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I have just tested the focus stacking function on my Nikon D850 in the rules of the art: fixed subject, full aperture macro lens, camera on tripod. 10 frames of 45Mpx each.
I followed Photoshop's processing procedure and stopped it after 10 hours when the working time indicator was at a quarter of the process, i.e. a total predictable time of 40 hours! I then did the same processing with Helicon software which completed the job in ten seconds!
Look for the error!
Please help, thank you
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Something's wrong here. Photoshop will do this in seconds too. 10 x 45 MP is nothing out of the ordinary.
One thing that can throw this process off, is if you have "content-aware fill empty areas" checked. Make sure this is unchecked.
All that said, PS focus stacking has its shortcomings, and it may well be that Helicon Focus does a better job. Or Zerene Stacker. They are both specialized software for this.
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Many thanks, but I didn’t find ‘content-aware fill empty areas’ on my last up to date PS (2021 - 22.5.0), and I buy a Helicon Focus license.
Best regards.
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One more thing: make sure alignment is good between all frames. It can sometimes need a couple of pixels nudging. Check at 100%.
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Hello, fellow french-speaking Dan Simmons reader 😉
Could you share some informations about your setup? Please check on Help>System info...
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Merci à vous deux. En effet, comme c'est la première fois que j'utilise cette nouvelle fonction, je m'y perds un peu...
PECourtejoie (Canadien, je suppose ?), que voulez-vous savoir ?
Bien cordialement,
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Belgian 😉 you can paste everything from that menu in here, so that all relevant info can be found...
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I communicate from Switzerland. Here are the 3 steps I completed, the last screenshot shows the beginning of the PS treatment that I stopped because it took too long.
I work with a Mac Pro end of 2013, 32 GB RAM, 10.14.6, 480 GB SSD for system and applications, PS 2021/22.5.0. Nikon D850, Sigma 105mm macro stabilized lens.
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Be sure to check that if the layer is unlocked or not Also, check if there is any transparent pixel they will be turned into white automatically.
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Thank you. For me the problem is still not solved and as a result I now use Helicon Focus...
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