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For the last few days I have had this annoying issue where the left mouse button sticks on. Say if I am doing a free transform or panning around the screen (space bar + left click). I'll release the left mouse button but when I move the mouse the action keeps happening as though the left button is still pressed down. I then need to click the left mouse button again to release it. I am running the latest version of PS on Windows 10. I have checked the windows mouse settings and click lock is not enabled. I have also tried a new mouse just to make sure and the problem still remains. Could anyone shed any light? Thanks.
1 Correct answer
Hi Cory,
Solution 1 worked for me. More specifically:
- Made a backup of "Adobe Photoshop 2023 Settings" folder
- Cleared preferences on launch (on Windows so ctrl + alt + shift, yes to prompt)
- Closed Photoshop, deleted the newly created settings folder and replaced with my backup
No longer seeing the left click sticking issue, even after a couple hours of regular workload. For reference, when I updated to version 24.3 I encountered this issue in less than 10 minutes.
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Im having the same issue. Left click gets stuck on
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Hi all, curious if any of the steps outlined below work for this issue? Steps 2 or 3...?
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I have used cs6 for years and have no problems with it. I have just "upgraded" to 2024 and its absolutely horrible.
When im just trying to move an oblect, it transfors it. The polyline tool doesnt wqork properly. I draw a lot using polylines, but, unlike with cs6. If my mouse if still moving, the left click will not work and I have to stop till in order to create a dropped point. This has cost me hours of productivity and Im going back to cs6 as the new versions are rubbish!!!
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I actually created a thread on this a few weeks ago and it was around the time I had updated my graphics card's driver (to stop photoshop from frequently crashing like it had been since new years). Apart of me was worried that that was the cause but it looks like Im not the only experiencing this issue which one hand Im glad that my attempt at making photoshop stable had caused this annoying glitch wasnt the cause, it also is annoying that this is even an issue thay still hasnt been fixed! 😞
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Hi Cory,
Solution 1 worked for me. More specifically:
- Made a backup of "Adobe Photoshop 2023 Settings" folder
- Cleared preferences on launch (on Windows so ctrl + alt + shift, yes to prompt)
- Closed Photoshop, deleted the newly created settings folder and replaced with my backup
No longer seeing the left click sticking issue, even after a couple hours of regular workload. For reference, when I updated to version 24.3 I encountered this issue in less than 10 minutes.
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thanks, but this solution works for about between 10 minutes and 1 hour. same problem appears again.
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This solution isn't possible on my Windows 10 machine. There is no such folder as "Adobe Photoshop 2023 [or 2024] Settings".
I see from the other responses to this thread that all Windows users are experiencing the same issue.
Based on the fact that the issue is still present more than 18 months after it was reported, two things seem clear: the first is that Adobe considers this a low-priority issue; the second is that no one at Adobe actually USES Photoshop on Windows.
Personally, I have found that this bug makes my work much more time consuming, and it is troubling to have to be actually paying to use broken software.
Adobe does not appear to care about either their product or their customers.
This business model is flawed.
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AppData is a hidden folder. Perhaps you are not viewing hidden files in explorer? I agree the issue should have been solved immediately (and as importantly, clarified if it was a fixed issue in release notes) but on Windows 10 the path is like "C:\Users\yourUserName\AppData\Local\Adobe\" but you need to determine your username. Sometimes the following environment variable will work (although I have seen it not): %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Adobe
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At this point, I've just accepted that they're never going to fix it. It's been so long that my brain has already adjusted my muscular memory to deal with this bug as if it were a natural thing. It's really sad.
Maybe in the near future, they end up fixing it unintentionally while changing something else in Photoshop's code. To be honest, that's my only hope.
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Worked for me!
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As a company with almost $200 BN net worth it's pretty insane to have such dumb annoying bug for SO LONG.
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Yo tambien tengo el mismo error.
En mi caso , actualicé a la ultima versión la semana pasada , al rato de empezara ausar la nueva actualización , empecé a notar el problema que se comenta en este hilo. Como estoy cansado de los problemas de PS cada vez que actualiza , pues volvà a la versión antigua.
