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Here’s the issue: I had a series of images printed and printer's final jpegs to me have a black outline that shows up when I post the images to my web site. I have searched and searched for instructions in how to remove it. I've searched under "frame," "border," "outline," etc. but nothing I've found seems to addres what looks like a fine black border around the image. Can you please show me the way? Many thanks. glgracey
My guess is that the image was on a black background before so what you are seeing is a 100% black trapping outline.
1. - with layer highlighted - Select the "thing" with the outline.
3. Enter the pixel amount you want the selection to move in and hit apply (ok/return)
4. Invert the selection
5. Hit delete to get rid of black edge.
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thank you for being the 1 person that seems to understand that for something SO BASIC, the solution should be just as simple, lol. i could not believe some of the others steps some people were laying out. thank you! 😄 you rock!
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I can't seem to get this "appearance"> "stroke" option in the properties window. ??