 * width) / layerRatio);
if (newHeight >= height) {
newWidth = layerRatio * height;
newHeight = height;
var resizePercent = newWidth/layerWidth*100;
// restore the ruler
app.preferences.rulerUnits = defaultRulerUnits;
I just posted this in another topic thread (this code is the opposite, it maintains proportion, the other script code stretches):
// via
var maintainAspectRatio = true; // set to true to keep aspect ratio, false to stretch/distort to fit
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
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I just posted this in another topic thread (this code is the opposite, it maintains proportion, the other script code stretches):
// via
var maintainAspectRatio = true; // set to true to keep aspect ratio, false to stretch/distort to fit
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
app.activeDocument.suspendHistory('Fit Layer to Canvas', 'FitLayerToCanvas(' + maintainAspectRatio + ')');
function FitLayerToCanvas(keepAspect) { // keepAspect:Boolean - optional. Default to false
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var layer = doc.activeLayer;
// do nothing if layer is background or locked
if (layer.isBackgroundLayer || layer.allLocked || layer.pixelsLocked ||
layer.positionLocked || layer.transparentPixelsLocked) return;
// do nothing if layer is not normal artLayer or Smart Object
if (layer.kind != LayerKind.NORMAL && layer.kind != LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT) return;
// store the ruler
var defaultRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
var width ='px');
var height ='px');
var bounds = app.activeDocument.activeLayer.bounds;
var layerWidth = bounds[2].as('px') - bounds[0].as('px');
var layerHeight = bounds[3].as('px') - bounds[1].as('px');
// move the layer so top left corner matches canvas top left corner
layer.translate(new UnitValue(0 - layer.bounds[0].as('px'), 'px'), new UnitValue(0 - layer.bounds[1].as('px'), 'px'));
if (!keepAspect) {
// scale the layer to match canvas
layer.resize((width / layerWidth) * 100, (height / layerHeight) * 100, AnchorPosition.TOPLEFT);
} else {
var layerRatio = layerWidth / layerHeight;
var newWidth = width;
var newHeight = ((1.0 * width) / layerRatio);
if (newHeight >= height) {
newWidth = layerRatio * height;
newHeight = height;
var resizePercent = newWidth / layerWidth * 100;
app.activeDocument.activeLayer.resize(resizePercent, resizePercent, AnchorPosition.TOPLEFT);
// restore the ruler
app.preferences.rulerUnits = defaultRulerUnits;
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This is perfect, thank you so much!
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Glad to be of help.
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Escuse me sr, this script can work with text layers ?
I tried to use this amazing script but it only work when I turn the text layer into a smart object,
Unfortunatelly transformations are lost if I turn the smart object back to layers,
Thank you very much for your help.
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You can try commenting out line 15 with double forward slashes // at the start of the line:
//if( layer.kind != LayerKind.NORMAL && layer.kind != LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT) return;
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Thank you, I did it but it does not do anything, the text layer still outside the document boundaries. ( I want to fit a long text inside)
thank you
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Perhaps something like this?
#target photoshop
function fitLayer() {
if (documents.length > 0) {
// Save the original dialog display
var originalDialogMode = app.displayDialogs;
app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.ERROR;
// Save the original ruler units
var originalRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
// Set the working units
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
// Save the original resolution
var originalRes = app.activeDocument.resolution;
try {
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
// Conditional resize layer by portrait or landscape orientation
if (app.activeDocument.height > app.activeDocument.width) {
} else {
// Reset the original settings
app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
app.displayDialogs = originalDialogMode;
app.activeDocument.resolution = originalRes;
function scaleP() {
var iLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer;
app.activeDocument.activeLayer = iLayer;
var scale = Math.min(app.activeDocument.width / (iLayer.bounds[2] - iLayer.bounds[0]), app.activeDocument.width / (iLayer.bounds[3] - iLayer.bounds[1]));
// Scale to 90% of canvas
iLayer.resize(scale * 100, scale * 100);
// Centre the text layer on canvas
iLayer.translate(app.activeDocument.width / 2 - (iLayer.bounds[0] + iLayer.bounds[2]) / 2, app.activeDocument.height / 2 - (iLayer.bounds[1] + iLayer.bounds[3]) / 2);
function scaleL() {
var iLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer;
app.activeDocument.activeLayer = iLayer;
var scale = Math.min(app.activeDocument.width / (iLayer.bounds[2] - iLayer.bounds[0]), app.activeDocument.height / (iLayer.bounds[3] - iLayer.bounds[1]));
// Scale to 90% of canvas
iLayer.resize(scale * 100, scale * 100);
// Centre the text layer on canvas
iLayer.translate(app.activeDocument.width / 2 - (iLayer.bounds[0] + iLayer.bounds[2]) / 2, app.activeDocument.height / 2 - (iLayer.bounds[1] + iLayer.bounds[3]) / 2);
} catch (e) {
// Reset the original settings
app.preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;
app.displayDialogs = originalDialogMode;
app.activeDocument.resolution = originalRes;
// Create a single history step
app.activeDocument.suspendHistory("Fit Layer Proportionally", "fitLayer()");
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Won't the last step cause an error on older illustrator versions? I work with 2018cc at work due to old computer. But it doesn't have the history panel. I think you should then add of statement app.version, not 100% what the exact code is, but i know we can get the app version somehow
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@schroef – this is of course true, not all features are applicable to all versions. I presume that you mean Photoshop and not Illustrator.
For recent features where I remember them, such as in Photoshop 2022 (v23.x.x) or later, there is native WebP support. So if saving in that format, I put in a version check.
For older features from before I started scripting, I can't remember the relationship of "feature X is limited to version Y", so I don't put in a version check. I haven't had any reports of failures with code for suspendHistory so I figure that anybody using the code is running a capable version.
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Yeah sorry your right, didn't noticed this was a Photoshop category. Was checking it on mobile and you hardly see the info
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perfect, thank you
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Great job. Thanks!
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Does anyone know how i can reset scale to 100%. Im trying make simple script, but the resize function works with percentage, so simply using 100 doesnt do anything. I cant find the reference for this in the scripting documents. Neither does there exist a simple function "reset scale" or "reset transformation". At least not that i know of
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Does anyone know how i can reset scale to 100%.
By @schroef
@schroef – I know that this is an old post, however, your activity has now brought it to my attention... If you were referring to resetting a smart object transformation:
// Reset the SO transform
var idplacedLayerResetTransforms = stringIDToTypeID("placedLayerResetTransforms");
executeAction(idplacedLayerResetTransforms, undefined, DialogModes.NO);