Pues cual es mi sorpresa que ahora mismo , con la versión antigua , 24.2.1 , tambine aparece este problema!!!
Es desesperante que no haya un mes en el que no falle o PS , o Bridge.....
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Es todo muy estraño....
He escrito hace 10 minutos un mensaje , pensando que lo habÃa solucionado con la actualizacion de Chrome , pero no veo el mensaje , no sé si se ha publicado.
El tema es que hace 15 minutos he actualizado Chrome , y al parecer habian desaparecido los errores.....
Pero ahora mismo , han vuelto!!!
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Worked for me for a day or so, but now it's back to the same problem again.
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The 'cleared preferences' solution worked for me but only lasted a couple days before the problem has started again. Not sure why, I didn't change anything. It would be great to get a hotfix/ update for this annoying bug!
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Vale.... parece que con la actualización de hoy acaban los errores... a ver si funciona permanentemente.
Lo que me toca las narices es que cada vez que sale un problema , que ultimamente son mucho , enseguida se le eche culpa a nuestras configuraciones , al equipo/ordenador que tenemos (graficas , procesadores , etc) , pluggins , etc Nunca es culpa de Adobe.... Y al final resulta que siempre se resuelve con una nueva actualización. En mi caso este invierno pasado llegué a cambiar el teclado pensando que era culpa de la tecl a"alt" , y al final resulto ser problema de PS.
Señores de Adobe , a ver cuando reconocen sus fallos , no pasa nada por decir "hemos hecho una actualización pero tiene fallos , esperar 1-2 dias que lo vamos a solucionar" (por ejemplo). Y asà sabremos que pasa y que podemos, o no , hacer...
Empieza a ser desesperante tanto error en las actualizaciones , y mas si trabajas a diario con PS/Bridge.
Toco madera......
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Pues vuelven a aparecer los errores , exactamente lo mismo......
Es desesperante!!!
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After update i have exactly the same problem... it's incredibly annoying. Adobe fix it please...
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I dont know if this happens with anyone else but I noticed something with the left click bug. Initially I noticed that it would only happen after having photoshop open for more than 24 hours. I've had photoshop open for twice that but a few hours ago, I started expeirencing the bug again. But I also did notice that it would be triggered if I used the command keys for activating specific tools. For me, I noticed this would be triggered if I pressed "V" for the move tool and "M" for the elliptical marquee tool. Its weird because it doesnt trigger when pressing the keys for any other tool, like the bursh or rotate tool
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No puedo creer que no haya una respuesta/solución por parte de Adobe..... Y mucho menos una disculpa claro....
Es imposible trabajar asi!!!!!!
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This issue is happening to me as well. I believe this is an issue with the newest update of Photoshop, or the past two updates. When I drag select over text in a text box the mouse drag select sticks and if I touch the edge of the canvas it scrolls and I have to go back and click again in the text box to unclick my original click. This is very odd behavior.
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I also use win 10. Over a month ago I updated my Photoshop and it started to give me this issue....especially when using the pen tool or anything that required holding down the mouse button then releasing. (I bought a new mouse thinking that would fix it and it didn't)
So I wen't back to a previous version of photoshop and that fized my issue. What brings me to the conclusion that it's not a hardware or diver issue.
So after a couple of months I figure the issue would have already been fixed so I go back and download the latest vesion of photoshop and guess what? The probelm came back.
This is so anoying havng to go back and foth through versions and waiste a ton of time. (considering we are using a paid software that should work)
And yes, I have tried all the possible sollutions to fix it and nothing works. (just gives me a headache and loss of time)
Nuff said!
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1 mes con este problema , y no se hace nada por parte de Adobe....... triste y desesperante!!
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Do you know what version of ps you are using. I want to roll back to it. I paint everyday for work and this has put a huge dent in my workflow. Thanks
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24.1.1 works fine, so I've been using that. Hope this gets fixed before I can't download this version anymore.