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Hey, i can´t generate my PS assets since the last update. The reasen in the error.txt show that the "Asset path is too long" - WHY??
I need this option in my workflow!
I found out that the error is with Onedrive
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So, how many characters in the path + filename + extension?
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So why is there a limit for the characters in the path? My shortest path is 36 characters long (path + filename + extension). What is the reason behind to limit it?
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I found out that the error is with Onedrive
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This is not technically the correct answer though it's being indicated as such. The correct answer would be related to fact that Adobe Photoshop's Image Generator conforms to an arguably outdated max asset path of 255 characters and the author's OneDrive path (visible via right-click "Get Info" [MacOS] or "Properties" [Windows]) likely caused the destination to exceed that limit. OneDrive would not be in error or at fault for Adobe's plugin character limit.
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Funny, I hadn't looked at the O.G. ticket closely enough to notice that, you're 100% right. In my case, I'm using Google Drive, not OneDrive. The error is Adobe's outdated limitation.
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I've been having this issue as well, opening a Photoshop document from Google Drive Desktop. It's 227 characters in the path with the filename and extension -- I assume that regardless of if it's on a server or a local drive a long path over a certain amount will cause this. Seems like it could be easily fixed. It'd be LOVELY if it could be fixed, because working from Google Drive remotely has become part of our workflow, and this really throws a monkey wrench into it.
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I'm still seeing this in 2023. It's puzzling because I have multiple PSD in the same location and some give me the error while others don't. So while it might be an issue with file system depth, there's still some weirdness going on. For the record the output/export asset file names are only 16 characters in my case. I agree that this needs to be resolved as cloud-based directories are integral to many if not most workflows these days.
Workaround: Use the manual method of right-click asset > Quick Export as [type]
The workaround handles multiple asset selection at once, which is handy and quick. And of course it doesn't bark about the asset path length.
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Good to know there's a quickworkaround. I often setup photoshop documents with many Generate-exportable layers, so it's impractical for me, but good to use in a pinch. I hope Adobe keeps inproving Generate. It often gets stuck, doesn't export certain layers, and/or throws errors until Photoshop is completely restarted.
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So; I had the same issue and it was related to the parent folder name containing the PSD file was too long. As soon as I moved the PSD file out of the parent folder and tried again generating assets worked as expected. Hope this helps.
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Thank you so much for the tip to do a Workaround – that saved a lot of time for me! Still really annoying that Adobe hasn't fixed this in 2024. We're using Google Drive in the office, and the short cut to shared folders are using a very long number from the shortcut URL in Google Drive.
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Wow, what a dumb and probably easily fixable bug. 😕 The path to the file should be pretty much irrelevant here since the PSD and exports are relatively right beside one another. I realize that Adobe has kind of "moved on" from this feature, but it's a great feature that doesn't have a better equivalent in some contexts. Come on, Adobe, fix this!
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I'd like to know more about this.
Is it this you're reffering to?
I'd like to use it but it looks like it's an 'unidentified developer' on macOS. The paid version is $60 personal / $120 commercial, so I'd have to be really using this to make it worth it. So, it's interesting, and would like to hear more from those that have used it.
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Yeah exactly, I am talking about it. I am always here to help, tell me what do you want to know? It is easy to use. The website has everything you want to know. But you still need help, I am always here.
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It seems like you are a freshly created account, promoting software. I'll pass.
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Make your life easier and download Long Path Tool to tackle these problems.
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Another new account with zero history promoting software.
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After Goggling "Asset path is too long" I came upon this question. Didn't really see the answer here. But after a few minutes, I discovered this doesn't always mean the name of the asset you're creating is too long, but the name of the PSD itself or even the folder it is in is too long.
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I have managed to shorten up the file name or folder name to get it to work, but overall I believe it is the PATH name that is the issue. You could have a short folder/file name, but be buried in a folder file structure that is over a certain length (256 characters?) total and then it doesn't work.