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My updated photoshop has the brushes palette, and they have the little function icon in the right corner. I don't want them to stay with those functions. I want to have them just as a toolset, where I click on the function I want and then choose the brush I want to use for that function, ie. click on eraser, then click on the brush I want to erase with. Now I have a brush I use all of the time with the eraser icon in the corner, but I cannot use it as blur or brush now. I tried clicking on the Ctrl key when I selected it, but that didn't work. (Using an updated version of photoshop on a pc.) How can I delete those functions that have gotten saved with the brushes? How can I prevent those functions from attaching themselves to my brushes in the future? (I have looked for the answer, but I must not be using the right terminology. I clicked on Restore Default Brushes, but that didn't do anything.)
Thanks for your help,
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Just realized I used the totally generic "them" to refer to the brushes and the brush icons. Sorry. The sentence should say "I don't want the brushes to stay with those functions."