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Hello, how can I add any single color (From Red Green or Blue) to a pencil sketch?
This is the original image:
This is the target image:
And this is how I am able to generate:
I have used the following steps:
1. Original image >> Duplicate Layer
2. Duplicate Layer >> Changed Hue >> Applied Threshold >> Changed Saturation >> Applied Gaussian Blur filter
3. Color Dodge Step 1 and Step 2.
Issue - Either I am getting the red shade in the image or the sketch, but I need both actually.
Please explain if I am missing something or doing wrong.
Thanks in advance!
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Duplicate Layer >> Changed Hue >> Applied Threshold >> Changed Saturation >> Applied Gaussian Blur filter
First off did you apply all those changes as Adjustment Layers/Smart Filters?
Secondly I am not sure I understand what you are trying to do exactly.
Could you please explain more clearly and maybe post screenshots (with the pertinent Panels visible)?
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Hi c.pfaffenbichler​
Thanks for your quick revert. I am trying to simply convert the original image to the target image (both shared above).
This is my first time hands on with Photoshop so I am not sure I can explain you exactly like a UI developer but I would still give it a try. Please review the the attached screenshots, hope that will explain:
Can you please explain if I am following the right steps? If not, you can suggest me a better one. I think I am very close but still the detailing is not achieved. Let me know if you need more info.
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Hi aayush,
Try reducing the Gaussian Blur setting to only a few pixels. It looks like a small image, so try 2-3 pixels of blur and see if that makes a difference for you.
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Thanks for the screenshots.
You may want to convert the Layer to a Smart Object before applying the Filter, that way you can re-edit the Filter settings without unnecessary image degradation.
Personally I would probably go the other way round, create a b/w high-contrast Smart Object-instance and then apply the color via an additional Smart Object-instance (with high saturation etc. and set to Blend Mode Screen for example).
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