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For the last few days I have had this annoying issue where the left mouse button sticks on. Say if I am doing a free transform or panning around the screen (space bar + left click). I'll release the left mouse button but when I move the mouse the action keeps happening as though the left button is still pressed down. I then need to click the left mouse button again to release it. I am running the latest version of PS on Windows 10. I have checked the windows mouse settings and click lock is not enabled. I have also tried a new mouse just to make sure and the problem still remains. Could anyone shed any light? Thanks.
1 Correct answer
Hi Cory,
Solution 1 worked for me. More specifically:
- Made a backup of "Adobe Photoshop 2023 Settings" folder
- Cleared preferences on launch (on Windows so ctrl + alt + shift, yes to prompt)
- Closed Photoshop, deleted the newly created settings folder and replaced with my backup
No longer seeing the left click sticking issue, even after a couple hours of regular workload. For reference, when I updated to version 24.3 I encountered this issue in less than 10 minutes.
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Pues al igual que el compañero 3Dartal , me he tenido que pasar a la versión 24.1.1 para evitar estos errores.
Adobe , en vez de "adelante" vamos "para atras"............
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This photoshop bug is still present with 24.5!
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Pues si , lamentablemente la esperada actualización sigue teniendo este fallo.
No lo entiendo.....
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La versión 24.1.1 no dá este "maldito" error......
Tras mas de un mes con el error en la ultima actualización (24.4.1) , adobe saca hoy una nueva actualización (24.5) ...... Y EL ERROR SIGUE AHÍ...... Desesperante!!!
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Still bugged.
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Please solve this error. It makes my job very difficult, I'm tired of constantly looking for help.
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Please solve this error. It makes my job very difficult, I'm tired of constantly looking for help.
By Michał25699855laku
i also need help about
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Please solve this error. It makes my job very difficult, I'm tired of constantly looking for help.
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I also have the same problem for weeks, and it's driving me crazy. I thought it was an issue with my computer, but NO, I can see that other people are experiencing the exact same thing.
Please Adobe, consider that those of us who use this tool rely on it for work. To earn a living. To put food on the table. And this issue completely ruins the workflow because Photoshop becomes unusable.
I don't know where the problem lies, but at the very least, you should acknowledge that you're working on it to resolve it. Maybe those of us experiencing this have something in common (such as a component in our PC, like the processor, graphics card, motherboard, or whatever it may be). Perhaps if you created a form for users to input their components, there could be some pattern, I don't know.
The point is, you need to fix this because even though we faithfully pay our subscription to the tool every month, you're leaving us in an unsustainable situation.
Thank you.
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Estoy en tu misma situación , y con tu mismo Cabreo , si no más.............
Yo la solución que he adoptado es pasarme a la versión 24.1.1. y este problema desaparece.
Para mi flujo de trabajo no necesito las ultimas actualizaciones , pero es muy triste y desesperante ver como Adobe cobra estrictamente todas las mensualidades , pero no hacen nada por solucionar estos problemas que son muy desesperantes a la hora de trabajar......
Parece que están mas interesados en implementar la IA , que en usar la "I humana" en solucionar problemas.....
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I've had the exact same problem here for over two months with the latest Photoshop version 24.5.0 on all my computers. I first suspected it was my Wacom graphics tablets and reinstalled all the drivers. The problem did not go away, so I even bought a new Grip Pen for 90,- €. The problem still persists.
The complete workflow is ruined, in my photo studio the staff needs twice the time for image editing.
WHEN can we expect a fix?
All possible ideas described so far to solve the problem have not helped. We URGENTLY need a remedy!
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I've had the exact same problem here for over two months with the latest Photoshop version 24.5.0 on all my computers. I first suspected it was my Wacom graphics tablets and reinstalled all the drivers. The problem did not go away, so I even bought a new Grip Pen for 90,- €. The problem still persists.
The complete workflow is ruined, in my photo studio the staff needs twice the time for image editing.
WHEN can we expect a fix?
All possible ideas described so far to solve the problem have not helped. We URGENTLY need a remedy!
By Frank27020598sajw
i also need help about
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I just got off the phone with adobe support. After over an hour of troubleshooting, there was at least a workaround:
after disabling the GPU support (so far) the workflow worked again, slower of course, the left click lock did not appear any more for the last hour. For information: i use 3 workstations with nvidia graphics cards (RTX 3090 TI and 2 quadro cards, all with the latest drivers), all have the problem with the left click lock. i will test the workaround on the other workstations in the next few days and report back here.
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Pero yo creo que no es una solución. Para algo está la compatibilidad con la GPU, no?? , para acelerar los procesos....
Lo de Adobe ya es de "cochondeo" , primero culpan al sistema/hardware..... y ahora lo solucionan "limitando" el software/hardware!!!
Es como si mi coche falla , y el taller me dice , "pues no pases de 60 Km/h , que asi no falla".....
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I just had another phone call with a support person from Adobe.
We were doing some troubleshooting. In the process, we installed an older version of Photoshop (version 24.1.1) via Adobe Creative Cloud and the problem does not exist in this version. So there's a lot to suggest that it's not a mouse or graphics tablet driver issue, but a Photoshop issue. I was offered that the problem will be escalated and the developers will take care of it. Let's hope for the best
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Does anyone know if version 24.5 still has this error?
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YES it still exists!! Never had any thoughts that it was hardware related. It came with the update! 24.1.1 is the last known version when it didn't exist, and Adobe knows this. I swear, I think the developers do stupid $hit like this just for job security!! lol
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FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! WTF are you doing Adobe??!?!!!??? FIX THIS F&^%ING PROBLEM!!!! I constantly enlarge my images to work on them and do a ton of masking. Left Click to move image to continue the task and the damn thing sticks!!! It is making productivity a thing of the past!!! YOU CHARGE A F*&^ING RANSOM FOR THIS $HIT, SO FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@rowdyj81 have you tried any of these steps to solve this issue?
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Tried everything this topic had suggested, still getting mouse click locked. Newest PS version.
I just want to leave this screenshot for everyone to reflect for a moment:
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Este mes me ha caducado la tarjeta con la que pago a Adobe, y no han podido cargarme el pago.
"Medio dia" han tardado en bloquearme la cuenta , hasta que les he dado la tarjeta nueva....
Nosotros aguantamos que nos "den por culo continuamente" , ellos no aguantan ni un solo dia.......
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Me acaba de salir la version 2.6 para actualizar en Ccloud , saben si contiene este error?
No quiero actualizar en vano porque mis configuraciones y assets se resetean , no quiero darme cuenta de que continua el error jaja.
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Voy a probarla....... (cruzo los dedos)
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Aparentemente está solucionado.
Pero en otras versiones, el problema aparecía cuando estabas trabajabas durante un rato en la App (PS).....
Esperemos que no vuelva a salir.....